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Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

Not really corruption but posting here because it sounds like politicians there are rotten to the core. This guy fled for being a pedophile.

These people are sick! Just saw this news about them.

The director of ANSES has accused the previous government of allegedly misappropriating 118 million pesos. The mess from the previous administration is still coming to light.

These types of individuals disgust me, they don’t even deserve to be called human. I read that during a raid, a large amount of child pornography, abuse material, and bestiality content was found. I hope they catch him, and that he faces the full weight of the law.

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Hopefully they catch them in Spain. Pedophiles are hated the world over so hopefully they can get them caught in Spain. Sick that this is the type of people that are part of the government.
Finally, after 6 days on the run, the pedophile congressman was found in Corrientes. Maximum punishment for him...

Finally, after 6 days on the run, the pedophile congressman was found in Corrientes. Maximum punishment for him...

Does Argentina have the death penalty? If not, they should!
No, Argentina doesn't have the death penalty. It was abolished for ordinary crimes in 1984 and is banned by the Constitution. Plus, the country follows international treaties that oppose capital punishment.
"Enough with the political persecution, this is the photo they wanted." That was the first thing Congressman Germán Kiczka said after being arrested yesterday. How dare he speak up after all the charges against him, including such heinous acts? He seriously wants to mix this issue with politics when it has nothing to do with it...

The Government of Misiones will pay a $5 million reward to the neighbor who provided information about the legislator and reported him. Not only did she contribute to the case, but she also made a nice sum of money from it. 🤑

"Enough with the political persecution, this is the photo they wanted." That was the first thing Congressman Germán Kiczka said after being arrested yesterday. How dare he speak up after all the charges against him, including such heinous acts? He seriously wants to mix this issue with politics when it has nothing to do with it...

This disgusting individual is accused of possessing and distributing child exploitation material, but he acts like it's nothing. He had visitors over, and they spent the whole time laughing, enjoying mate and tortas fritas... Unbelievable!

The audits and inspections of Non-Contributory Disability Pensions continue, and between 120,000 and 160,000 of these pensions will be eliminated for not meeting the requirements. This will allow the National Government to save a significant amount of money.

Nice to see this SOB Alberto Fernandez charged with locking us all up longer than necessary during COVID.

More shady dealings by former President Alberto Fernández, he used state funds to finance two ultra-Kirchnerist bars, "Lo de Néstor" and "El Justicialista." These are politically-driven eateries that got direct or indirect transfers from the government throughout his four years in office.


Alberto’s theory, in which he claims the bruises were caused by beauty treatments, is falling apart! The esthetician stated that the treatments she gave Fabiola were not invasive and couldn’t have caused bruising.
