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Newcomer Official tourism site of the City of Buenos Aires


Hello everyone!!

Today, I found this official site for tourists in the city of buenos aires. This site has the nearest events of the city as well as a complete guide with tours, visits and experiences and also free tours.

I share this site with you because it is really useful for the newcomer because it has all the ways to go around and even guides already prepared! If you are still in doubt about coming to Buenos Aires there is a section that says "Before you arrive" that shows why you should come to Buenos Aires.

Then it also has relevant information that is very useful for newcomers:

Hello everyone!!

Today, I found this official site for tourists in the city of buenos aires. This site has the nearest events of the city as well as a complete guide with tours, visits and experiences and also free tours.

I share this site with you because it is really useful for the newcomer because it has all the ways to go around and even guides already prepared! If you are still in doubt about coming to Buenos Aires there is a section that says "Before you arrive" that shows why you should come to Buenos Aires.

Then it also has relevant information that is very useful for newcomers:

Yeah Nice web for NewComers
Hello everyone!!

Today, I found this official site for tourists in the city of buenos aires. This site has the nearest events of the city as well as a complete guide with tours, visits and experiences and also free tours.

I share this site with you because it is really useful for the newcomer because it has all the ways to go around and even guides already prepared! If you are still in doubt about coming to Buenos Aires there is a section that says "Before you arrive" that shows why you should come to Buenos Aires.

Then it also has relevant information that is very useful for newcomers:

Searching I found this official site with many places of cultural interest!

Searching I found this official site with many places of cultural interest!

There is also another theard for people who frequent Buenos Aires more frequently.

Searching I found this official site with many places of cultural interest!

There is also another theard for people who frequent Buenos Aires more frequently.

Thanks Caroline for linking the different threads! Summarizing these threads are divided as follows:

This link has general and important information for newcomers: https://www.expatsba.com/threads/official-tourism-site-of-the-city-of-buenos-aires.1886/

This link has an instagram account that travels through the most hidden places in the city of Buenos Aires. It is the first instagram account declared of cultural interest! Recommended for people who have already visited Argentina several times: https://www.expatsba.com/threads/vi...-best-site-to-tour-argentina.1870/#post-11497

This link are all the places declared of cultural interest: https://buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/cultura/cpphc/sitios/?menu_id=14928