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The World’s Widest Avenue Has 16 Lanes – And Takes An Eternity To Cross (Avenida 9 de Julio)

Anchor Baby

Active member
I read so much about this beautiful Avenue but seeing it in person was better than I imagined. I love how walkable of a city Buenos Aires is. I loved this article. It is easily my favorite street in Buenos Aires. What about all of you? What is your favorite street in Buenos Aires?

I love many streets in Buenos Aires but probably my all time favorite is Arroyo street in Retiro. It's so beautiful with the most beautiful buildings in the city nearby. I also really love Avenida Alvear which I lived on for many years. I always wish I could go back in time and live in Buenos Aires at the turn of the Century when it was a very wealthy city. I can't imagine what it must have been like then.
I read so much about this beautiful Avenue but seeing it in person was better than I imagined. I love how walkable of a city Buenos Aires is. I loved this article. It is easily my favorite street in Buenos Aires. What about all of you? What is your favorite street in Buenos Aires?

I also really liked 9 de Julio. Was fun walking it. My favorite was probably Avenida de Mayo. I had a beautiful walk down by Plaza de Mayo and the National Congress. Stopped by Cafe Tortoni and the Palacio Barolo. You can tell BA at one time was rolling in $$$. It is hard to believe they went from that to one of the worst economies.

There were so many great streets. But I think I liked that the most.
I liked Defensa Street quite a bit! It was nice seeing it on Sunday. I read that San Telmo used to be the most affluent part of the city before a yellow fever outbreak. Really loved the cobblestone streets and shops. The San Telmo Market was one of the highlights of my trip. It felt really historic to me.
The waterfront area in Puerto Madero was unique for me. I can see why Puerto Madero has the most expensive properties in the city. It all felt so clean, pristine, and very safe. The buildings are all modern and upscale. Great views along the Rio de la Plata.

I know it's not a traditional street of the city but I loved it. I went back to eat at some great restaurants there and each time I went I just thought to myself it would be a great place to live.
I love many streets in Buenos Aires but probably my all time favorite is Arroyo street in Retiro. It's so beautiful with the most beautiful buildings in the city nearby. I also really love Avenida Alvear which I lived on for many years. I always wish I could go back in time and live in Buenos Aires at the turn of the Century when it was a very wealthy city. I can't imagine what it must have been like then.
I'm also a big fan of Avenida Alvear with all the French style architecture.
I really like Libertador and also Avenida Figueroa Alcorta. I love Spring time when the trees are in bloom. I think there is no other more beautiful street in the Spring.
All of these are really beautiful streets. I also like Libertador quite a bit. The Barrancas de Belgrano area is also great with all the tree-lined streets and parks. I think it's one of the most picturesque areas in BA.
I have a few:

Avenida Melián (Belgrano R - It is gorgeous year-round but in the spring and summer it's spectacular.)

Pasaje Antonio M. Ferrari (Barrio Inglés)

Gelly y Obes (La Isla)

Juez Tedín and also Ombú (though all the streets in that area are beautiful)

And, of course, Libertador, Alcorta, Arroyo, Parera, Av. Alvear, etc., etc., etc.
All very nice beautiful streets. The great thing about Buenos Aires is it is full of such amazing avenues and streets. Sometimes I'll be walking down a random street and just think to myself how beautiful they are.