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just looking at rates today, its shot up heaps since last wednesday, is now around 40% above bank rate.

At the risk of asking a stupid question is it legal to use the blue rate for credit card transactions? I ask because last week I made 2 purchases in dollars - they did tell me before the fact that the payments would be processed in pesos but they used the rate of 5.90 and my bank used the official rate of 4.52 so needless to say Im paying a heck of a lot more than the agreed price. I´ve raised it with the center where the payment was processed and theyre arguing it but I wanted to ask if there´s any legality in what they did before I set the dogs on them - and yes I was stupid to not confirm their planned exchange rate beforehand...
At the risk of asking a stupid question is it legal to use the blue rate for credit card transactions? I ask because last week I made 2 purchases in dollars - they did tell me before the fact that the payments would be processed in pesos but they used the rate of 5.90 and my bank used the official rate of 4.52 so needless to say Im paying a heck of a lot more than the agreed price. I´ve raised it with the center where the payment was processed and theyre arguing it but I wanted to ask if there´s any legality in what they did before I set the dogs on them - and yes I was stupid to not confirm their planned exchange rate beforehand...
The bank operating your credit card would be obliged to work to the official exchange rate, the vendor has misled you.
Just read this:


"However in spite of the clamp and attempts to catch every possible dollar, Argentines managed to exit 131 million dollars during the last week."

It amazes me that with all the controls they get that much out. But i would love to know if the info for withdrawals is correct as i am sure the gov/central bank wouldnt be giving out correct info, and maybe it is alot more.

The peso is at 6.48 today. Getting close to the 7 that people expected/predicted it would reach by years end.
Thanks SamBarto that´s exactly what I thought and will now communicate accordingly. I called the bank today and they can put the payments on hold until any dispute is resolved so I´m feeling a little better covered..if not less ignorant!
Just read this:


"However in spite of the clamp and attempts to catch every possible dollar, Argentines managed to exit 131 million dollars during the last week."

It amazes me that with all the controls they get that much out. But i would love to know if the info for withdrawals is correct as i am sure the gov/central bank wouldnt be giving out correct info, and maybe it is alot more.

The peso is at 6.48 today. Getting close to the 7 that people expected/predicted it would reach by years end.
I saw the blue rate hit 6.70 today. Wow....this thing is going down faster than I ever thought.....

Anyway change any money today at that rate? I'm curious how far it will fall by the end of the year.