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Economy One by one, what are the 69 regulations that the Ministry of Commerce repealed to debureaucratize the economy - Infobae


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One by one, what are the 69 regulations that the Ministry of Commerce repealed to debureaucratize the economy - Infobae



January 29, 2024

Through Resolution 51/2024, the portfolio headed by Pablo Lavigne eliminated dozens of regulations that governed internal trade. What was its purpose?

Commerce promoted the repeal of the access program for regional products in large supermarkets

The Secretary of Commerce , led by Pablo Lavigne , ordered the repeal of 69 regulations that “hindered commercial relations between citizens and promoted an interventionist role of the State.” The objective of the measure is to “reduce bureaucracy, strengthen competition and improve trade.”

Among the repealed regulations are SiFIRE, a system that established the obligation to report labels and labels of new products, and SIPRE, an information regime for prices and quantities sold of final and intermediate goods established during the administration of Alberto Fernández.

Also, it was decided to repeal complementary regulations to the Gondolas and Supply Law, already eliminated through the mega DNU signed by President Javier Milei , which established its supervision and compliance.

Information regimes of maximum prices, Careful Prices, were also eliminated, as well as the repeal of any complementary regulations of the Fair Prices program, since it had ended on December 8.

Likewise, the repeal of the access program for regional products in large-scale supermarkets was promoted, “aiming for this type of policy to be promoted by provincial governments, addressing the challenges of each regional economy, thus helping to promote the real federalism,” Commerce said in a statement.

In short, regulations linked to intervention in the information process of fees of privately managed schools and universities were eliminated, the obligation for refrigerators to report weekly their prices and quantities sold, and a regime for treating consumer over-indebtedness that “ "It violated basic aspects of the National Constitution in accordance with what is established in article 42, of users and consumers," they maintained.
“The meaning of these measures is to simplify commerce, debureaucratize State management and prevent both citizens and companies from wasting time and resources sending information that became unnecessary,” said Lavigne.

