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President Javier Milei of Argentina lives in a 4 Star Hotel wasting the taxpayers money


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Oh, isn't it just the pinnacle of sophistication when the President of a country opts for a cozy 4-star hotel? It's like we're living in a real-life fairy tale, or maybe a Third World-themed sitcom.

I've got this hunch that he's using the hotel stay as a strategic move, you know, waiting for the maintenance squad to do a thorough sweep and clear out all the lingering bugs from the previous administration. Can't have any unwanted creepy-crawlies ruining his stay, right? And let's not forget, he's probably dodging those awkward elevator encounters with all the soon-to-be-unemployed ñoquis. I mean, who wants to share a lift with the laid-off brigade?

Now, if our penny-pinching president really wants to slash expenses, how about a change of address to the Pink Palace? The Hotel Libertador, a mere U$D 100 per night (and he's been there for four months already, but who's counting?). Oh, and don't even get me started on the secret service police playing the world's fanciest chauffeurs, shuttling him back and forth. It's like a luxury vacation that never ends!

Oh, isn't it just the pinnacle of sophistication when the President of a country opts for a cozy 4-star hotel? It's like we're living in a real-life fairy tale, or maybe a Third World-themed sitcom.

I've got this hunch that he's using the hotel stay as a strategic move, you know, waiting for the maintenance squad to do a thorough sweep and clear out all the lingering bugs from the previous administration. Can't have any unwanted creepy-crawlies ruining his stay, right? And let's not forget, he's probably dodging those awkward elevator encounters with all the soon-to-be-unemployed ñoquis. I mean, who wants to share a lift with the laid-off brigade?

Now, if our penny-pinching president really wants to slash expenses, how about a change of address to the Pink Palace? The Hotel Libertador, a mere U$D 100 per night (and he's been there for four months already, but who's counting?). Oh, and don't even get me started on the secret service police playing the world's fanciest chauffeurs, shuttling him back and forth. It's like a luxury vacation that never ends!

It appears the President has been personally financing his stay at the hotel, a commitment that extends back to the campaign period. His residence choice does project an unconventional predilection.

One might speculate that the former Sheraton, now rather antiquated, is likely extending exceptionally favorable rates, capitalizing on the heightened exposure and perceived "prestige" derived from its association with the President. Such an arrangement affords the establishment a level of publicity and distinction that would have been otherwise improbable.
Oh, Milei, he's the epitome of your everyday Argentine strolling down the street. I mean, he's practically a walking obliviousness seminar. It's like he's got a personal bubble so thick, not even a herd of llamas could penetrate it. And don't get me started on his radar for everything and everyone around him – it's basically on vacation, sipping a cocktail somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. Milei, the man with a PhD in not-giving-a-hoot!
Contrary to conventional expectation, the President has opted to establish his residence not in the iconic Pink Palace but in the esteemed Quinta de Olivos. As per credible reports, this transition is anticipated to culminate within the upcoming week, marking a departure from the initial choice of official residence.
So the story is that Alberto Fernández thought he was going to win and his wife already started moving stuff in. Not sure if it's true or not.

Funny! Is that true? That would be hilarious if true.

Actually this hotel is kind of slumming it for Milei. I stayed there before and it's not that nice. 4 stars is being generous and the funny thing is they don't allow pets so must be making an exception for Milei with his 5 dogs.
If the definition of "noquis" is someone getting paid but doing the Houdini at work, why bother looking for them at Casa Rosada or Quinta Olivos? They've all pulled a disappearing act and set up shop in Mar del Plata already!
If the definition of "noquis" is someone getting paid but doing the Houdini at work, why bother looking for them at Casa Rosada or Quinta Olivos? They've all pulled a disappearing act and set up shop in Mar del Plata already!
So, check this out – all the online studies are playing a guessing game, and they think the actual number of legit "noquis" is pretty tiny. We're talking anywhere from 200,000 to a million, and most of these stealthy folks are snagging government gigs that maybe pay them a whopping $500 USD a month. Now, brace yourself for Milei's claim – he's on a firing spree and wants to boot 30,000 of them in the next few months.

In terms of cold, hard cash, it's not breaking the bank for the government, but it's just one of those things that really grinds the gears of conservatives. And let's be real, very, very few of these vanishing acts are pulling in enough dough to hit up MDQ, let alone Miami. It's more like pocket change than private jet money.
So, check this out – all the online studies are playing a guessing game, and they think the actual number of legit "noquis" is pretty tiny. We're talking anywhere from 200,000 to a million, and most of these stealthy folks are snagging government gigs that maybe pay them a whopping $500 USD a month. Now, brace yourself for Milei's claim – he's on a firing spree and wants to boot 30,000 of them in the next few months.

In terms of cold, hard cash, it's not breaking the bank for the government, but it's just one of those things that really grinds the gears of conservatives. And let's be real, very, very few of these vanishing acts are pulling in enough dough to hit up MDQ, let alone Miami. It's more like pocket change than private jet money.
Four hundred to five hundred million dollars down the drain sounds downright infuriating when you consider the context of Argentina's budget. It's like watching money go up in flames, and it's definitely not a pretty sight.

So, here's the scoop – I haven't met a soul, be it an Argentine or an expat, who's not up for booting the "noquis." Now, firing the actual folks who clock in and do the job, well, that's a whole different circus. Take the Museo del Hombre, for instance – 90% of the staff got the boot, and there are literally thousands more waiting in line.

