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Politics The reaction of the libertarian political arch to the presentation of Javier Milei's book at Luna Park - Infobae

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The reaction of the libertarian political arch to the presentation of Javier Milei's book at Luna Park - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

A musical presentation, a speech and a talk with his followers was the scheme proposed by the president to present his latest work titled “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap.”

The president gave a show and a speech during the presentation of his latest book (REUTERS)

Surrounded by the fervor of the public and the support of the members of the national Cabinet, President Javier Milei presented his latest work titled “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap” , in which he made a historical tour of the different economic currents, with a special emphasis on the Austrian liberal school. These were the reactions of the members of the libertarian political space to the massive event held at the Luna Park stadium , which was pointed out as progress in the cultural battle.

After the president suspended the presentation at the Book Fair due to suspicions of sabotage, the event was rescheduled for this Wednesday. The arrival of the big day was experienced as a party within the ruling party, which transcended to the social network

Milei was accompanied by deputy José Luis Espert and the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , who have been part of his closest circle, even before he entered politics. In the case of the libertarian leader who recently joined the ranks of La Libertad Avanza, he sent a warm message to the head of state along with a series of images taken throughout the day. “Congratulations on your achievements, dear friend Javier Milei. “It is an honor to have accompanied you and Manuel Adorni in this great presentation,” he said.

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem , joined the wave of celebrations for the personal achievement of the liberal leader, after considering that the event was an unprecedented event in history. “More than 10,000 people at Luna Park attended the presentation of a book and listened to economics for more than two hours,” highlighted the Rioja native, pointing out that “the cultural battle does not stop.”

Espert's congratulations to Milei

“Our president represents the hope of millions of Argentines who once again believed in their country,” analyzed the president of the La Libertad Avanza (LLA) bloc in Deputies, Gabriel Bornoroni , about the call that the presentation of the book obtained. On a personal note, the deputy acknowledged: “How nice it is to accompany him on this adventure for freedom.”

The analysis carried out by the president of the Chamber of Deputies on the call at Luna Park

In the case of Ramiro Marra , former candidate for head of the Buenos Aires Government and one of the key figures who accompanied Milei during the electoral period, he limited himself to describing the economist as “the best president in the world.” Likewise, he focused on highlighting the artistic side of the president who chose to open the event with a performance of “Panic Show”, the song by La Renga that he used to introduce himself during his time as a presidential candidate.

The celebration of the head of the LLA block of deputies

Among the reactions made by the founding members of the libertarian space, deputy Lilia Lemoine could not contain her tears during the president's presentation. “Yes, the cultural battle excites me, and I am excited to be surrounded by so many people who carry the battle into all areas every day!” She admitted when sharing a capture of the moment in which they captured their eyes full of tears.

Marra named Milei "the best president in the world"

The newly founded Libertarian Party in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) also spoke out on social networks, where they assured that they were present at the stadium to support the president.

Lilia Lemoine's emotion during Milei's speech

Even the artist Nik joined the celebrations by focusing on the connection that Milei achieved with the audience present. “President Milei sings. Luna Park explodes. What a country the Swiss missed, hey, how bored they must be!!! Let's go Argentina Carajo!!!!”, stated the creator of Gaturro.

The Libertarian Party of CABA was present

On the other hand, the president's sister and Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei, were present at the stadium ; the ministers: Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo ; of the Interior, Guillermo Francos ; of Security, Patricia Bullrich ; of Defense, Luis Petri (he attended with his wife, the journalist Cristina Pérez ); of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello ; of Health, Mario Russo ; the secretaries: of Tourism, Environment and Sports, Daniel Scioli ; and of Education, Carlos Torrendell , and the vice president, Victoria Villarruel .

The publication of Juan Doe, the director of Digital Communication of the Presidency of the Nation

In addition, the provisional president of the Chamber of Senators, Bartolomé Abdala ; to the libertarian militant, Iñaki Gutiérrez , who works to manage Milei's Tik Tok account; and the former president of the Central Bank, intellectual author of the DNU with which the Government deregulated the economy and of the Bases Law, Federico Sturzenegger , also gave the present.

Nik's reaction to Milei's act

Also on the list of those present were several politicians allied to the Government, mostly belonging to the PRO, as was the case of deputies Cristian Ritondo, Diego Santilli, Hernán Lombardi, Alejandro Finocchiaro, Damián Arabia and Sabrina Ajmechet. Representing the business sector, Eduardo Elsztain and the president of the Rural Society, Nicolás Pino , attended , while the special guests were the daughter of former president Carlos Menem, Zulemita Menem , and the presenter Amalia “Yuyito” González.

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