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Newcomer Tipping in dollars?


New member
Has anyone tried to tip in dollars and if so, what is the minimum bill they will accept, such as waiters, etc

I believe there may be challenges for service industry workers, such as waiters, room cleaners, and taxi drivers, to easily exchange small USD bills for useful pesos. Most advice suggests bringing larger denominations like $100 bills for better exchange rates. However, this presents a dilemma when it comes to tipping, especially if you're considering giving a $5-10 tip. It's unlikely that service professionals would receive a better-than-bank-rate price for these smaller bills, and the Argentine government's restrictions on access to USD may complicate matters at banks.

For example, when tipping the building doorman (encargado), who likely prefers pesos, offering a more substantial token of appreciation, perhaps equivalent to USD$100, might be more convenient for both parties.

While some touristic and expensive restaurants may handle USD more readily, it's not always the case in everyday situations. To address this, it might be beneficial to ask the person receiving the gratuity about their preference. Having open communication about currency choices could lead to a smoother and more appreciated exchange for both the giver and the recipient.
I tipped my ski guide with a $50 bill and paid for my fiancee's lessons with $100 bills, but that was in Bariloche. It may be different there, but they were both happier to have USD than Pesos. This was last August.
Has anyone tried to tip in dollars
people have taken everything from me, and most places just have a tip jar anyway (unless you're high-rolling everywhere you go). i don't see a lot of locals tip, and credit card tips aren't a thing (i've only signed a slip once in 2 weeks). i just leave a 500-Peso bill for a regular meal to be nice, or 1000 Peso bill if i'm there for a long time.

https://www.expatsba.com/threads/how-much-do-you-tip-at-cafes-and-restaurants.235/ has info if you haven't seen that one, yet