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Thank you Argentina on behalf of all Russians that moved here to Buenos Aires!

I want to thank all of you Argentina people. My family move to Buenos Aires in October 2023 and we very thankful to be living here. My daughter born here in February 2024 and I am happy she is Argentine citizen and now we have the chance to stay in Argentina. We love our home country of Russia but impossible to stay there. I hope that change in future but for now we are very happy this is our home.

Everyone here very friendly and very safe city and country. We work hard to practice our Spanish but everyone here all very nice. Thank you!
Welcome to Argentina @Mother Russia Argentina. I notice more and more people from Russia moving here. Many young families. The park is full of mothers with their children. I live near Parque Vicente López and I hear many families speaking Russian. Argentina is a wonderful country to move to and I'm sure you will love it here.

I am sorry that your family was forced into a move. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is very sad. I hope that is resolved someday soon.
Welcome to Argentina @Mother Russia Argentina. How did you decide to come to Argentina? I am just curious what your thought process was? You will enjoy Argentina. It sounds like you had to flee here for obvious reasons but you will find many of us moved here voluntarily from first world countries because we think it is much better quality of life. I split time between Argentina and Brazil and both countries are wonderful but I think you will fit in more and assimilate here in Argentina. A land of many Europeans. Russians seem to be fitting in very well here.

Everyday I see more and more posts about Russians in Argentina.

Welcome to Argentina @Mother Russia Argentina. I notice more and more people from Russia moving here. Many young families. The park is full of mothers with their children. I live near Parque Vicente López and I hear many families speaking Russian. Argentina is a wonderful country to move to and I'm sure you will love it here.

I am sorry that your family was forced into a move. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is very sad. I hope that is resolved someday soon.
Yes, that is a comment I hear over and over. Today I was reading this and it is another expat that has kids and he said 9/10 times he goes to the park he hears Russians.

Welcome to Argentina @Mother Russia Argentina. I notice more and more people from Russia moving here. Many young families. The park is full of mothers with their children. I live near Parque Vicente López and I hear many families speaking Russian. Argentina is a wonderful country to move to and I'm sure you will love it here.

I am sorry that your family was forced into a move. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is very sad. I hope that is resolved someday soon.
Thank you so much Betsy!

Welcome to Argentina @Mother Russia Argentina. How did you decide to come to Argentina? I am just curious what your thought process was? You will enjoy Argentina. It sounds like you had to flee here for obvious reasons but you will find many of us moved here voluntarily from first world countries because we think it is much better quality of life. I split time between Argentina and Brazil and both countries are wonderful but I think you will fit in more and assimilate here in Argentina. A land of many Europeans. Russians seem to be fitting in very well here.

Everyday I see more and more posts about Russians in Argentina.

Yes, that is a comment I hear over and over. Today I was reading this and it is another expat that has kids and he said 9/10 times he goes to the park he hears Russians.

Thank you Import export!

We came because our close friend was moving to Buenos Aires and did not want to make the trip alone. They had young children and the mother was 4 months pregnant and expecting so they also were going to have their child born here. After the conflict with Ukraine, many countries closed their airspace with Russia. You will see even today out of the countries we can travel to, not many countries make it easy to stay long-term. But Argentina is very easy, especially if you have a child born here. Now many young Russian families are moving with their families and planning to have their babies here for a second passport.

There are some companies that plan everything to come here. I heard now they are more strict at airport but they are allowing many to enter. Almost 14,000 Russians have come to Argentina in less than 1 year. Many of our friends are now planning to move here. Word is spreading fast how wonderful it is here so many tell their friends. We have friends that also moved to Mexico but they are not blending in so well there. We told them about Argentina and now they will move here. Because so many from Argentina are European we blend in very good here with Argentines.

Here are countries we can go to and you will see many are not good option. All in Asia not good for us. Others are not desirable countries or not safe. Argentina #1 best country for Russian people blend in and people here are very accepting of us.

russian travel.jpg
Welcome @Mother Russia Argentina. Glad you like it here. I also love it here and dating an Argentine. So neat your child was born here. I joke with my girlfriend getting her pregnant would be the easy way for me to get a passport here! There are a lot of Russians in Mexico City too. My friend is working and living there and he is dating a Russian girl that recently moved there. He said there are many Russians in Mexico as well.

From everything I can see they are great immigrants. The ones I hear about have young families, hard working and I'm amazed at how quickly they pick up the language. I met a Russian woman that has young kids and heard her speaking Spanish. She moved here last year and is almost fluent. Her kids already have Porteño accent.
Welcome to Argentina @Mother Russia Argentina.

So glad to see so many Russians moving to Argentina. Last year I noticed a huge number of Russians immigrating here to escape the violence of what is going on there. I rented my apartments to several Russians and all were wonderful tenants. I see more and more people from Europe moving to Argentina in the future. It's an amazing country that is very beautiful.

And congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I also had a son and daughter that were born in Buenos Aires and are Porteños. You're going to love Buenos Aires. Best of luck to your family.
Hopefully people don't think they are spies. :ROFLMAO: Those Russians that they sent to Argentina also picked up Spanish quickly.

Russians are some of my favourite people in the world! Every Russian I've met has been great. Like 99.99% of people on earth they deserve a better government
Thank you for saying such nice things. I agree with you. We deserve a better government but that won't happen until people reject Putin. I fear things will deteriorate even more in the future and more wars and conflict in my country. We love Argentina but we hope we can go back to our country someday without fear.
This is the reaction of the typical Russian that arrives to Buenos Aires. Love our new city.

These Russians are the best thing for Argentina. Walk by a park in Palermo and odds are you will see Russians with young kids. They seem to be the only ones having children in Argentina. So this would be a huge positive because no one is having kids here anymore. This is a dream come true for Argentina.

In the future maybe you will see the Russian Argentine group as big as the Italian or Spanish Argentines.
Russians are some of my favourite people in the world! Every Russian I've met has been great. Like 99.99% of people on earth they deserve a better government
Agree with this. I have met several Russians in Buenos Aires the past few months. One of our neighbors in my building moved from Russia. We have met several through them. Very good people that pick up Spanish quickly. Hard workers that are starting businesses. Anyone with kids should check out this new place created by some Russians in Belgrano.

Agree with this. I have met several Russians in Buenos Aires the past few months. One of our neighbors in my building moved from Russia. We have met several through them. Very good people that pick up Spanish quickly. Hard workers that are starting businesses. Anyone with kids should check out this new place created by some Russians in Belgrano.

Russians seem like the ideal immigrants. Lately when I go to shopping malls I hear a lot of Russian and they all seem to have young children. I was in Paseo Alcorta mall and there were a big group of Russians. They must have playdates with the kids there. Many families. With birthrates falling in Argentina it seems like this is the perfect type of immigrant that is having children.