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Poverty has no limit in Argentina


Well-known member
Of course there was always a poverty problem in Argentina but Milei has made it much worse and it continues to get worse under his policies. He has no empathy with the poor.

“The time will come when people will be dying of hunger and they will have to decide what to do in order somehow not to die". - Javier Milei

The time has come already Mr. President. People are dying of hunger!
“The time will come when people will be dying of hunger and they will have to decide what to do in order somehow not to die". - Javier Milei

The time has come already Mr. President. People are dying of hunger!
Actually according to the latest statistics, the poverty rate is falling.

Actually according to the latest statistics, the poverty rate is falling.

Inflation is down. Yes, I will give him that and it is a positive. But I don't buy any surveys that show poverty levels are falling. Everyone is much poorer and there are not really any sign of recovery. Milei has increased taxes and had to threaten service providers to hold prices because they were exploding. People are using their life savings just to pay rent and put food on the table.
Actually according to the latest statistics, the poverty rate is falling.

That is fake news. I think everyone would agree including most Milei supporters that poverty is increasing NOT decreasing.

No doubt it is tough to see so many people below the poverty line. I read a shocking statistic today that said that 76.74% of kids under 17 years old were below the poverty line in the first quarter of 2024. Forget what political party is to blame. That is a very shocking statistic.

Off-topic, not related with 'ExPat life'. Is someone moderating this forum?
The forum is moderated but there is leeway for people to give their opinion's on both sides of the spectrum. @enbits this forum was started because the old forum was heavily overly moderated to only give one side so it was posted that unless something is totally disrupting the forum it will be allowed. You can use the mute button to ignore posters. There are only 2 or 3 posters that seem to have different political views. I don't let their posts bother me.
Off-topic, not related with 'ExPat life'. Is someone moderating this forum?
@enbits Betsy is right. You can read some threads to find out why this forum was started. The owner is not a big fan of over moderating and letting people post their opinions.

@enbits Betsy is right. You can read some threads to find out why this forum was started. The owner is not a big fan of over moderating and letting people post their opinions.

I like it better this way so you can be assured that even if there are posts that people disagree with at least you can read the unfiltered posts. I agree with most posts but there are a few posters that seem like Peronists. I had posts deleted on the other forum for no reason other than the moderator didn't agree with them. That is NOT the way to run a forum.
Argentina's poverty rates hit 54.9%. And destitution rate is 20.3% so that means 1 out of every 5 people are living in severe poverty.

Very sad news. I keep reading about all the people going to bed hungry at night.

But realistically is this going to get better any time soon? My friends living there voted for Milei but they are saying things are very bad with the economy. Some of their friends are starting to lose their jobs and can't find new ones. I saw a post yesterday where an old lady was taking the bus every day to La Plata back and forth as she couldn't find a job in CABA.

Inflation seems like it's slowing down but it's still going up and at this rate inflation is still 65% a year which is nuts. I know Milei said things will get worse but what is the breaking point? I see posts about transportation costs going up, healthcare, condo expenses, utility bills. How is this situation with the hungry and poor going to get better any time soon??
But realistically is this going to get better any time soon? My friends living there voted for Milei but they are saying things are very bad with the economy. Some of their friends are starting to lose their jobs and can't find new ones. I saw a post yesterday where an old lady was taking the bus every day to La Plata back and forth as she couldn't find a job in CABA.

Inflation seems like it's slowing down but it's still going up and at this rate inflation is still 65% a year which is nuts. I know Milei said things will get worse but what is the breaking point? I see posts about transportation costs going up, healthcare, condo expenses, utility bills. How is this situation with the hungry and poor going to get better any time soon??
This big problem @Uncle Wong. This is why so many people disagree with Milei plan for increasing all the things so suddenly. They have to control and limit increases more. The people can't pay for all these things. So many poor and poverty rate is majority of people in Argentina now. This will not end well. I fear same thing as always. This not about who to blame. This about people starving and hungry and how we fix this?
But realistically is this going to get better any time soon? My friends living there voted for Milei but they are saying things are very bad with the economy. Some of their friends are starting to lose their jobs and can't find new ones. I saw a post yesterday where an old lady was taking the bus every day to La Plata back and forth as she couldn't find a job in CABA.

Inflation seems like it's slowing down but it's still going up and at this rate inflation is still 65% a year which is nuts. I know Milei said things will get worse but what is the breaking point? I see posts about transportation costs going up, healthcare, condo expenses, utility bills. How is this situation with the hungry and poor going to get better any time soon??
This is what I don't understand. All of these things going up so much and that seems impossible. Sounds like salaries are going up some but not that much. A friend there said their monthly expenses have jumped up almost 300% year over year. Ouch.