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Economy Simple Fee will allow you to buy Starlink, Elon Musk's satellite internet kits - Infobae

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Simple Fee will allow you to buy Starlink, Elon Musk's satellite internet kits - Infobae​



May 17, 2024

The Government ordered the extension of the program until December 31, with the possibility of financing it in 9 and 12 fixed installments

Simple Quota included the possibility of contracting satellite internet service in installments, such as Elon Musk's Starlink.

The new stage of Simple Quota that began this Friday and will last until December 31 included as a new item the kits for the installation of satellite internet , as is the case of the Starlink service, from the Space X company of magnate Elon Musk , which began to be sold in the country last March. The program offers the possibility of paying in 3, 6, 9 and 12 fixed installments .

According to the official Starlink website, the satellite internet equipment installation kit costs 399,999 and is available throughout Argentina. High-speed internet service costs $62,500 per month for the residential plan, although other plans are available.

The Government finally renewed the Simple Fee consumer financing program until December 31 with 35 items – 29 that already existed and another 6 new –, a nominal annual rate of 50% and the possibility that different businesses can offer 3, 6, 9 and 12 fixed installments.

The rectangular satellite dish, nicknamed “Dishy McFlatface” (Photos: Franco Fafasuli)

The resolution was published this Friday in the Official Gazette, so it is already valid. This will translate, as the Ministry of Commerce believes and the business owners themselves anticipate , in an expansion of the supply of financing for longer terms and, in many cases, businesses will make the effort to absorb the cost to offer the consumer the payments. “without interest” (same cash price as financed).

It also includes, among others, the items Construction Materials and Tools, Satellite Internet Connection Kits, Electronic Security (closed circuit TV and cameras) and Alarm Installation Services , so there are now 35 items available.

At the same time, to facilitate purchases with high amounts, the updating of the financing limits of the following items was established: Motorcycles, Glasses and contact lenses, Shows and cultural events, and Medical equipment .

At this stage, the Simple Fee rate is calculated from the monetary policy rate set by the Central Bank (which is currently 40%) by a coefficient of 1.25, which gives a current rate of 50% for the program.

In March of this year, Cuota Simple registered more than 4.6 million operations with a volume of approximately 459 billion pesos, which represents 10.3% more than what was operated in February of this year. The items with the highest monthly sales were Clothing, Small Appliances and Appliances .

The wi-fi router that is included in the Starlink kit. (Franco Fafasuli)

Simple Fee includes the following items: Tourism, Notebooks and Tablets, Appliances, Lighting devices, Glasses and contact lenses, Bookstore items, Bookstore items, Bicycles, Footwear and leather goods, Mattresses, Computers, Durable kitchen items, Equipment medical, Cultural Shows and Events, Clothing and Musical Instruments.

Also includes Toys, Books, Machinery and Tools, Motorcycles, Furniture, Tires, accessories and spare parts, Small Appliances, Perfumery, Educational services, Kit for home connection to water and sewage services, Sports preparation services, Training services repairs, Motor vehicle and motorcycle repair shops, Cell phones with 4G and 5G technology, Televisions and monitors, Construction materials and tools, Personal Care Services, Alarm installation services, Event and trade exhibition organization services, Kits for connection to satellite internet services and electronic security.

From the different industrial and commercial sectors, the Government has been insistently complained about the extension of the program and the expansion of the quotas. In the case of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC) , in a letter sent to the Secretary of Commerce, Pablo Lavigne , at the end of April, they stated that the extension of the plan “is relevant for the promotion of consumption and, through , national production and employment" and asked for more time for special dates, in order to "offer greater financing to consumers in a year where commerce faces a substantial drop in sales." “We consider that the notable slowdown in the national economy, thanks to the welcome fiscal and monetary order implemented by the National Government, makes this possibility viable,” the letter says.