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Non-Resident foreigners buying real estate activity picking up strong in Buenos Aires right now

For the first time in many years, our firm is seeing the level of buying of real estate by non-resident foreigners pick up again. It hasn't been this busy since the mid 2000's when foreigners started entering the market and snapping up properties.

It is interesting to see properties we purchased up at pozo many years ago being purchased by new clients. Here is an example of a 1 bedroom apartment we originally purchased for our American client that was purchased at Pozo. He rented it out for many years and then flipped it for a significant profit. Our American client purchased that many years ago and now a new American client has purchased the same apartment last week.

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Wow this looks very nice! Most of the properties I am seeing online are very old and ugly and need severe renovations. Or I have found most listings on Zonaprop are of new buildings that haven't even started yet or will not be completed for many years.