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Legal Terror sequence for a family: a truck chased them and crashed into them in the middle of Route 7 after a traffic argument.


The driver of the private car ended up hanging from the truck driver's bumper for several kilometers in order to identify him. It happened in General Levalle, south of Córdoba.

A couple experienced moments of terror on Route 7, near General Levalle, south of Córdoba, when they were chased by a truck driver in an incident captured on video. The truck driver began to harass them after a traffic argument at a level crossing. The couple filmed the chase as the truck performed dangerous maneuvers and rammed them. The driver of the car clung to the truck to get the license plate, while the woman screamed in despair. Fortunately, no one was injured and the truck was impounded by police, although the driver has not yet been arrested. The couple hopes that justice will be done in this case which is being investigated in Vicuña Mackenna, Córdoba.


Opinion: The situation described in the news item is highly disturbing and reflects extremely dangerous behavior on the part of the truck driver. This incident put the lives of a couple and their child at risk, causing great distress and fear. The aggressiveness and recklessness of the truck driver is unacceptable under any circumstances and demonstrates a total lack of respect for the safety of others on public roads. Furthermore, the fact that the truck driver fled after the incident shows a clear lack of responsibility and an attempt to evade the consequences of his actions. It is essential that the authorities take appropriate action to ensure the safety of all road users and that justice is done in this case.
The driver of the private car ended up hanging from the truck driver's bumper for several kilometers in order to identify him. It happened in General Levalle, south of Córdoba.

A couple experienced moments of terror on Route 7, near General Levalle, south of Córdoba, when they were chased by a truck driver in an incident captured on video. The truck driver began to harass them after a traffic argument at a level crossing. The couple filmed the chase as the truck performed dangerous maneuvers and rammed them. The driver of the car clung to the truck to get the license plate, while the woman screamed in despair. Fortunately, no one was injured and the truck was impounded by police, although the driver has not yet been arrested. The couple hopes that justice will be done in this case which is being investigated in Vicuña Mackenna, Córdoba.

View attachment 2228View attachment 2229

Opinion: The situation described in the news item is highly disturbing and reflects extremely dangerous behavior on the part of the truck driver. This incident put the lives of a couple and their child at risk, causing great distress and fear. The aggressiveness and recklessness of the truck driver is unacceptable under any circumstances and demonstrates a total lack of respect for the safety of others on public roads. Furthermore, the fact that the truck driver fled after the incident shows a clear lack of responsibility and an attempt to evade the consequences of his actions. It is essential that the authorities take appropriate action to ensure the safety of all road users and that justice is done in this case.
Lately you see a lot of people with a lot of problems or personal situations exploding over uninteresting things like a horn or something like that!
do not want to go into comfort.
what does this mean?

Lately you see a lot of people with a lot of problems or personal situations exploding over uninteresting things
more than usual? i haven't noticed any change in behavior in the past 3 months. everything seems pretty routine; people just going about their lives. tourism was jam-packed and super safe in Barrio Chino all weekend and yesterday/Monday :)

happen from time to time in Argentina.
they happen worldwide. BsAs doesn't have many traffic incidents or road rage that i've seen in 3 months.

That driver of that car was an idiot. He could has passed him once and climbing on that truck was stupid.
before the video, was the car hit or something? its right mirror was messed-up, but was the pre-existing? i'm confused why they both stopped at the beginning. the driver of the car was bothered by something, which is why they started filming, right?

What that driver did was really crazy jumping on the car. He was very stupid to do this.
why didn't they just film it, call Police, and write down the license plate? i don't understand how the video started, but i see the right mirror might be broken, and the mate cup was spilled on the dashboard.

i guess i'm just missing what happened at the beginning. the car driver had a chance to pass many times. then when the truck went crazy fast, the car driver sped-up and followed him. it's like the car driver wanted his headlights in the truck's mirror as much as possible.