One by one, which rules were repealed​

  • Resolution No. 134 dated March 4, 1998 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INDUSTRY, COMMERCE AND MINING of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES: Information that must be provided monthly by banking, financial and any other entities that issue payment cards. credit, purchase and/or payment.
  • Resolution No. 313 dated May 12, 1998 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INDUSTRY, COMMERCE AND MINING of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES: entities that grant mortgage loans had to report quarterly the Total Financial Cost of mortgage credit operations intended for the acquisition of homes.
  • Resolution No. 387 dated June 8, 1999 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INDUSTRY, COMMERCE AND MINING of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES: provided that entities that grant collateral loans on zero kilometer automobiles report quarterly on the financial cost total and the value of the total quota of those operations.
  • Resolution No. 678 dated September 16, 1999 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INDUSTRY, COMMERCE AND MINING of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES: established that private educational establishments must report annually to the national directorate of internal trade the total value of the monthly fee they receive for the provision of the educational service for each level of education.
  • Resolution No. 54 dated April 24, 2000 of the former SECRETARIAT OF COMPETITION AND CONSUMER DEFENSE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY and its amendment: Established that providers of prepaid medicine services must periodically report the total value of the fee monthly they receive for the provision of the service.
  • Resolution No. 60 dated May 2, 2000 of the former SECRETARIAT FOR COMPETITION AND CONSUMER DEFENSE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: modified the instructions included in resolution no. 54/2000, in order to eliminate from the basic parameterization of the information required of prepaid medicine providers the item corresponding to “waiting periods.”
  • Resolution No. 19 dated April 22, 2002 of the former SECRETARIAT OF COMPETITION, DEREGULATION AND CONSUMER DEFENSE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: information that certain retail distribution establishments had to send, through the Argentine Chamber of Supermarkets .
  • Resolution No. 52 dated November 15, 2002 of the former SECRETARIAT OF COMPETITION, DEREGULATION AND CONSUMER DEFENSE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: established that suppliers of products and services that have reported their price could market them for amounts minors.
  • Resolution No. 75 dated December 20, 2002 of the former SECRETARIAT OF COMPETITION, DEREGULATION AND CONSUMER DEFENSE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: information that had to be provided quarterly to the National Directorate of Internal Trade, the insurance companies authorized by the National Insurance Superintendency to operate in the automobile industry, in relation to the monthly value of the automobile insurance premiums that they offer to the market and the insured value thereof.
  • Resolution No. 8 dated January 28, 2003 of the former SECRETARIAT OF COMPETITION, DEREGULATION AND CONSUMER DEFENSE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: annual information that private university establishments had to present, referring to the prices they receive for the service of the university service, so that users can learn about the variety of the offer and make the decision that suits their interests.
  • Resolution No. 102 dated November 27, 2003 of the former SECRETARIAT OF TECHNICAL COORDINATION of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION: information on retail prices and offer prices, which retail distribution establishments had to provide regarding a certain basket of goods.
  • Resolution No. 46 dated April 30, 2004 of the former SECRETARIAT OF TECHNICAL COORDINATION of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION: established the date until which providers of financial and/or banking services must offer consumers the possibility of choosing between different insurance companies, in the case of consumer contracts referred to in article 1 of resolution no. 9/2004.
  • Resolution No. 54 dated May 17, 2004 of the former SECRETARIAT OF TECHNICAL COORDINATION of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION: simplified the information regime for retail distribution establishments.
  • Provision No. 6 dated August 8, 2006 of the former UNDER SECRETARY OF CONSUMER DEFENSE of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PRODUCTION: created the Student Defense Program, which had the objective of providing comprehensive assistance to consumers of student tourism services and the protection of their rights as particularly vulnerable users when contracting the relevant tourist services for their end-of-year trip, as well as the dissemination of the current regulatory framework and prevention and resolution of conflicts between actors in the relevant market.
  • Resolution No. 4 dated January 19, 2012 of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCE: approved, for the purposes of registering in the National Registry of Manufacturers, Distributors and Marketers of Pulp and Paper for Journals, the requirements and mechanisms contained in the Regulations of Law No. 26,736.
  • Provision No. 10 dated April 16, 2014 of the former UNDER SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCE: Replaced annexes on models of Affidavit of Prices for Companies Producing Inputs and Final Goods and the Distributor Companies of Inputs and Final Goods, which, if they had total annual sales in the domestic market for more than $183,000,000, during the year 2013, had to report monthly the current prices of all their products.
  • Resolution No. 17 dated February 13, 2015 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCE: created an information regime called “system for monitoring the supply and availability of goods and inputs” (Simona) in the field of the undersecretariat of internal trade of the secretariat of commerce of the ministry of economy and public finances.
