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Newcomer Tipping in BA

Yes the standard here is 10% and no one will complain about getting a 10% tip. Sometimes I tip 15% if the service was really over the top good. There are some times too where I am in a hurry to leave and they are taking forever and I will just leave without the change and sometimes it is more than 10% to 15% but it isn't worth waiting to me.
It is getting crazy in the USA. I went home to visit my family for Christmas and I was shocked to see how bad it has become. Many places have a built-in tip on the bill. Some charge for a healthcare premium as well. I don't hold this against the server but it is annoying paying 4% extra for healthcare benefits on my bill while they expect an 15% tip as well.

Also many places flip the screen around to leave a tip for everything now in the USA. I am glad Argentina isn't like this and I doubt it will ever get like the USA. They don't have the mentality or the economy to have that kind of culture. 10% is fine and people will be happy with that tip.
Let's stick to a maximum of 10%, and only in restaurants. Please, let's not import their lousy tipping culture to this country. I really don't want to feel obligated to tip the barber, the tattoo artist, the Starbucks barista, and so on 😂
We did not know it was only 10% and we were tipping 15% in all the restaurants we went to. We also tipped our Uber drivers for each ride as they were very safe, polite and friendly. We always used Uber Comfort.
Giving a 10% tip is customary for restaurants, cafés, and bars with table service, but nobody will judge you if you leave less. Of course, you can always leave more if you feel inclined to do so.
It really depends on who you ask, but for most folks, tipping around 10% is the standard for good service. If it was exceptional, like if the server handled a large table exceptionally well or went above and beyond for a birthday party, you could consider tipping between 15 and 20%. Anything more than that would be rare.
I totally agree with all the other posts. 10% is standard and people should be tipping at least that. Sometimes I see some Europeans that don't leave tips to the service staff in Buenos Aires when I'm at restaurants and I will see them complain. Many Europeans don't like tipping and it's not standard in their countries but I think you always should do what is normal and customary in the country you are in.

These restaurant workers in Argentina don't make a living wage so EVERYONE should be tipping at least 10%. I sometimes tip 15% if the service was really great and the staff go above and beyond. Or at places where I go a lot and see the same workers in Buenos Aires.

In the USA it is crazy and absurd! EVERYONE in Southern California expects that you will tip them or at least asks. Almost every place you go they flip the screen around and the default tip is set at 18%. Coffee places, restaurants, wherever even if there is no service and it's just ordering. Heck, even my pest control company sends an email asking you to tip the worker. Plus here in Southern California at many places they add on 3% to 6% for healthcare initiatives which is annoying.