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Newcomer Negotiating and making an offer on apartment

Far fewer owners are discounting. My friends have properties for sale and they are holding off for full asking price now. Just read this article and it seems to say price reductions are far fewer as well which wasn't the case last year before the elections.

Correct. Many owners these days are holding firm. We just made an offer for one of our clients today in Ramos in a new construction in a completed tower and they are holding firm on price. And this is on a $300,000 USD+ property.
The RE estimate calculator from https://buysellba.com/step-by-step-guide-to-buy , https://lnpropiedades.lanacion.com.ar/servicios/calculadora/valuador was pretty accurate when I recently purchased. I had forgotten about the link, but looking back and comparing what I offered, the the above calculator came pretty close to the final price. Suffice to say pretty accurate in my case with a roughly 8% discount from asking.
Thank you for that link. It is interesting the differences from neighborhood to neighborhood even though some are right next to one another. Very interesting!
Yeah the seller had an overseas account so I was able to wire it there.

Some sellers also refused to say whether they had or were willing to do wire transfers, which I take it, it would be a point of negotiation if it got there. I got the sense everything's negotiable so some sellers didn't want to seem they were showing their hands too soon.
You are fortunate. I tried to pay that way when I bought my apartment but the seller demanded cash as he was buying another property here in CABA. Wiring to the seller is the easiest (and cheapest) way to do it. But many locals don't want to do that. I found that when it is a foreign owner they will allow it as it works out for them too.