  • Resolution No. 369 dated September 10, 2015 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCE: created an information regime within the scope of the undersecretary of internal trade of the secretariat of commerce of the ministry of economy and finance public called “defense of good commercial practices for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.”
  • Resolution No. 386 dated September 17, 2015 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCE: created the program “access to Argentine regional products in large sales areas”, whose purpose is to promote the marketing of products Argentine regional mass consumption products, produced by small and medium-sized companies, in large stores selling mass consumption products.
  • Resolution No. 1 dated January 17, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and its amendments: a tested the model agreement to be signed with retail supermarket companies within the framework of the “prices” program care”
  • Resolution No. 86 dated March 11, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established the temporary retrocession of the sale price of gel alcohol - in all its presentations - whose marketing is authorized in the national territory, at the values in force as of February 15, 2020.
  • Provision No. 3 dated March 19, 2020 of the UNDERSECRETARY OF ACTIONS FOR THE DEFENSE OF CONSUMERS of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: created an exclusive information regime for the publication of maximum reference prices for a basic basket of consumer products discriminated for each province
  • Resolution No. 103 dated March 30, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: created an information regime with respect to all companies that are registered with the federal administration of public revenues, an autonomous entity in the scope of the Ministry of Economy, as a main or secondary activity.
  • Resolution No. 114 dated April 15, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and its amendment: established for all economic agents that made up the production, distribution and marketing chain, the temporary retrocession of the sales prices of the “contact body thermometer” and non-surgical masks, at the values in force as of March 6, 2020.
  • Resolution No. 115 dated April 16, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: clarified that the alcohol gel product includes all those products with similar characteristics for hand hygiene that contain alcohol as its most important input. The rule referred to the application of said Resolution No. 86.
  • Resolution No. 118 dated April 17, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established a list of mass consumption products that hypermarkets, supermarkets, warehouses, markets, self-services, retail minimarkets and/or Wholesale supermarkets had to market with maximum prices.
  • Resolution No. 144 dated May 28, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: limited the marketing of “N95 and/or surgical and/or TRI-CAPA type masks”, exclusively for those people human rights that prove through reliable documentation their status as a professional or health service personnel. This regulation modified Resolution No. 114.
  • Resolution No. 151 dated June 2, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: extended said Resolution No. 86 for 60 days.
  • Resolution No. 415 dated September 28, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: approved the model Agreement to be signed with the Trading Companies and Suppliers of construction materials.
  • Provision No. 14 dated October 6, 2020 of the UNDERSECRETARY OF ACTIONS FOR THE DEFENSE OF CONSUMERS of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established new maximum prices in relation to Resolution No. 100 .
  • Resolution No. 473 dated October 29, 2020 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: Extended Resolution No. 100 until January 31, 2021
  • Resolution No. 42 dated January 11, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and its amendment: Approved the model Agreement to be signed with the Wholesale Supermarket Companies within the framework of the “Careful Prices” Program ”
  • Resolution No. 190 dated February 24, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: Established that all inspectors who carry out the monitoring and control of the Gondola Law must possess the measuring instrument with certain Technical specifications
  • Resolution No. 237 dated March 15, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and its amendment: created in the orbit of the UNDER SECRETARIAT OF POLICIES FOR THE INTERNAL MARKET dependent on the SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT the “Information System for the Implementation of Economic Reactivation Policies” (SIPRE).
  • Resolution No. 283 dated March 30, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and its amendments: created the Labels and Labels Inspection System (SIFIRE) with the main objective of preventing any impact on the veracity or precision of the information contained in the labels or labels as well as transparency and fair competition between the different suppliers of goods and services in the domestic market.
  • Resolution No. 345 dated April 9, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: rectified errors in Resolution No. 283
  • Resolution No. 238 dated March 16, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: modified Article 5 of Resolution No. 237, where it said “December 2020 and January 2021” should read “ January and February 2021″.
  • Resolution No. 108 dated January 27, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: modified annexes to Resolution No. 1 dated January 17, 2020, through which the models were approved agreement to be signed with supermarket companies and companies that supply mass consumption products, within the framework of the Care Prices Program.
  • Resolution No. 43 dated January 11, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: suspended until January 31, 2021 the effects of Resolution No. 100 of March 19, 2020, which established maximum sales prices of certain consumer goods. The rule excluded only some products.
  • Resolution No. 110 dated January 27, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established that those covered by Article 3 of the Gondola Law, who had in-person sales rooms to the public with a surface of marketing equal to or greater than 800 m2, were obliged to comply with the provisions contained in said law.
