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Politics The list of cooperatives and associations that received more than $15 billion from the government of Alberto Fernández - Infobae

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The list of cooperatives and associations that received more than $15 billion from the government of Alberto Fernández - Infobae​



May 22, 2024

The Government investigates sums received by organizations linked to the administration of Alberto Fernández

Alberto Fernández 's government was a big check for the social organizations that accompanied him on his way to the Casa Rosada and came out to defend him when he was mistreated by his vice president , Cristina Fernández de Kirchner . Throughout his four years in office, he transferred 15.8 billion pesos to cooperatives and civil organizations . Most of these subsidies were destined for three programs: Empower Work, neighborhood urbanization and Feed. Eight cooperatives and associations linked to the organizations that are part of the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP), of Peronist extraction, received about five billion pesos .

In the first 25 places in the ranking made up of 62 entities, only one belongs to a left-wing piquetero group. It is the Polo Obrero Civil Association . Its visible head is Eduardo Belliboni . It ranks 23rd and received $235,197,272 from the State . A figure five times lower than what the first organization linked to the social movements that made up the then ruling party received. The official data was processed by the Infobae Data Unit .

The Polo Obrero among the least benefited from subsidies by the government of Alberto Fernández

The ranking of the privileged

Following the network of social organizations, cooperatives, foundations and civil associations that are linked to the main popular leaders, and who also benefited from the nectar of power, is difficult.

Of the 62 entities that received 15.8 billion pesos in the last Kirchner government, not all are part of the organizations that make up the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP).

The data reported in this note is official. They were provided in the last 36 hours by the Ministry of Human Capital led by Sandra Pettovello , through the Legal Undersecretary Leila Gianni , in the case investigating the “ ghost eaters ” instructed by the federal prosecutor Ramiro González . The Excel spreadsheets contain all the resources that the State allocated to these organizations through the former Ministry of Social Development. The figures shared with the reader involve all the Social Development programs from which the funds were derived to those 62 entities. The display of names and figures is a map of power .

The former Social Development portfolio was headed by three officials: Daniel Arroyo, Juan “Juanchi” Zabaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz .

Since Libertad Avanza arrived at the Casa Rosada, the Ministry became the Secretariat of Children, Adolescence and Family, and is led by Pablo de la Torre . Orbit in the Ministry of Human Capital.

The ranking of the 25 most favored by subsidies granted by Social Development is led by the Civil Association Center for Studies and Work for Social Equality (CEyTIS) . In round numbers he received 1.5 billion pesos .

In principle, they are not linked to any UTEP organization, but they did provide services “like a job bank” and are “associated with social employment plans such as Potenciar Trabajo.” Much of the money they received was derived from the Ministry of Territorial Development, Habitat and Housing . The area was also in charge of the National Registry of Popular Neighborhoods. The person in charge of the area was Fernanda Miño , a leader of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) and the CTEP.

The representative of these organizations is the lawyer, Juan Grabois , former presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, current leader of Argentina Humana and representative of the Frente Patria Grande. Although now he does not belong to the leadership of the MTE, he is still linked.

The Civil Association Center for Studies and Work for Social Equality (CEyTIS) also received funds, among other secretaries such as the Social Economy, led by Emilio Pérsico through the Empower Work program.

Daniel Arroyo, Juan Zabaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz, Alberto Fernández's ministers in the Social Development portfolio
The organization is also part of the leadership of the Human Rights Organizations of the province of Buenos Aires, the Provincial Committee for the Prevention of Torture.

The second step of the podium corresponds to the Municipality of Pilar . 1.3 billion pesos were transferred to him. Its mayor - he was re-elected - is Federico Achával, from the Frente de Todos, current Union for the Homeland.

Starting in third place, the social movements linked to the former ruling party appear, all of which add subsidies of about five billion pesos.

The Amanecer de los Cartoneros Civil Association was one of the most benefited by the Fernández administration. It is linked to Juan Grabois
In third and fourth place on the list are the Federación de Cooperativas de Reciclado Limitada ( 1.2 billion pesos ) and the Civil Association El Amanecer de los Cartoneros ( 1.2 billion pesos ). Both are part of the MTE and CETEP referenced in Juan Grabois. They received subsidies, for example, from the secretariat that depended on Miño, the leader of the same group.

Fifth place on the podium goes to the Evita Limitada Federation of Work Cooperatives . It is part of the Evita Movement. Emilio Pérsico , its leader, joined the organization. The former member of the Montoneros guerrilla organization was the secretary of Social Economy of the Ministry of Social Development. He administered Potenciar Trabajo and signed part of the agreements and subsidies that social movements received, including Evita. The Civic Coalition and Sandra Pettovello denounced him for that reason. They accused him of “failure to fulfill the duties of a public official,” among other alleged crimes. He was on both sides of the Counter.

Eduardo Belliboni's Polo Obrero was the piquetero organization that received the least funds. Juan Carlos Alderete, Emilio Pérsico and Daniel Menéndez along with Juan Grabois the most beneficiaries

One of the presidents of the Evita Limitada Federation of Work Cooperatives was Gildo Onorato , former union secretary of the UTEP, leader of the Evita Movement and current official of Governor Axel Kicillof . He serves as head of the Provincial Institute of Associativism and Cooperatives.

The El Fortín de Encarnación Limitada Work Cooperative received subsidies for $651,824,359 . They belong to the Classist and Combative Current (CCC). Its leader is the former deputy Juan Carlos Alderete who was part of the Frente de Todos bloc. The Federation of Work Cooperatives “René Salamanca-CCC Limitada” is part of that same social organization . The latter received subsidies for $468,436,432 .

The Civil Association SER.CU.PO received transfers for $639,245,356 . It fulfills the role of executing unit of plans such as Potenciar Trabajo and is linked to Emilio Pérsico's Evita Movement.

One of the organizations linked to the Jujuy leader Milagro Sala among those benefited by the Government of Alberto Fernández

In thirteenth place in the ranking is an almost unknown organization: Judith Presente Centro Comunitario Civil Association . She was benefited with $443,784,626 . It is an organization that belongs to the Tupac Amaru of the Jujuy leader convicted of acts of corruption Milagro Sala .

Among the social organizations that also stand out for the funds they received from the Fernández government is Somos Barrios de Pie . Through the Caminos de Tiza Civil Association it received $305,277,990. The national coordinator of that organization is Daniel Menéndez . He was an official of Alberto Fernández in the Secretariat of Popular Economy and is currently undersecretary of Popular Economy of the province of Buenos Aires. This is an undersecretary that depends on the Ministry of Community Development, headed by Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque .

Juan Grabois and Fernanda Miño, two of the MTE and CETEP referents. Miño was an official in the Ministry of Social Development

The Government of La Libertad Avanza suspects that not all the resources that were provided by Social Development reached the most vulnerable people. A fact that, if so, is aberrant. A central problem that until now Argentine politics has not addressed, or did not want to do so because it was functional.

Javier Milei seems to want to break with that scheme and, wrong or not, he cut off practically all the subsidies granted by the State through Social Development and took away from the social movements the “outsourcing” of social aid to the piqueteros and social leaders. . They assure that now it arrives directly. The first to warn about this fact was the then vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner .

On June 20, 2022, in an event organized by the CTA in the Buenos Aires town of Avellaneda, he led an offensive against the picketing organizations with a suggestive phrase addressed to Emilio Pérsico: “If Evita saw them, mommy!” . He had previously expressed to him: “The National State must recover control, audit and application of social policies. “They cannot continue to be outsourced.” Now the justice system is investigating part of these outsourcing.

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