It's a bit like those U.S. Republicans slyly keeping the IRS understaffed so they won't bother auditing the rich. Tossing out all government employees might be a libertarian's wildest dream, but let's get real – it's never played out too well in the actual, non-dreamy world.
Four hundred to five hundred million dollars down the drain sounds downright infuriating when you consider the context of Argentina's budget. It's like watching money go up in flames, and it's definitely not a pretty sight.

So, here's the scoop – I haven't met a soul, be it an Argentine or an expat, who's not up for booting the "noquis." Now, firing the actual folks who clock in and do the job, well, that's a whole different circus. Take the Museo del Hombre, for instance – 90% of the staff got the boot, and there are literally thousands more waiting in line.

It's a bit like those U.S. Republicans slyly keeping the IRS understaffed so they won't bother auditing the rich. Tossing out all government employees might be a libertarian's wildest dream, but let's get real – it's never played out too well in the actual, non-dreamy world.
Oh, and get this: a bunch of these folks were the new recruits the government snuck in, all while pretending there was some hiring freeze going on. It's like trying to hide chocolate from a kid and then pretending you don't know why they're grinning ear to ear! Classic government moves.
So, check this out – all the online studies are playing a guessing game, and they think the actual number of legit "noquis" is pretty tiny. We're talking anywhere from 200,000 to a million, and most of these stealthy folks are snagging government gigs that maybe pay them a whopping $500 USD a month. Now, brace yourself for Milei's claim – he's on a firing spree and wants to boot 30,000 of them in the next few months.

In terms of cold, hard cash, it's not breaking the bank for the government, but it's just one of those things that really grinds the gears of conservatives. And let's be real, very, very few of these vanishing acts are pulling in enough dough to hit up MDQ, let alone Miami. It's more like pocket change than private jet money.
Hold onto your hat because here's the kicker – some of these government employees, you know, the ones doing the ol' "government jobs" dance, are raking in way more than $500 a month. It's like they stumbled upon a hidden treasure chest while the rest of us are still figuring out how to open the darn thing! Talk about a jackpot for some lucky bureaucrats.

I met a government worker that wasn't really doing anything and he was making $1,400 US per month. He is angry because he told me Milei is trying to reduce his salary with pending legislation. I asked him how he got the job and he said his cousin worked for the government and got him the job. I asked him what he did and it didn't sound like he knew!
Milei has not incurred any expenses for his accommodation at the hotel. The owner, Mr. Elztain, a notably affluent individual, has generously allowed him to stay there without charge. The arrangement includes not only individual rooms but also access to conference facilities. However, the opposition contends that such a gesture may constitute a gift with potential obligations attached. The question arises whether this may be subject to legal penalties.

Yip , he was paying his own bill in the Libertador, so @Avocado you can sleep in peace tonight..

The reason was The Olivos residence was not ready due to some problems with the previous tenants and a couple of Okupas wHo thought they might be getting the keys.
@Avocado wrong as usual. He is almost heading to his new "home".

Clearly, President Milei can afford it on his own, and he's just waiting for some renovations to be done before he moves over to the Olivos Residence. He even mentioned covering the expenses for that too. Looks like someone is complaining because someone posted a story about Massa spending NYE in expensive hotel. Ha. I'm not sure why everything has to be about Massa or Milei. I thought when the election ended I wouldn't have to hear about this anymore.

Then again I thought I'd never have to hear about Trump vs. Biden but here we are again.....
@Avocado wrong as usual
yeah i'm not a big fan of moderation, but if there was one person to get a tag or label by their username for "FAKE NEWS" and horribly wrong on all their posts (again, why does Avocado post constantly on an Expat forum if they are a local Peronist?? it's fucking weird), it would be the dumb-dumb Avocado. the first victim of Milei Derangement Syndrome/MDS in 2024.
everything has to be about Massa or Milei
the boring part of Buenos Aires lefties like Avocado, CheVos, and a couple other dummies is that we've already seen this happen; Trump won 4 years and the Left spent every waking hour talking about him...which is why he got elected in the first place! then when Biden won, Lefties still spend all their time talking about Trump. now that Trump (and Biden?) are running again in the USA, it's on repeat mode. we are going to watch this exact thing happen in CABA, where the city-slickers obsessed with their fascist tribal leader have zero identity other than "other guy evil" - just look at the content of Avocado's posts. Milei is evil, everything is Milei's fault, Milei Milei Milei. it's like i went back to 2020 and i'm living it all over again, but with empanadas in my belly

Argentina could propser for 4 years, and these few crybaby Lefties will still complain and be negative; they actually WANT the country to fail, so that they were 'right. 'the great Sowell opined on this when he spoke of the Vision of the Anointed:

the boring part of Buenos Aires lefties like Avocado, CheVos, and a couple other dummies is that we've already seen this happen; Trump won 4 years and the Left spent every waking hour talking about him...which is why he got elected in the first place! then when Biden won, Lefties still spend all their time talking about Trump. now that Trump (and Biden?) are running again in the USA, it's on repeat mode. we are going to watch this exact thing happen in CABA, where the city-slickers obsessed with their fascist tribal leader have zero identity other than "other guy evil" - just look at the content of Avocado's posts. Milei is evil, everything is Milei's fault, Milei Milei Milei. it's like i went back to 2020 and i'm living it all over again, but with empanadas in my belly

Argentina could propser for 4 years, and these few crybaby Lefties will still complain and be negative; they actually WANT the country to fail, so that they were 'right. 'the great Sowell opined on this when he spoke of the Vision of the Anointed:

I go to Spain for holiday these week and I come back and see you still talk very bad. I don't understand why you so rude always all the times. I don't do anything to you and you always talk bad and very negative person. I purposely don't talk about Milei for long time to give chance and you always talk very rude. I wish you get kicked off this forum.