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Passport Bros posting on Tik Tok about moving to Buenos Aires, Argentina

But were there any really any "Passport Bros" in Buenos Aires? I haven't been here for long but this city doesn't strike me as the place where Passport Bros hang out. Firstly, the city isn't that cheap. I'm a bit surprised to find prices so expensive. Many places are on par with what things cost in the US. It is very safe here but the girls here don't seem like the type the Passport Bros would go for.

Girls here seem more put together. I was just in Medellin and that place is clear why single males are going there. I didn't even tell co-workers I was going to Medellin because everyone just assumes it's for sex. When I say Buenos Aires people think I'm so cultured and sophisticated. :ROFLMAO: When I told a friend I was going to Colombia they just laughed and assumed it was for the girls.
But were there any really any "Passport Bros" in Buenos Aires? I haven't been here for long but this city doesn't strike me as the place where Passport Bros hang out. Firstly, the city isn't that cheap. I'm a bit surprised to find prices so expensive. Many places are on par with what things cost in the US. It is very safe here but the girls here don't seem like the type the Passport Bros would go for.

Girls here seem more put together. I was just in Medellin and that place is clear why single males are going there. I didn't even tell co-workers I was going to Medellin because everyone just assumes it's for sex. When I say Buenos Aires people think I'm so cultured and sophisticated. :ROFLMAO: When I told a friend I was going to Colombia they just laughed and assumed it was for the girls.
BA ain't cheap!! It was last year but not anymore. Prices more than doubled and some tripled from last year. Many cheaper places to go but all in all I like it here better. Lots more to see and do.

What is your definition of Passport Bro? I'm too old to know if that means something specifically? I thought that just meant guys using their USA passport to pick up girls? Or does that mean something else?

Agree about Colombia. Most people when you say you are going to Colombia don't think you are going for the culture. They assume other things.
BA ain't cheap!! It was last year but not anymore. Prices more than doubled and some tripled from last year. Many cheaper places to go but all in all I like it here better. Lots more to see and do.

What is your definition of Passport Bro? I'm too old to know if that means something specifically? I thought that just meant guys using their USA passport to pick up girls? Or does that mean something else?

Agree about Colombia. Most people when you say you are going to Colombia don't think you are going for the culture. They assume other things.
Most of these videos have stopped. Many passport bros are broke and only go to really cheap destinations. @Spend Thrift I guess there could be different definitions but here is what what it says online.

A “Passport Bro” is a term used to describe a man, often from Western countries like the United States, who travels abroad, typically to developing countries, to find romantic relationships or spouses. This phenomenon is part of a broader movement where men seek to escape what they perceive as the challenges and complications of dating in their home countries by seeking partners in other regions where they believe traditional gender roles and expectations are more prevalent.

Key Aspects of the “Passport Bro” Phenomenon:

1. Motivation:

Escape from Dating Challenges: Many Passport Bros feel disillusioned with the dating culture in their home countries, citing issues like high expectations, feminism, and changing gender dynamics as reasons for seeking partners abroad.

Desire for Traditional Roles: They often express a preference for more traditional gender roles, believing that women in certain foreign countries are more likely to adhere to these roles.

2. Destinations:

Common Regions: Southeast Asia (e.g., Thailand, the Philippines), Eastern Europe (e.g., Ukraine, Russia), and Latin America (e.g., Colombia, Brazil) are popular destinations for Passport Bros due to perceived cultural and societal differences regarding relationships and marriage.

3. Criticism and Controversy:

Ethical Concerns: Critics argue that this behavior can be exploitative and perpetuate stereotypes, as it often involves men from wealthier nations seeking relationships in less affluent countries, potentially creating power imbalances.

Cultural Sensitivity: There is a concern that Passport Bros may not fully appreciate or respect the cultures they are engaging with, treating the experience more as a transaction rather than a mutual relationship.

4. Support and Community:

Online Communities: Many Passport Bros share their experiences and seek advice in online forums, social media groups, and YouTube channels dedicated to discussing the logistics and experiences of dating abroad.

Success Stories: Proponents highlight successful relationships and marriages that have resulted from this practice, arguing that it provides an alternative for men who are struggling to find compatible partners in their home countries.
Argentina is the last place I think a Passport Bro would want to try to find a wife.
I am not Passport Bro but I did end up marrying a Porteña! Several expats on the forum seem to be in the same category but they were probably not a Passport Bro.
I actually met my wife in the United States.

This is funny. Anyone expecting the females here to be like other poorer countries in Latin America will probably hate it as well. I always joke my wife was much wealthier than I was! You can't compare cities like Buenos Aires with cities like Medellin. Night and day. If people expect to have as easy a time dating or meeting females than places like Colombia and they will mostly think it is terrible as well.
These content creators making these probably have never visited Argentina.
I totally agree. I used to see posts like that last year and I guess the only good thing about Argentina getting more expensive is now I don't see these types of posts. Quite the opposite, I see digital nomads now complaining how expensive Buenos Aires has become. Many people it is clear that they probably have never been here. Buenos Aires was very cheap last year but I doubt it will ever be that cheap again. But anything is possible here if you want a few years. If Milei is successful, it should get more expensive here.

But were there any really any "Passport Bros" in Buenos Aires? I haven't been here for long but this city doesn't strike me as the place where Passport Bros hang out. Firstly, the city isn't that cheap. I'm a bit surprised to find prices so expensive. Many places are on par with what things cost in the US. It is very safe here but the girls here don't seem like the type the Passport Bros would go for.

