You think? and why do you equate quality of life to money? I have to be honest here. Most of the rich Americans I know and I know some really rich ones, they are misserable. They are greedy self centered and frankly evil. Their children are typically a mess.I have the pleasure to say I've been to just about every one of these cities on the list and I'd gladly live in the USA vs. most of these cities any day of the week.
Plus, with the crash in real estate prices, you can buy a nice property in most desirable cities in the USA for a big discount vs. just a few years ago. These cities on this list are nice but check out the cost of living or price of real estate in a desirable area in many of these cities and it will be much more expensive than the USA.
As to produce, most major metropolitan areas in the USA have great farmer's markets where you can get organic produce that is really amazing.
USA has it's fair share of problems but I would argue with anyone that the quality of life there is very good if you have steady income coming in.
And I know poor Argentinians that are not greedy, in fact here.. not in BA.. I have yet to meet a greedy person.
Even my lawyers here are not like the creepy slimey lawyers in the US.
All this may be another story in BA but I am not in BA.