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Medical "The EG.5 subvariant is already in Argentina, could COVID cases increase?"


New member
9 August 2023 by Valeria Roman

The virus continues to evolve and the World Health Organization considered Omicron EG.5 to be a "variant of interest". It is popularly called Eris and it has already been detected in 51 countries. Now it was also found in a sample from a COVID patient in Argentina.

As reported to Infobae by Dr. Mariana Viegas, coordinator of the Proyecto País - which is dedicated to genomic surveillance with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina- , the EG.5 sublineage has already been in the country since, at least, last month. It has also been detected in Colombia, Ecuador and the United States. In the latter it became the most prevalent among the detected cases. "In the group of 12 samples that we sequenced last week, which come from confirmed cases in July, one corresponded to EG.5 and was from a patient from the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) ," Viegas said. “It is not statistically significant due to the low number of sequenced samples. But today few tests are done and it is more difficult to get samples to carry out the sequencing”, she added.

In the GISAID platform, 7354 Omicron EG.5 sequences from 51 countries have already been deposited. Most of them come from China. The other countries with at least 100 sequences are: the United States of America, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, France, Portugal and Spain. Globally, there was a steady increase in the proportion of EG.5 in COVID cases globally. During the week of July 17 to 23, the global prevalence of EG.5 was 17.4%. "This is a notable increase compared to the data reported four weeks earlier, when the global prevalence of EG.5 was 7.6%," according to the WHO.

Based on the available information, the public health risk posed by EG.5 is assessed globally as “low” by health agency experts, consistent with the risk associated with XBB.1.16 and the other sublineages currently in circulation. They also argued that “although EG.5 has shown increased prevalence, growth advantage, and immune escape properties, no change in disease severity has been reported to date. Although hospitalizations for EG.5 have increased in countries such as Japan and the Republic of Korea, no association has been established between these hospitalizations and EG.5″. But the WHO experts warned: "EG.5 may cause an increase in the incidence of cases and become dominant in some countries or even globally." This was made known for the first time on February 17.

Eris: what is known about the EG.5 subvariant
The symptoms of subvariant EG.5 are: sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, headache, and hoarse voice. It can also generate muscle pain and an altered sense of smell. Shortness of breath and fever are less common.

“The EG.5 subvariant has an extra mutation at the ACE2 binding site and better evades antibodies by vaccine or natural infection. Both things combine to give it greater transmissibility," said virologist Santiago Mirazo, associate professor of the Department of Bacteriology and Virology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Republic in Uruguay, when consulted by Infobae . "But there is no evidence that that sublineage causes greater severity or even clearly different symptoms than other Ómicron ones."

In Argentina, the year 2023 began with more than 37,000 cases of COVID in the first week. Then they fell to less than 500 per week in July, according to Jorge Aliaga, a PhD in physics from the National University of Hurlingham, in the province of Buenos Aires, who conducts a weekly analysis of official data. Faced with the appearance of the EG.5 sublineage, Meera Chand, deputy director of the UKHSA health agency in the United Kingdom, commented to The Guardian newspaper that: “Vaccination remains our best defense against future waves of COVID-19, so it continues being as important as ever that people come to get all the doses to which they are entitled as soon as possible.”
Regarding vaccination in Argentina, the Federal Health Council (COFESA) and the National Ministry of Health recommend that people who are in high-risk groups for developing severe forms of the disease, such as people aged 50 or more, with immunocompromised and pregnant, receive a booster dose of the COVID vaccine.

To receive the vaccine, it must have been at least 6 months since their last dose, regardless of how many boosters they have previously received, and they must adhere to a minimum interval of at least 4 months since their last dose. Also included in the medium risk group are those under 50 years of age with comorbidities (chronic diseases and/or obesity) and people with a higher risk of exposure (health personnel) and strategic function. This group should receive a booster dose 6 months after the last dose applied, followed by an annual booster.
People considered to be at low risk of complications, such as those under 50 years of age without comorbidities, should also receive the booster vaccination against COVID-19, with an annual dose recommended.
I doubt places will make the HUGE mistake of closing down again and closing borders. That was a monumental clusterf*ck. I traveled throughout most of COVID without worries. All over the world and I'm glad I did. I would have really hated myself for being locked up like a crazy person. I know people that wasted YEARS of the life not LIVING. Lots of my friends got divorced because of COVID getting locked up going crazy.

