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if anyone needs a good Public Accountant, i can for sure recommend Mercedes "Mecha" Jalil
just wanted to give an update here on the results of my translation results: my Residency is finalizing now, and my girlfriend's was approved recently, with a DNI number on the way! both of us used Mecha, legal name below:

Matricula: 709
WhatsApp +54 93515318727

https://www.coltrad-cba.org.ar/nuevo/matriculados.php (search for licensed Translators here to verify)

i can vouch that Mecha is very affordable, didn't try to scam me like several others who tried to charge massive fees for unnecessary pages, provided amazing service and even referred me to a Public Accountant that was also successful (i had to show Migraciones that my income for Rentier Savings was "fixed"), and overall it was 10/10 and i'll for sure be hiring her again :) obviously if you're in Buenos Aires and need a translator there, this won't apply, but for non-Legalized stuff, grab a quote from her! i invited her to post on this forum for people needing general advice.

Expats: shoot me a message if you need more info; you won't need to, because she's fantastic and one of the most honest people i've ever met. thanks, Mecha!
Mecha shared the link with me for looking-up Cordoba rates ... here it is:

https://www.coltrad-cba.org.ar/nuevo/pdf/Honorarios profesionales_Julio 2024.pdf (i used Column 1)

(main website where this chart is hidden is https://www.coltrad-cba.org.ar/nuevo/honorarios.php?s=3 )

i got quoted 185,00 to 373,000 Pesos (at that time $165-333 USD-ish) from at least 4 different registered translators, and they all use the "recommended Honorarios" like any other profession in Argentina for hours worked. the difference from the scammers and someone honest like Mecha is this:

1. she only charges what hours she actually works, and will give you a CHEAPER price at the end if she didn't spend as much time as estimated.

2. the number of pages you send might be 20, but she has the knowledge to determine if LESS pages can get the gist of the goal. in my case, with Migraciones wanting me to prove that my Rentier Savings was fixed she was able to rule-out using all the nonsense bank statement pages (with Terms and Conditions, etc.) whereas most other translators 'played dumb' and said they needed to translate every page word-for-word.

3. she made it so i sent her the PDFs and then i only had to go to downtown Cordoba one time to get her translations legalized at the College (i brought the originals, and her cash payment). this was VERY nice, as all the other Translators wanted me to Uber to their office initially, which would have cost me an extra half-day of travel time and Uber fees :)

so, the dishonesty is very sneaky, and isn't quite illegal, but Mecha is a good person and knows that providing a good service to someone in a stressful situation (like Rentista unknowns) can be a short-term loss of a few Dollars, but in the end she got my business, my girlfriend's business, a new friend to share this forum and other things, and if anyone in my family ends up moving here i will send them to her without the slightest need to check if her Quote is correct - i will just tell them to pay it. i ended up needing an Accountant and within the same day i was sitting at a cafe with her husband, getting his contact for his Accountant, which worked perfectly. one of the kindest families i've met, hands down.

oh, and cool that you joined the forum, @Mercedes Jalil :) i have tried recommending this forum to many people, but haven't had much interest. and out of curiosity (i know we can talk on WhatsApp, but maybe this will help others from the USA/etc.) - what other specific things might i be able to hire you for in the future? i know you have mentioned Diplomas and other legal/educational things before, but if you could make a short list here for what the most common translations/services are, i'd be interested in reading it! and also we definitely need some Cordobés/Cordobesa knowledge in this forum; 95% of us Expats don't know much outside CABA. and for sure the Lomito sandwiches in Cordoba are life-changing, for just one example :p
Mecha shared the link with me for looking-up Cordoba rates ... here it is:

https://www.coltrad-cba.org.ar/nuevo/pdf/Honorarios profesionales_Julio 2024.pdf (i used Column 1)

(main website where this chart is hidden is https://www.coltrad-cba.org.ar/nuevo/honorarios.php?s=3 )

i got quoted 185,00 to 373,000 Pesos (at that time $165-333 USD-ish) from at least 4 different registered translators, and they all use the "recommended Honorarios" like any other profession in Argentina for hours worked. the difference from the scammers and someone honest like Mecha is this:

1. she only charges what hours she actually works, and will give you a CHEAPER price at the end if she didn't spend as much time as estimated.

2. the number of pages you send might be 20, but she has the knowledge to determine if LESS pages can get the gist of the goal. in my case, with Migraciones wanting me to prove that my Rentier Savings was fixed she was able to rule-out using all the nonsense bank statement pages (with Terms and Conditions, etc.) whereas most other translators 'played dumb' and said they needed to translate every page word-for-word.

3. she made it so i sent her the PDFs and then i only had to go to downtown Cordoba one time to get her translations legalized at the College (i brought the originals, and her cash payment). this was VERY nice, as all the other Translators wanted me to Uber to their office initially, which would have cost me an extra half-day of travel time and Uber fees :)

so, the dishonesty is very sneaky, and isn't quite illegal, but Mecha is a good person and knows that providing a good service to someone in a stressful situation (like Rentista unknowns) can be a short-term loss of a few Dollars, but in the end she got my business, my girlfriend's business, a new friend to share this forum and other things, and if anyone in my family ends up moving here i will send them to her without the slightest need to check if her Quote is correct - i will just tell them to pay it. i ended up needing an Accountant and within the same day i was sitting at a cafe with her husband, getting his contact for his Accountant, which worked perfectly. one of the kindest families i've met, hands down.

oh, and cool that you joined the forum, @Mercedes Jalil :) i have tried recommending this forum to many people, but haven't had much interest. and out of curiosity (i know we can talk on WhatsApp, but maybe this will help others from the USA/etc.) - what other specific things might i be able to hire you for in the future? i know you have mentioned Diplomas and other legal/educational things before, but if you could make a short list here for what the most common translations/services are, i'd be interested in reading it! and also we definitely need some Cordobés/Cordobesa knowledge in this forum; 95% of us Expats don't know much outside CABA. and for sure the Lomito sandwiches in Cordoba are life-changing, for just one example :p
Great info! It seems like a lot of people here in BA are unfortunately like the scammers you mentioned above. Contacts here seem to be everything. My girlfriend always tells me without good contacts here in Argentina you are lost. Locals all work the same way with good referrals to trusted people.
2. the number of pages you send might be 20, but she has the knowledge to determine if LESS pages can get the gist of the goal. in my case, with Migraciones wanting me to prove that my Rentier Savings was fixed she was able to rule-out using all the nonsense bank statement pages (with Terms and Conditions, etc.) whereas most other translators 'played dumb' and said they needed to translate every page word-for-word.
This is exactly the kind of games my friend recently went through with a translator in CABA. She had to get some bank statement translated and there were many pages in between and she made her get all of them translated even though she just really needed pages 1-3 and page 6-7. Pages 4-5 were terms and conditions nonsense but she argued she needed it.

Most locals don't seem to use forums at all. All my friends just use Whatsapp and share info that way. People seem to have less and less time and patience today.