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Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

Yes! This piquetero leader Eduardo Belliboni is getting very nervous. What's the matter, sir? Do you have something to hide?

When the journalist asks, "What do you live on?" he doesn't know how to respond... I think the journalist really got to him, LOL!

Yes! This piquetero leader Eduardo Belliboni is getting very nervous. What's the matter, sir? Do you have something to hide?

When the journalist asks, "What do you live on?" he doesn't know how to respond... I think the journalist really got to him, LOL!

This was hilarious. I think people are finally starting to see how much corruption there is in the fabric of society. Programs that were supposedly supposed to help the poor were going into the pockets of politicians and other people.
How are locals ok with all this grift? What do all those Massa supporters and CFK supporters say when they see all this theft? Do they care?
I don't think they are ok with it but they just feel helpless like they can't stop it. And it's part of the system. I did not vote for Milei but I am happy he is uncovering all of this corruption. I do see inflation slowing down. And it is clear to me that he does love Argentina and want to see it improve. I am willing to give him a chance. The uncovering of all this corruption is a big positive. When crooked politicians see other people going to jail it will prevent them from trying in the future.

The tough thing is the auditing of the accounts. NO ONE has wanted to do that before because most of them were in on the take. Milei's administration has seemed to tell anyone that they will be uncovered and go to jail if they try it. Many are scared now. I think it will be difficult but even my Peronista friends are happy they are stopping all this fraud and corruption.

Who can really be against them stopping this fraud besides people that are stealing.
I don't think they are ok with it but they just feel helpless like they can't stop it. And it's part of the system. I did not vote for Milei but I am happy he is uncovering all of this corruption. I do see inflation slowing down. And it is clear to me that he does love Argentina and want to see it improve. I am willing to give him a chance. The uncovering of all this corruption is a big positive. When crooked politicians see other people going to jail it will prevent them from trying in the future.

The tough thing is the auditing of the accounts. NO ONE has wanted to do that before because most of them were in on the take. Milei's administration has seemed to tell anyone that they will be uncovered and go to jail if they try it. Many are scared now. I think it will be difficult but even my Peronista friends are happy they are stopping all this fraud and corruption.

Who can really be against them stopping this fraud besides people that are stealing.
Yes I have family from Argentina and previously they just said it was impossible to stop all of this. But daily they are seeing Milei uncover and stop all this fraud. Just with some of these frauds on the people you're seeing hundreds of millions of dollars a year in fraud. Who knows how big the $ is. The key is that they are stopping them and finding out about them so it all ends. I don't think anyone is ok with getting stolen from.
A judge from the province of La Rioja requested a bribe of 8 million pesos to expedite a judicial case.

This is very very very common here. There will probably be a lot of future resignations. What Milei's team is allowing people to report this without fear that it won't be investigated. All judges should be scared right now.
Yes, corruption is rampant around the globe. In this particular case, do not forget that the previous corrupt Argentine president is now an adviser to Pedro Sanchez. Imagine that!
Yes but it finally seems like people are sick of all of this corruption. So many poor had to vote for Milei to win. We are finally in the right direction.