50% of my friends got closer with their spouses. And the other 50% got divorced. LOL.

I did stay out of Argentina for YEARS for the first time in 20+ years as Argentina was so crazy. But I doubt they will make that mistake again. Hell, they can't afford it. I'm waiting for Milei to win and the mother of all foreign investments begins.

As another fellow ex-pat told me, "the Buenos Aires CHEAP ex-pat party is about to end". True. Although Argentina will be a mess for a while you're going to see prices go UP. And I can't wait for that day. So enjoy your cheap Airbnbs and cheap steaks while it lasts.....
I think you'd have to be nuts to continue getting the COVID vaccine. I did get the first ones and booster but just about every doctor I know including my primary care doctor is saying do NOT get any further doses.
I think you'd have to be nuts to continue getting the COVID vaccine. I did get the first ones and booster but just about every doctor I know including my primary care doctor is saying do NOT get any further doses.
My home country (UK) isn't dishing out further jabs to everyone and the WHO guidance isn't saying everyone should have it. Are there specific countries where further jabs for all are being recommended?
My home country (UK) isn't dishing out further jabs to everyone and the WHO guidance isn't saying everyone should have it. Are there specific countries where further jabs for all are being recommended?
No but watch and see with some other outbreak. I'm not one of these anti-vaxers neither. I used to own a healthcare company and one of the things we did was preventative medicine and did a lot of travel medicine with lots of vaccines. There were a lot of unknowns at the time but I believe the government took a lot of liberties with our fear.

I personally know many people after the vaccine that had medical issues. Of course no one can say whether the vaccine caused it but personally they could probably see a direct collation. I just point this out because watch and see with the next outbreak (oh you know there will be one).....
No but watch and see with some other outbreak. I'm not one of these anti-vaxers neither. I used to own a healthcare company and one of the things we did was preventative medicine and did a lot of travel medicine with lots of vaccines. There were a lot of unknowns at the time but I believe the government took a lot of liberties with our fear.

I personally know many people after the vaccine that had medical issues. Of course no one can say whether the vaccine caused it but personally they could probably see a direct collation. I just point this out because watch and see with the next outbreak (oh you know there will be one).....

Argentina continues to advise vaccinations, particularly for individuals aged over 50 or those who are immuno-compromised. According to a recent update on the official @msalnacion Instagram account, individuals falling into these categories should receive a new vaccination at least every 4 months. For those under 50, it is recommended to get vaccinated annually.

While there might be concerns or discussions about the effectiveness of vaccines against the latest variants, the overall consensus from reputable sources like the CDC, EMA, and John Hopkins indicates that vaccinations are generally safe. It's essential to stay informed about updates and recommendations.

Reflecting on the response to COVID-19, the effectiveness of measures like border closures is debated. Some argue that closing borders may not have been the optimal response, considering that the virus had likely already spread extensively by the time such measures were implemented. The experiences of countries like Australia and New Zealand, which successfully used border closures and vaccination strategies, are highlighted, while the importance of ongoing research and adaptation to new information is emphasized.
FrankPintor, we've been lied to. you call this information and these claims "defacing" this thread, but if people hadn't alerted me to the dangers of the COVID 'vaccines' i might have some serious side-effects from all these unnecessary boosters. you won't listen, but someone else will. this is why i posted.

funny you claim you know more than the leading cardiologist, McCullough. he's published his COVID protocol publicly for docs around the world to use. literally no one has demonstrated it isn't working, and thousands of people will attest to its efficacy. do you think Joe Rogan paid a witchdoctor to give him IVM? he went to the top doc nearby and got prescribed IVM off-label. people always act like he went to Tractor Supply and injected himself with dangerous meds; he was treated by a physician, dummy!

the only dissent about these EARLY treatment protocols is from BigPharma shills like Peter Hotez who get paid to spread propaganda. you won't look at these links or testimonies, but maybe other people will. waiting until people are hypoxic, then rushing them to the ER/ICU for a ventilator and Remdesivir is now known to kill people who could have survived COVID with early treatment. here's the protocol:

(with a video explaining, and a testimony to the US Congress)

and here's the 2021 article.

