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Rapid collapse of birth rates in Argentina and South America

Digital Nomad

Well-known member
I've been seeing some statistics and they kind of match what I'm seeing with locals that I know. It seems like not many people want or have young kids here. All my girlfriend's friends don't have kids. Most don't want any. This seems to be the trend in many countries of South America. I guess it's a good thing so many Russians with young kids are moving here and will become Argentines.

What gives? Is this generation just selfish or people can't afford kids?


I have noticed this trend in Argentina for a while. But it's not just Argentina. I don't have official statistics for the USA but many of my friend's children aren't having kids either. At least in the States, I think people want to enjoy life more before they have kids.

Here in Argentina I believe it is some of that but also economically related. Argentina seems to have lower marriage rates than many other countries. Many pregnancies are also out of wedlock in South America and kids were unintended. Over the past several years people seem to be better about avoiding unintentional pregnancies.

I worry about this trend not only in Argentina but other places as well.
I think at least in Argentina lower birth rates are financially related. Many people can't take care of themselves let alone bring kids into this world. I have many male friends here in Argentina and they have never been married and have no desire to get married or have kids. Same with wife's friends.
Same thing going on here in the States. No one I know wants kids anymore. Most of my friends are traveling around and enjoying their youth. Many females have this totally unrealistic expectation of what kind of guy they can get and holding out for some perfect guy that doesn't really exist.
Lately, Argentina's birth rate has been dropping. That means we're gonna have a good spell for the economy soon. More folks will be of working age and fewer will depend on others, like kids and retirees. It could boost the economy without much effort for a while. But it won't last forever. In a few years, those few kids will grow up, and there'll be fewer people working to support retirees and those not working yet. Unless today's workers get way more productive, we could hit a rough patch down the road.

I think there are many women who want to have children but can't because "the price to pay" is too high, often meaning they have to give up their career. I can affirm this because I have a 35-year-old Argentine friend who got married four years ago and still has no intention of becoming a mother due to what that would imply in her life. Many aspects of society are changing, and obviously, the economic factor also plays a role.
This very sad trend in Argentina. It not always like this. But sadly today more common. Also for economy problem people can't support kids. Or people that have the money or wealthy still don't want kids. We have many friend with children and no one wants kids today.
Yes, it's true! Birth rates are decreasing as many women are consciously choosing not to have children for personal and socioeconomic reasons. Society is starting to accept these decisions more, although this trend, which is spreading throughout the Western world, still faces prejudices from those who believe that being a "good woman" means being a mother. So, there are still challenges and biases to overcome.

No shame here Most of my friends don't want kids. On the flip side, I think many females (myself included) are too picky. We expect the entire package of looks, brains, sense of humor, wealthy and most of my friends hold out too long and then just get old and too set in our ways. I see that with my older sister. Who can afford kids these days? Most of my friends are living for today and enjoying life.
No shame here Most of my friends don't want kids. On the flip side, I think many females (myself included) are too picky. We expect the entire package of looks, brains, sense of humor, wealthy and most of my friends hold out too long and then just get old and too set in our ways. I see that with my older sister. Who can afford kids these days? Most of my friends are living for today and enjoying life.
Lol. Self-admitted future cat lady :)

There's an inverse correlation of higher income vs number of children for some time now in many countries. Up to a certain point at least.
No shame here Most of my friends don't want kids. On the flip side, I think many females (myself included) are too picky. We expect the entire package of looks, brains, sense of humor, wealthy and most of my friends hold out too long and then just get old and too set in our ways. I see that with my older sister. Who can afford kids these days? Most of my friends are living for today and enjoying life.
This sounds like all of my nephews and nieces. They are busy traveling around the world. They don't seem to care about saving money or retiring. They seem to be living their best life now.
i can speak on the child-free lifestyle a little. in a time where WW3 and US CivilWar2 are common conversation topics, and government schools/agencies have the ability to force-vaccinate kids, or hide from parents their kid is texting a teacher about being a transsexual, what exactly is the appeal of creating children in the USA/EU when i have no idea where i'll be in 10 years, nor how things will develop with Israel and Iran bombing each other?

should people really be intentionally creating children if they don't have $500 USD in a savings account? seems like a horrible idea; if you want kids, hustle and make money, save some in diversified ways, and when you can answer basic questions about life (this doesn't include having 'faith' about an afterlife), perhaps consider having a kid or 2. but i can always have kids as a male, and i can always adopt (which i find more interesting). i find it sort of narcissistic to want to have a "blood" heir that will continue your name. what if i just accept that my name will die just like me, and that's okay as long as i improve the world a little bit while i was here?

Jordan Peterson and the christian nationalists are obsessed with having kids, Elon Musk included. i find it very strange when so much is unknown and in turmoil - let people decide if they are ready to procreate or not ;)

what's interesting is that Musk is so obsessed with declining birth rates (a non-problem that humans will solve), yet he is even a victim of having kids when he wasn'yt prepared to protect them. his son is Trans and has no relationship with him/her. maybe he should have waited until he was ready with his time and money and geographical location to have kids, eh?

Agree with you @StatusNomadicus. It used to be that people would have kids no matter what. Even if they didn't have stable incomes. But now more people are seeing how expensive life is and they can barely take care of themselves let alone children. Also, you are correct it is a factor of all the problems in the world. These are all points that family members make to me.
As a gay old male I won't have kids. Unlike almost all of my friends. Even many of my gay friends in the US have adopted kids. That wasn't for me but once you get old, life can be lonely with no kids or grandkids. My parents already died so it's just me and a few siblings. It can be a lonely life.

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