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Does anyone know how to contact the appropriate Argentine authorities that they may have had contact with or might know the whereabouts of an indicted international fugitive in Buenos Aires?
First , check YOURSELF with Interpol at their website.

Second. Check all online newspapers for references to past crimes. Third , search for his victims. Contact THEM. They will tell you about the existance or lack thereof ofa juicio penal.

Fiscalias ad police departments will pay no mind to you.
PM me for more details
If you happen to know of someone HERE that is being sought in another country , then email THAT police department or contact the embassy.
If you happen to know of someone HERE that is being sought in another country , then email THAT police department or contact the embassy.
Thanks, Maria. I did this several hours ago (to the CO attorney General).

Hopefully, they will soon contact the appropriate authorities in Argentina in case the individual they are seeking is (still) in Argentina (if he ever was).
I am monitoring this thread...while it is still up. Posts about this individual get yanked off this board frequently. He appears to be the same person who didn't pay his employees at the Call-South telemarketing firm. I have personal experience and knowledge because I worked at the firm when it first started. My husband and I both did. We questioned Bills ethics and quit. We worked for a month before quitting but never received a dime in pay. He bragged to his employees that he had a car dealership in the states and wealthy parents..."you will be paid"....
I think some of the employees got paid after we left. Don't know if they were all paid or paid everything they were due since we quit. Also be advised my husband and I are both experienced business professionals and internationally certified fraud examiners.
The extradition in Argentina apparently exists, however it seems to be quite lax and/or not easy to enforce, or maybe they just don´t care. One of Spain´s most wanted fugitives is living the life of riley right now in Puerto Madero and has been doing so for a few years and both Spain and Argentina know this. It was a huge controversy back home, he even went on a Spanish talk show (taped here obviously) and boasted about it, and people were astounded.
Basically it could be a big free for all for criminals so it doesn´t surprise me that these crooks are partying around BA.
First off, I'M NOT SURPRISED BY THIS POST!! Not in the least bit. And i'm no longer in Argentina, but was blessed with the company of Mr. Bill on more than one occasion while i was there.

My girlfriend and I met Bill at an Expat event a couple months ago and RIGHT off the bat, he exuded shadyness. And he was actually quite honest, he told us he had taken off from his home, left his newly bought cars with his parents (car notes included), left his mortgage, didn't tell his girlfriend he was leaving, just picked up and left everything on a dime. UMMM....RED FLAGGGGG, NEON LIGHTS, JUMPING UP AND DOWN WAVING MY ARMS.....the kid is running away from something.

He mentioned the call centers, offered me and everyone else a job who wanted one, but it was just so damn shady (and I don't need a job). Everything about the kid my girlfriend and I picked up right off the bat. We even went so far as to wonder what exactly it was he might be running away from, which brings me to another point. How do we know he didn't kill someone? I bet there are more than a handful of people here in BA whom are running away from something in their native lands. JUST be careful whom you decide to befriend.
I'm really happy my bullshit detector was spot on when I saw a couple of his hilarious BAFinance venture posts and then connected the name to his face at an expat dinner sometime in between July-August.
The Bill Buckley living in buenos aires and the William Paul Buckley of current lore are the same person...there is no doubt...any jury would think so as well
Where is Bill now? He has some new friends that seem to be looking for him...I heard he just fucked over the wrong guy...now everyone find information about his partner Dan Jacobs...danjacobsb@gmail.com
This doesn't look good for this guy that was conning all of these people. I'm not sure if it's the same guy or not.

I'm curious at all the people that got conned. I assume you all were working illegally as well and not legally able to work inside Argentina as you were on tourist visas? Is that the case? Is that why you couldn't report the crime?

The best place to go rather than the police is to report these characters and their company to AFIP. I'm sure they would take a keen interest in their business dealings.

AFIP has more power when dealing with thugs than the police in Argentina. If they are hiring illegal workers, then odds are they weren't declaring this income derived either.

I read the original posts and Steveinbsas was right on target with his warnings about working for an illegal company. Also, is this company still around? It sounds like it is. I looked on LinkedIn and it looks like one of the guys mentioned (M.Z) on that Craigslist warning is still listing he works at one of those companies so it sounds like it is still around. Why not file a claim against that company if you worked for it? There are MANY lawyers in Buenos Aires that will work on contingency basis and work to get you money. Lord knows I've paid out tens of thousands of dollars in fake employee claims so real ones should probably get something!

Or at the very least, call AFIP and report this company if you were honestly wronged by them.
Working in negro is a fact of life here. The legal power lies in the hands of the worker. I think suing Milosh Zorica is probably the best option for anyone who has been scammed by CallSouth as he is an Argentine Citizen.
I am making a leap but guessing most foreigners working at a call center in negro are probably of the transient variety and just "passing through". So a lawsuit is probably not a viable option since I would betfew will still be in Arg by the time it goes to trial.

It also sounds like Bill Buckley has no actual assets here (or anywhere) so not really an option to sue anyway. The partner may but again, you would have to wait for trial, then get judgment (which can take a few years) and then wait to collect which can take.. oh forever:rolleyes:

I'd say AFIP would certainly be a good place to start and get the business(es) shut down. Filing police reports against the individual business owners would also be an option. People probably won't see their money but they certainly could make it difficult for the scum bag owners to stay in Argentina.
I think it is a little unfair to infer that businesses that are in negro are by default somehow shady.

I've heard reports that up to 60% of the economy in Argentina is in negro. I've also heard that even AFIP pays its employees under the table.

Personally, I know many businesses here that pay people in negro. As a matter of fact, with the exception of large companies, every small business I know is either in black or 'in grey'. Most of the people running 'unregistered' businesses are doing so because it is the only way to really survive when you are small.

Now, in this situation obviously the dude here is shady. I just don't think every business 'en negro' is shady.
I think it is a little unfair to infer that businesses that are in negro are by default somehow shady.

I've heard reports that up to 60% of the economy in Argentina is in negro. I've also heard that even AFIP pays its employees under the table.

Personally, I know many businesses here that pay people in negro. As a matter of fact, with the exception of large companies, every small business I know is either in black or 'in grey'. Most of the people running 'unregistered' businesses are doing so because it is the only way to really survive when you are small.

Now, in this situation obviously the dude here is shady. I just don't think every business 'en negro' is shady.
Thats true; I know a public hospital doctor who is paid in negro.
I received a tip in a PM that wpbbaires has a profile on this website:


I used the free search on the home page by clicking on woman looking for a man age 27-28 in Distrito Federal.

Not only is he a member (standard which means he hasn't paid to join) he is on line right now!

The header reads "I'm from the US and living in BA"

It came as no surprise that his income was neither stated or verified. :cool:

PS: I avoided using the F-bomb, but there was never a better time or place to use it than right here...right now.