it's not a quack article, but your cognitive dissonance probably won't allow you to comprehend that you've been lied to for years now. HCQ and IVM work. it wasn't until Pfizer needed emergency-use authorization that CNN began claiming Ivermectin was a 'horse dewormer.' hint: it's been used billions of times for many years, and it has many uses. for instance, my dog has been taking IVM as HeartGard monthly his entire life. humans have used it around the globe for years. it is super safe and powerful. what's amazing is that you. FrankPintor, believe you're on the side of the angels against homicidal physicians like McCullough (and the inventor of mRNA, Robert Malone), yet you can't simply follow the money and think that perhaps TV Man isn't actually the "good guy" these days.
Your lack of honesty becomes apparent rather quickly, doesn't it? I never claimed to know more than the leading cardiologist, so kindly point out where I made such a claim. Your tendency to create strawman arguments and resort to ad-hominem attacks rather than engaging with the factual arguments is quite evident. For instance, stating, "your cognitive dissonance probably won't allow you..." is not a constructive way to address the issues at hand.

The cardiologist you refer to, whose lack of qualifications in virology was highlighted, has been debunked by numerous researchers and scientists with superior qualifications who have conducted clinical trials to support their findings. I don't need to possess more knowledge than this cardiologist; I weigh the qualifications and trial results of many actual virologists and researchers against someone's statements on Twitter and make an informed decision.

As for Joe Rogan, it seems you're unfamiliar with him. He is a prominent figure in the media, with a popular podcast, and while he may not hold academic qualifications, his opinions carry weight due to his wide reach and influence.

Regarding Ivermectin, I did acknowledge its use as a dewormer for horses, dogs, and people. It's available in Buenos Aires with a prescription, accompanied by a list of warnings. The dosage distinction between horses and people is crucial, and mixing them up could be dangerous, as I pointed out.

The ANJMED article from 2020 is indeed a snapshot of the desperate situation during the early stages of the pandemic, emphasizing the limited treatments available at that time. It doesn't mention Ivermectin, and this oversight was acknowledged. However, the landscape has evolved significantly over the past three years, with extensive research, clinical trials, and the development of vaccines contributing to a better understanding of effective treatments.

Misinformation, such as that spread by you and others, hinders progress, and it's essential to rely on credible sources and ongoing research to make informed decisions in the context of a rapidly changing situation.
Your lack of honesty becomes apparent rather quickly, doesn't it? I never claimed to know more than the leading cardiologist, so kindly point out where I made such a claim. Your tendency to create strawman arguments and resort to ad-hominem attacks rather than engaging with the factual arguments is quite evident. For instance, stating, "your cognitive dissonance probably won't allow you..." is not a constructive way to address the issues at hand.

The cardiologist you refer to, whose lack of qualifications in virology was highlighted, has been debunked by numerous researchers and scientists with superior qualifications who have conducted clinical trials to support their findings. I don't need to possess more knowledge than this cardiologist; I weigh the qualifications and trial results of many actual virologists and researchers against someone's statements on Twitter and make an informed decision.

As for Joe Rogan, it seems you're unfamiliar with him. He is a prominent figure in the media, with a popular podcast, and while he may not hold academic qualifications, his opinions carry weight due to his wide reach and influence.

Regarding Ivermectin, I did acknowledge its use as a dewormer for horses, dogs, and people. It's available in Buenos Aires with a prescription, accompanied by a list of warnings. The dosage distinction between horses and people is crucial, and mixing them up could be dangerous, as I pointed out.

The ANJMED article from 2020 is indeed a snapshot of the desperate situation during the early stages of the pandemic, emphasizing the limited treatments available at that time. It doesn't mention Ivermectin, and this oversight was acknowledged. However, the landscape has evolved significantly over the past three years, with extensive research, clinical trials, and the development of vaccines contributing to a better understanding of effective treatments.

Misinformation, such as that spread by you and others, hinders progress, and it's essential to rely on credible sources and ongoing research to make informed decisions in the context of a rapidly changing situation.
The Joe Rogan Experience is a podcast on Spotify. I thought you were being facetious when you said you'd never heard of him. Here's a link to a categorized list of guests he has interviewed over the years.
https://jrelibrary.com/guests/ He received an enormous amount of negative press during the pandemic from the MSM.
The Joe Rogan Experience is a podcast on Spotify. I thought you were being facetious when you said you'd never heard of him. Here's a link to a categorized list of guests he has interviewed over the years.
https://jrelibrary.com/guests/ He received an enormous amount of negative press during the pandemic from the MSM.
I'm not American (maybe the sentence I wrote about my prime minister being a doctor was a giveaway), I don't listen to this "talk radio" stuff and I'm really not that familiar with the characters involved. Even when I was in the US I preferred to listen to Puerto Rican music on the car radio rather than to someone wanting to "rile me up" for their own purposes.

