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Thank you Argentina on behalf of all Russians that moved here to Buenos Aires!

Russians are very good with languages. They assimilate very well here because they take the time to learn Spanish and many could pass for Argentines. Good to hear they are starting some businesses. Friends in Mexico say many Russians also moving there. From this article it sounds like in Brazil too.

Yes the trend started a few years ago. Latin America was one of the few places Russians could just pick up and go with a tourist visa. Many have gone to Colombia as well but one told me that I met that they didn't like Cali where their cousin moved and they all moved to Buenos Aires as it is more similar to back home.

Yes the trend started a few years ago. Latin America was one of the few places Russians could just pick up and go with a tourist visa. Many have gone to Colombia as well but one told me that I met that they didn't like Cali where their cousin moved and they all moved to Buenos Aires as it is more similar to back home.

I didn't realize there were so many Russians all across South America. I have been in Colombia several times and never heard or seen any Russians there. With all these Russians lately, are they starting restaurants catering to their native Russians? I didn't see any Russian food there but with all these people it's probably going to start up.
The Russians who come to live in Argentina are super entrepreneurial and full of initiative. Many of them arrive eager to start new projects and quickly adapt to the country, making the most of the opportunities here. They’re hardworking and always looking for ways to innovate. Plus, they integrate well and bring a different vibe that really adds to the local communities.
Like the case of two Russian women who opened a themed restaurant in Belgrano , this is definitely a positive contribution to the country.

I didn't realize there were so many Russians all across South America. I have been in Colombia several times and never heard or seen any Russians there. With all these Russians lately, are they starting restaurants catering to their native Russians? I didn't see any Russian food there but with all these people it's probably going to start up.
Mishiguene is an awesome restaurant. It's more of a Jewish restaurant but they have really unique dishes there with great flavors. I've been several times and always was great.

Mishiguene is an awesome restaurant. It's more of a Jewish restaurant but they have really unique dishes there with great flavors. I've been several times and always was great.

This is a great place! One of the top rated places in BA.

But the best Russian restaurant is a placed called El Molino Dorado. Great Russian food!

Whatsapp Menu - https://wa.me/c/5491162607418
Mishiguene is an awesome restaurant. It's more of a Jewish restaurant but they have really unique dishes there with great flavors. I've been several times and always was great.

One of my favorite places in BA.

This is a great place! One of the top rated places in BA.

But the best Russian restaurant is a placed called El Molino Dorado. Great Russian food!

Whatsapp Menu - https://wa.me/c/5491162607418
A friend brought me here. Beware of the vodkas if you're not used to drinking alcohol. It packs quite a punch here! It's homemade. In Almagro. Just make sure to bring cash here. All places are supposed to accept debit cards but they only accept cash. The owner Dmitri is quite a character. He went around from table to table assisting the guests. I believe he said his mother cooks the food.
Mishiguene is an awesome restaurant. It's more of a Jewish restaurant but they have really unique dishes there with great flavors. I've been several times and always was great.

Count me as a fan of Mishiguene. Unique flavors. It was featured on Netflix's Someone Feed Phil.

I don't know much about Russian food but a friend and I went to Ermak in San Telmo and was delicious.

Saw this today. Seems like some Kirchnerists are bothered by all these Russians flooding in. Funny they don't care about all of these poorer people from Venezuela yet people from Russia that are having kids and making Argentina better bother her. Crazy.

I'm not sure why this girl is complaining. This is exactly the type of immigrants that Argentina needs. Most people are totally clueless that the birthrates have fallen so drastically. Not many are having kids in Argentina now so it will depend on people having more kids. It is true there are a lot of Russians but I consider this a good thing.
Every day I see more and more of my people from Russia in Buenos Aires. It makes me very happy. Look how good after short amount of time we can speak Spanish.

Saw this today. Seems like some Kirchnerists are bothered by all these Russians flooding in. Funny they don't care about all of these poorer people from Venezuela yet people from Russia that are having kids and making Argentina better bother her. Crazy.

Fortunately most people are very friendly and welcome us to Argentina. We see some Kukas here are sick. It is like they are sick in the head but fortunately we don't have to deal with these people often.
Fortunately most people are very friendly and welcome us to Argentina. We see some Kukas here are sick. It is like they are sick in the head but fortunately we don't have to deal with these people often.
Sick in the head is right. It's like a mental illness. There is a Russian family that is on the same floor as my Airbnb. I always talk to them and they tell me that everyone is so friendly to them. They speak amazing Spanish and English as well. So far all the Russians I have met are very polite and well educated. The biggest difference seems to be how quickly they pick up the language. Here is a girl that has only been here a year.

I think in a decade you're going to have a huge part of the population here from Russian descent. Kind of like all the Spanish and Italians from earlier. All the Russians are telling their friends and family about Argentina. Exactly the kind of immigration they need here.

I don't know much about Russian women but there was some viral video of some fairly ugly Latino dating many Russian girls in Russia. I think he was studying there. I was thinking watching it that there must be a lack of datable guys there in Russia but maybe you're right that Latino males have silver tongues and more romantic vs. Russian guys.
One of the Porteños I met is dating a Russian girl. He said that she told him that generally, the men in Russia aren't too romantic and not the best to date. He said it's very easy dating these Russian girls that can speak Spanish. Funny listening to this Russian girl. Sounds like many are getting swept off their feet fairly easily.
There are many young Russian females in Mexico City too. And more on their way. Have expat friends in Mexico City and they tell me it is very easy to date these Russian girls because they are looking for suitable guys to settle down with. It sounds like these Russian girls are giving the Latinas a run for their money. I have dated a Russian girl and know better! :D
Russians are some of my favourite people in the world! Every Russian I've met has been great. Like 99.99% of people on earth they deserve a better government
Every Russian I have met has also been very kind. I met 3 Russians in Buenos Aires during my trip. We met up for dinner and they were so happy and thankful to be in Argentina. A shame about them having to leave their country but Russia's loss is Argentina's gain.