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Economy New Trend: Argentinians' Savings Alternative - Gold

Savers see gold as a solid way to invest big sums of money because of its key features: stability and steady increases over the years. Plus, recently, gold hit one of its highest points in terms of historical value. So it’s a really good option.
The USA is spending more than it is taking in so the plight of the US dollar isn't looking good. I have been here a while and I've never seen any of my friends buy gold but I know there are probably some out there that might.
It seems that these types of investments have been happening for a few months now. Obviously, only those with a substantial amount of money can participate, unlike the dollar, which is accessible to everyone from a laborer to a business owner.

Argentina is not a great place to sell gold. Easy to buy it but if you have to liquidate it and sell I have friends that told me they got less than spot prices. So buyer beware depending on what your stated goal is.