It's a mistake to treat this forum as a right-wing echo chamber, there are quite a few of us who are non-US, and also some who are liberal in their political leanings. And, speaking for myself, we can be vocal, so expect pushback when you drop some of the wilder US beliefs here.

I vaguely remember someone called "Morning Joe" who had a female partner, but I have no idea if it's the same person. Even so, in my country we have TV and radio chat shows, and even though some of the presenters have been widely admired or are influential, the news that one of them had taken some inadvisable medication would be met with a collective shoulder shrug, I think. Is Joe Rogan an authority on anything? I really don't understand this personality cult thing going on here.
I'm not American (maybe the sentence I wrote about my prime minister being a doctor was a giveaway), I don't listen to this "talk radio" stuff and I'm really not that familiar with the characters involved. Even when I was in the US I preferred to listen to Puerto Rican music on the car radio rather than to someone wanting to "rile me up" for their own purposes.

It's a mistake to treat this forum as a right-wing echo chamber, there are quite a few of us who are non-US, and also some who are liberal in their political leanings. And, speaking for myself, we can be vocal, so expect pushback when you drop some of the wilder US beliefs here.

I vaguely remember someone called "Morning Joe" who had a female partner, but I have no idea if it's the same person. Even so, in my country we have TV and radio chat shows, and even though some of the presenters have been widely admired or are influential, the news that one of them had taken some inadvisable medication would be met with a collective shoulder shrug, I think. Is Joe Rogan an authority on anything? I really don't understand this personality cult thing going on here.
I totally agree with you that this is NOT all right-wing in this forum. Lots of liberals too here. I think it's great when you have people from all socioeconomic backgrounds, races, cultures, countries. I'd venture to guess the vast majority are American. You can tell my writing style and vocabulary many times.

I've never watched even one episode of Joe Rogan. Although I know who he is I don't really get why all these podcasts are so popular.
i just noticed this cross-post is from the old forum, with me as @StarNorman (lol) debating @FrankPintor - for those still worried about viruses in Argentina, keep in mind the strange coincidence between Bill Gates' Dengue vaccine, his "mosquito farms" in Colombia, and his past 4 years of benefitting billions of dollars from COVID lockdowns.

1. mosquito genetic/bacterial breeding:
2. long documentary released yesterday 15Mar2024 about the censorship of Fauci/etc. regarding the life-saving Hydroxychloroquine:
(lots of relationships here, publicly available online, if you look. for instance, the Mosquirix vaccine is owned by GSK, who gets funding/etc. from Gates Foundation)

and as a PS - everyone should watch a Joe Rogan podcast video, or at least listen to one. they're long, so 80% of instant-gratification people will be too bothered to listen to a full hour or 2, but there's a reason it is watched more than CNN/Fox/MSNBC/etc. - it's uncensored, real, and has amazing guests from every side of every argument. 3 hours with Edward Snowden will make you smarter!
i just noticed this cross-post is from the old forum, with me as @StarNorman (lol) debating @FrankPintor - for those still worried about viruses in Argentina, keep in mind the strange coincidence between Bill Gates' Dengue vaccine, his "mosquito farms" in Colombia, and his past 4 years of benefitting billions of dollars from COVID lockdowns.

1. mosquito genetic/bacterial breeding:
2. long documentary released yesterday 15Mar2024 about the censorship of Fauci/etc. regarding the life-saving Hydroxychloroquine:
(lots of relationships here, publicly available online, if you look. for instance, the Mosquirix vaccine is owned by GSK, who gets funding/etc. from Gates Foundation)

and as a PS - everyone should watch a Joe Rogan podcast video, or at least listen to one. they're long, so 80% of instant-gratification people will be too bothered to listen to a full hour or 2, but there's a reason it is watched more than CNN/Fox/MSNBC/etc. - it's uncensored, real, and has amazing guests from every side of every argument. 3 hours with Edward Snowden will make you smarter!
Very interesting. I had NO idea Bill Gates had anything to do with mosquitos. This seems a bit odd. I know he is trying to save the world and all but mass release of millions of genetically altered mosquitos seems off.