this is a good example of why self-defense is crucial in rural areas; you never know if there's a crazy person, driver, or animal that snapped and wants to harm your family. relying on the Police doesn't work outside of big cities, unfortunately. and i rea that Pepper Spray is illegal in Argentina...that true? would be crazy, if so.
speaking of road rage, anyone remember the story of the Expat from the old forum who got criminally charged for illegal possession of a pistol, when he thought he was going to die?
all of the sudden i get rearended by this newer bigger truck, this was not a little bump, for some me reason i got into my head it was the old classic, i bump into you, you stop , we rob you, have a nice evening type of thing... so i decided to not stop and drive away thinking the other driver would get my license plate and i could solve everything over the phone with my insurance agent... but oh no noonoono as i drive away the other truck, which turned out to be a vw amarok speeds up and tries to cut me off, so now my defensive driving kicks in, as i'm thinking this guy does not want to exchange details about the ''accident'' by the aggresive behavior of his driving on a newer truck .In my mind this indicated that 4 dudes were about to step off the truck and'' not be nice to me'', so i drive faster and he, of course keeps up trying to cut me off in a manner where now i'm certain i'm gonna get my ass kicked all the way to next week. So now i started to escape this fine but very nervous driver and his compadres i assumed . The chase goes on for a good 5 to maybe 10 minutes , i would lose him by manuvering defensibly ,but his more powerfull faster truck always catches up with me, until he is able to pass me and cuts me off , by now we are on rural dirt roads, so there he is getting out of his truck as i slam on the bakes and punch it in reverse to put some distance between us, i don't see anyone else getting off the truck ,but i knew he wasn't alone,since i caught a glimpse of someone else moving on the passanger side, so he is coming at me screaming something along the lines of i'll kick your ass and kill you and also there were words regarding my mother, i then ,with this distance between us i told him to quit chasing me, that he wrecked my truck and it was his fault and if he kept chasing i had the means to defend myself......... so i punched forward this time and got by his truck before he could get back in it, thinking that was it..........That was my mistake , as i sped away i see him coming even faster than before catching up with me,now, i'm out in the boondocks trying to lose this guy(s)and i know i can't out run him with my pos nissan, i go for my phone, but apparently had flown off who knows where with the first impact,..... the chase now got even more aggresive, trying to run me off the road and every little dirty driving trick you can think of..... unfortunally for him i could forsee his move before he made it(20 plus years of driving commercial ain't something you forget)but my little nissan hit top end and this guys is coming at me like i'm standing still, so after another 10 minutes of high speeds chase coming around the corners sideways and things of that nature i made a turn and it was a long straight away, and then right then i knew i was royally fooked, it took him maybe a couple of minutes of playing cat and mouse and as i'm thinking there are a couple of things that can happen now, one, he is gonna start shooting at me or two, he might do the pit manuver....... i didn't finish that thought when he hits me again from behind and of course i fish tailed and rolled the truck........ so now i'm waiting for him to finish me off, i ended sideways driver side down,looking up at the passanger window waiting to see the barrel of a gun , all the while i'm scrambling trying to get my dogs off of me(i had my girls with me) and trying to locate my phone and or my gun........ to my surprise i hear the other truck peel off at a high rate of speed....... made no sense to me, this dude chased me for damn near half hour and now he is leaving???so now i'm thinking he is going to hit me with the truck again?but harder? he is going to bring more people to finish me off?wtf?..... i get out of the truck as fast as i can when i start to smell fuel..... i get the girls out , i found my phone, which for some reason turned itself off and got my gun, by now i don't even know where i am as i'm thinking what i'm gonna tell the 911 operator when my phone comes back on......but no such luck.. by now i'm looking down the dark deserted road i see 2 sets of headlights coming my way fast, i figured that was it for me... so i hid behind the truck best i could keeping the girls with me , that's when i noticed everything hurts, no blood but pretty banged up....so one of the trucks stays behind, typical i think that's the back up, and the other one comes to take the kill shot......the one truck rolls to a stop at about 10 to 15 yards from me high beams on, i can't see much but i do see the other truck creeping slowly from the 100 yards where they had stopped........ so now what? i don't have a shot and i don't know for certain these are the people that chased me, i can't start blasting away.. in a last ditch effort to avoid a shoot out , while hidding behind the truck i showed the profile of the pistol to let them know there was going to be a shoot out , that's when i heard two pistols being cocked, so now i know i'm dead. Two shooters, i know at that distance i knew for a fact i could take one out but there were at least two there plus the back up truck, that for all i knew they were probably already flanking me as i'm distracted with these 2 shooters....... i peeked out of the truck for a split second to find me first target and that's when one of them flicked the roof lights on........... it was the cops???wtf how did they get there so fast??? i didn't call
Apparently this guy or his girlfriend i later found out was with him must have called the cops
And they sure did, except the guy claimed i had pointed a gun at him when he tried to approach me........ that was enough for the police to detain me put the cuffs on and took me down town, so i spent all that night at the police station, the next day( no sleep) they took me to mercedes to meet my lawyer and tell my side of the story..... after that to the assistant DA they took my deposition, declaration or how ever they call it back in cuffs and back to chivilcoy.
I was informed i was gonna see the DA and the judge within 5 days, meantime i was held in a cell with 8 other guys and without exagerating i swear it was pretty much midnight express deccor, holly sh*t!!! this place was bad as bad can be 8 guys to a cell meant for 4 maybe?, the guys were great i have to say, no sooner i was thown in they welcome me asked me if i was ok and if i had any family which i don't other than my brother back in California, so they made room for me right of way, they also showed me what they had to share as one of the guys is showing me the food they had another dude offers me a smoke.... godddddd i sooo needed that smoke so then someone gives me a towel and a pair of short and also flip flops since it musta been 100 degrees in there ,i got out of my street clothes and they showed me where i could shower (that day cold water only) but worked out just fine,so the next four days came and went not soon enough i must say( eventhou the guys were great)so back to mercedes to see the judge and the DA, we arrived there and had to wait for ever in cuffs inside a cell with other fine specimens like me lol
I get to see the judge the da and my lawyer and they decided to grant me house arrest until all the investigation of the crash is finished(which hasn't started yet )my truck and his truck are still in the impound and no word when this is gonna end.......... so house arrest for now , way the hell better then the cell......
(Apr2017, @mc kenna) https://baexpats.org/threads/heres-a-little-story.37136/

it would be interesting to know the true story, since there are always 3 sides to every story ; )
speaking of road rage, anyone remember the story of the Expat from the old forum who got criminally charged for illegal possession of a pistol, when he thought he was going to die?

