Rental value in the interior of Argentina - Reporte Inmobiliario
Valor alquileres en el interior de Argentina, noticias sobre ALQUILER Y RENTA en Reporte Inmobiliario
En el interior del país los alquileres de departamentos aumentan por debajo de CABA y el GBA, pero los 3 ambientes se dispararon 182% interanual en promedio. Datos para 11 localidades con nuevo panel estadístico.
In the interior of the country, apartment rents increase below CABA and the GBA, but the 3 environments shot up 182% year-on-year on average. Data for 11 locations with new statistical panel.
Two-room units increased by 169.8% year-on-year, while three-room units increased by 181.8% year-on-year on average for the main squares in the interior of the country. Quarterly increases once again exceed 30% for the second consecutive quarter.