  • Provision No. 4 dated March 18, 2021 of the UNDERSECRETARY OF POLICIES FOR THE INTERNAL MARKET of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: approved the procedure for the provision of the required information through the “Information System for the Implementation of Economic Reactivation Policies” (SIPRE),
  • Resolution No. 485 dated May 11, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established that for the purposes of the provisions of the gondola law, the lowest priced product would be understood to be those that, According to the unit of measurement, they have the lowest list price offered to the final consumer on a non-transitory basis. Those whose lowest list price results from temporary offers, bonuses or discounts or related to certain means of payment or memberships should not be considered.
  • Resolution No. 696 dated July 5, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established that the independent exhibition space with assorted retail products that is close to the checkout line in sales establishments In-person wholesale to the public would not be considered a gondola space or exhibition island for the purposes of the gondola law, as long as it does not exceed 6% of the total marketing surface of the sales room.
  • Resolution No. 926 dated September 8, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: provided regulations for virtual locations owned or operated directly or indirectly by those covered by the Gondolas law
  • Resolution No. 1,033 dated October 6, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and its amendment: established the Minimum Mandatory Quality Parameters for Remote Care and Communication Services, provided by service providers. goods and services.
  • Resolution No. 1,055 dated November 19, 2021 of the former SECRETARIAT OF DOMESTIC TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: For the purposes of calculating the exhibition space in gondolas for the same supplier or economic group, the spaces occupied by the grouping your products within the same category.
  • Resolution No. 50 dated February 8, 2022 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: resolved to communicate the lists of recommended prices for cuts of meat, in line with the agreements reached in the “Prices” Program Care.”
  • Resolution No. 405 dated April 26, 2022 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: ordered to communicate the new lists of recommended prices for cuts of meat, as of April 8, 2022, in the “Careful Prices” framework
  • Resolution No. 425 dated April 26, 2022 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: the rule established that in communications for alleged debts that are made by postal, telephone, electronic, fax, message text, voice message or similar, consumers should be informed in a detailed, adequate and sufficient manner everything related to the debt claimed, in addition to other specifications.
  • Resolution No. 430 dated May 2, 2022 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: ordered to communicate the lists of reference prices for retail sales, as of April 8, 2022, through local shops for certain products
  • Resolution No. 446 dated May 8, 2022 of the former SECRETARIAT OF INTERIOR TRADE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT: established the reference price lists for retail sales, through supermarket chains located in the AMBA, for products indicated
  • Resolution No. 31 dated October 11, 2022 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: replaced Article 1 of Resolution No. 283 with “create the Label and Label Inspection System (SiFIRE) with the objective to prevent any impact on the rights of consumers, derived from the coexistence in the market of products of the same type and brand but with minimal variations in their ingredients, components, additives, properties, qualities, units of measurement, net contents, types of container or packaging, ornamental elements and/or any other type or constituent element, likely to generate, due to their similarity, error or confusion in consumers by making it difficult for them to notice that it is a different product."
  • Resolution No. 67 dated February 6, 2023 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY of ECONOMY: replaced article 2 of Resolution No. 237 establishing that all companies in the “COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY SECTORS” that during the year 2019 have registered total sales in the domestic market greater than the sum established by Resolution No. 220 dated April 12, 2019 of the former SECRETARIAT OF ENTREPRENEURS AND SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTION AND LABOR and their amendments, must report monthly in the “Information System for the Implementation of Economic Reactivation Policies” (SIPRE) the current prices and quantities sold of all their final or intermediate goods, until December 31, 2023.
  • Resolution No. 466 dated April 17, 2023 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: established the terms of the price agreements within the framework of the Fair Prices Program
  • Provision No. 60 dated May 30, 2023 of the National Directorate of Consumer Defense and Consumer Arbitration of the UNDERSECRETARY OF ACTIONS FOR THE DEFENSE OF CONSUMERS of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY. Registration or re-registration of consumer associations.
  • Provision No. 11 dated July 12, 2023 of the National Directorate of Consumer Defense and Consumer Arbitration of the UNDERSECRETARY OF ACTIONS FOR THE DEFENSE OF CONSUMERS of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY. Regulations for action for the prevention and solution of consumer over-indebtedness.
  • Resolution No. 1,876 dated October 25, 2023 of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY of ECONOMY: established that companies that have subscribed to the “Fair Prices” Program could extend the validity period of the agreement
  • Provision No. 112 dated November 23, 2023 of the National Directorate of Consumer Defense and Consumer Arbitration of the UNDERSECRETARY OF ACTIONS FOR THE DEFENSE OF CONSUMERS of the SECRETARIAT OF COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY: according to the regulations, privately managed educational service providers that did not receive a state contribution for their financing, had to have a procedure to establish the fees to be received during the school year of the following year.

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