(Apr2017, @mc kenna) https://baexpats.org/threads/heres-a-little-story.37136/

it would be interesting to know the true story, since there are always 3 sides to every story ; )
And here I thought the countryside would be safer. I just read that entire thread and after reading it, I am amazed! It sounds like that OP had several attempts to rob him. It sounds like at least 3 attempts to rob him. Then another poster talks about an assault and robbery at his house and how they "beat my wife andtied her up with wires". Yikes! And it sounds like the judge let the thieves go!

Then I read a story from that lawyer how he got robbed to going to EZE airport! It doesn't sound like Argentina is as safe as I thought. Reading that thread was a good lesson in how scary things can get there and definitely not to own a gun there unless it's registered!
speaking of road rage, anyone remember the story of the Expat from the old forum who got criminally charged for illegal possession of a pistol, when he thought he was going to die?

(Apr2017, @mc kenna) https://baexpats.org/threads/heres-a-little-story.37136/

it would be interesting to know the true story, since there are always 3 sides to every story ; )
Yikes that was a scary read. Sounds like things could have ended up going very very bad. I can't imagine going to prison for a few years for defending yourself. And his poor daughter as it sounds like she was there to witness that. Jeeze!
And here I thought the countryside would be safer. I just read that entire thread and after reading it, I am amazed! It sounds like that OP had several attempts to rob him. It sounds like at least 3 attempts to rob him. Then another poster talks about an assault and robbery at his house and how they "beat my wife andtied her up with wires". Yikes! And it sounds like the judge let the thieves go!

Then I read a story from that lawyer how he got robbed to going to EZE airport! It doesn't sound like Argentina is as safe as I thought. Reading that thread was a good lesson in how scary things can get there and definitely not to own a gun there unless it's registered!
I wondered the same thing. Something has to be seriously wrong with a person or strange behavior to have various attempts to get robbed. Or a personality defect or something for this to keep happening over and over. The poster is fortunate he didn't get locked up in the slammer. Argentina sounds like it has some serious no gun laws. House arrest sounds like a lucky break!
The driver of the private car ended up hanging from the truck driver's bumper for several kilometers in order to identify him. It happened in General Levalle, south of Córdoba.

A couple experienced moments of terror on Route 7, near General Levalle, south of Córdoba, when they were chased by a truck driver in an incident captured on video. The truck driver began to harass them after a traffic argument at a level crossing. The couple filmed the chase as the truck performed dangerous maneuvers and rammed them. The driver of the car clung to the truck to get the license plate, while the woman screamed in despair. Fortunately, no one was injured and the truck was impounded by police, although the driver has not yet been arrested. The couple hopes that justice will be done in this case which is being investigated in Vicuña Mackenna, Córdoba.

View attachment 2228View attachment 2229

Opinion: The situation described in the news item is highly disturbing and reflects extremely dangerous behavior on the part of the truck driver. This incident put the lives of a couple and their child at risk, causing great distress and fear. The aggressiveness and recklessness of the truck driver is unacceptable under any circumstances and demonstrates a total lack of respect for the safety of others on public roads. Furthermore, the fact that the truck driver fled after the incident shows a clear lack of responsibility and an attempt to evade the consequences of his actions. It is essential that the authorities take appropriate action to ensure the safety of all road users and that justice is done in this case.
Well look on the bright side. At least this guy got some free advertising for his gasista company! Although the driver of the car seems mentally unstable.

speaking of road rage, anyone remember the story of the Expat from the old forum who got criminally charged for illegal possession of a pistol, when he thought he was going to die?

(Apr2017, @mc kenna) https://baexpats.org/threads/heres-a-little-story.37136/

it would be interesting to know the true story, since there are always 3 sides to every story ; )
I have been reading that old forum for many years. Some of those characters on that old forum are unhinged. There are 3 sides to every story as you mentioned. If someone is repeatedly getting robbed or bad things happening, they are most likely causing it. I have been living in Argentina for many years and living a low key lifestyle, not meeting up with strangers, and minding your own business will avoid issues most times. No one has that bad of luck unless they are causing it over and over.
this is a good example of why self-defense is crucial in rural areas; you never know if there's a crazy person, driver, or animal that snapped and wants to harm your family. relying on the Police doesn't work outside of big cities, unfortunately. and i rea that Pepper Spray is illegal in Argentina...that true? would be crazy, if so.
The driver had so many chances to de-escalate. I didn't know Pepper stray was illegal in Argentina. I brought some down from the USA the last trip. But here it says you are right.

A good lesson what NOT to do, especially when you're totally alone on a dark isolated road. I can't imagine what the driver thought he would accomplish!
The driver had so many chances to de-escalate. I didn't know Pepper stray was illegal in Argentina. I brought some down from the USA the last trip. But here it says you are right.

Yes pepper spray illegal here. Even security guard try to use it on people get arrested. This happen.

I've actually never seen anyone use pepper spray here. In NYC you see tons of people carrying it around.