Girls here seem more put together. I was just in Medellin and that place is clear why single males are going there. I didn't even tell co-workers I was going to Medellin because everyone just assumes it's for sex. When I say Buenos Aires people think I'm so cultured and sophisticated. :ROFLMAO: When I told a friend I was going to Colombia they just laughed and assumed it was for the girls.
I have joked about this topic before on this forum and also on X. I posted how many Argentine girls will laugh at any American or other passport holders who think girls will care here. Many have EU Passports and I always joke that many girls here might have a higher net worth vs. some of these digital nomads that seem to have no assets or net worth. Not to say this matters at all but much of the content online from Passport Bros seems to think that girls will get all excited over a passport and that is NOT the case in Argentina.

I traveled extensively all over South America while I was a bachelor. I NEVER liked these Passport Bro types. It was pretty pathetic to me to think that guys would use that to find girls. I traveled all over Latin America and the really great girls. What I would consider "wife material" you wouldn't want to meet in Clubs or clubs. It's going to be either a friend of friends or trying to find a genuine connection outside of a party scene.

Great and intelligent females won't care what passport you hold. If you are this type then you're looking for the wrong type of girls for a relationship. I've never had any issues dating in many countries in South America and where your passport is from should have nothing to do with it. Generally, if you're a loser and can't date in the USA or your home country, the same typically is true no matter what country you are in.
Yes I saw that post on Reddit. I saw another post from a black dude that was posting how BA was a bummer compared to Colombia. I was laughing reading that trying to picture him in Clubs there expecting to pick up girls easily. Someone joked if you go to BA and Medellin to go to BA first!

But were there any really any "Passport Bros" in Buenos Aires? I haven't been here for long but this city doesn't strike me as the place where Passport Bros hang out. Firstly, the city isn't that cheap. I'm a bit surprised to find prices so expensive. Many places are on par with what things cost in the US. It is very safe here but the girls here don't seem like the type the Passport Bros would go for.

Girls here seem more put together. I was just in Medellin and that place is clear why single males are going there. I didn't even tell co-workers I was going to Medellin because everyone just assumes it's for sex. When I say Buenos Aires people think I'm so cultured and sophisticated. :ROFLMAO: When I told a friend I was going to Colombia they just laughed and assumed it was for the girls.
Funny. I get the same reaction when I tell people I visited Medellin. They just assume it's for meeting girls. I can't say that is all untrue as I have some friends there. But I know what you mean.

I totally agree. I used to see posts like that last year and I guess the only good thing about Argentina getting more expensive is now I don't see these types of posts. Quite the opposite, I see digital nomads now complaining how expensive Buenos Aires has become. Many people it is clear that they probably have never been here. Buenos Aires was very cheap last year but I doubt it will ever be that cheap again. But anything is possible here if you want a few years. If Milei is successful, it should get more expensive here.

I have joked about this topic before on this forum and also on X. I posted how many Argentine girls will laugh at any American or other passport holders who think girls will care here. Many have EU Passports and I always joke that many girls here might have a higher net worth vs. some of these digital nomads that seem to have no assets or net worth. Not to say this matters at all but much of the content online from Passport Bros seems to think that girls will get all excited over a passport and that is NOT the case in Argentina.

I traveled extensively all over South America while I was a bachelor. I NEVER liked these Passport Bro types. It was pretty pathetic to me to think that guys would use that to find girls. I traveled all over Latin America and the really great girls. What I would consider "wife material" you wouldn't want to meet in Clubs or clubs. It's going to be either a friend of friends or trying to find a genuine connection outside of a party scene.

Great and intelligent females won't care what passport you hold. If you are this type then you're looking for the wrong type of girls for a relationship. I've never had any issues dating in many countries in South America and where your passport is from should have nothing to do with it. Generally, if you're a loser and can't date in the USA or your home country, the same typically is true no matter what country you are in.
Funny about the girls having a higher net worth than digital nomads. :ROFLMAO:
I totally agree. I used to see posts like that last year and I guess the only good thing about Argentina getting more expensive is now I don't see these types of posts. Quite the opposite, I see digital nomads now complaining how expensive Buenos Aires has become. Many people it is clear that they probably have never been here. Buenos Aires was very cheap last year but I doubt it will ever be that cheap again. But anything is possible here if you want a few years. If Milei is successful, it should get more expensive here.

I have joked about this topic before on this forum and also on X. I posted how many Argentine girls will laugh at any American or other passport holders who think girls will care here. Many have EU Passports and I always joke that many girls here might have a higher net worth vs. some of these digital nomads that seem to have no assets or net worth. Not to say this matters at all but much of the content online from Passport Bros seems to think that girls will get all excited over a passport and that is NOT the case in Argentina.

I traveled extensively all over South America while I was a bachelor. I NEVER liked these Passport Bro types. It was pretty pathetic to me to think that guys would use that to find girls. I traveled all over Latin America and the really great girls. What I would consider "wife material" you wouldn't want to meet in Clubs or clubs. It's going to be either a friend of friends or trying to find a genuine connection outside of a party scene.

Great and intelligent females won't care what passport you hold. If you are this type then you're looking for the wrong type of girls for a relationship. I've never had any issues dating in many countries in South America and where your passport is from should have nothing to do with it. Generally, if you're a loser and can't date in the USA or your home country, the same typically is true no matter what country you are in.
Most of these guys in the Passport Bros movement are losers and can't get a female in the US so going abroad. Pathetic.