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Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is anyone here that has studied or is currently studying at the UBA (not including study abroad programs). I graduated from UNC in united states with a degree in spanish and while im here in BsAs i wanted to study in la maestria de literatura española y latinoamerica at the UBA but im not sure how difficult it will be to get accepted into the program. I am also curious to how difficult the classes might be for someone like me who has no problem reading or understanding spanish but i am not perfect in speaking (although i speak at a truely advanced level but of course not native) because im sure in a masters program there wont be many non-native speakers and therefore i would be studying alongside natives and will find myself to a disadvantage. Although this does not discourage me, I want to make sure that what I am planning on studying would be possible for me or if I am getting myself into something extremely difficult. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.

I don't think you would have much trouble getting into UBA. You probably wouldn't have too much difficulty understanding or conversing in MA level classes. The amount of reading required can sometimes be a lot (even for native speakers) and you would need to have a pretty advanced level of written Spanish, but if you work hard it should be possible.

Keep in mind that most MA programs in UBA (at least in the Facultad de Filosofia y Letras) admit new students every 2 years. Literature *may* be different. I'll check when I get back home.

Not sure whether you are here currently or not. You'll need to arrange a student visa if you aren't a resident. You'll also need to provide apostillized copies of your university degree, transcripts, and high school diploma. This is true for all MA programs in UBA. There may be other requirements for Literature.

Here is a link:

Thanks leslie for your reply. Yes i am currently here and i have all my documents that i need apostillized (i did that before i left the US). I wasnt aware that the inscriptions were every two years. I hope for the literature this is not the case. Do you know anyone that has studied in this particular program? Also, i must first be admitted into the program before i can solicit that student visa correct? Thank you for your help
Actually, I'm not sure but I think you may need to be accepted first, then apply for the visa.

I have a piece of paper at home that lists when each program begins. I tried to find it online, but couldn't. I'll tell you what it says when I get back later this evening.

I only know people who have studied undergraduate degrees in "letras." I'll ask them if they know anything.