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Transport Strike to paralyze Argentina in repudiation of taxation reforms - May 6, 2024


Well-known member
Beware there is a huge transport strike scheduled for May 6.

Beware there is a huge transport strike scheduled for May 6.

I think things like this will become common in 2024 and also 2025. It's part of the reason I want to leave Argentina. I can't see a scenario where social unrest does not rear it's ugly head with so much poverty and prices being so high. Utilities are all skyrocketing. Before I never cared about lights but my electricity bill just went up about 350%! There is no turning back to the crazy low prices we had in the past.

Those days are never coming back.
Several friends have had to drop their healthcare plans. First time in their lives here in Argentina they had to do that. Many can't afford to buy beef anymore. Things will get ugly as this continues. Many businesses will go out of business this year. More employees will lose their jobs. More protests are coming. Not looking good.
I think things like this will become common in 2024 and also 2025. It's part of the reason I want to leave Argentina. I can't see a scenario where social unrest does not rear it's ugly head with so much poverty and prices being so high. Utilities are all skyrocketing. Before I never cared about lights but my electricity bill just went up about 350%! There is no turning back to the crazy low prices we had in the past.

Those days are never coming back.
You correct. All the people in Argentina angry. All I talk to now very frustrated. Some people that voted for Milei now admit they wrong. All the people struggling now. No one can afford healthcare. Electric and gas bills go up. Water. All the things. We will see more and more protests. Things will be very bad.
Lately, the strike have become a habit; this time, it's due to income tax issues. But what about tomorrow? And what about the people, the workers who must commute to their jobs every day using public transportation? They're forced to seek more expensive alternatives like Uber or taxis on those days. This is a significant inconvenience and puts people in a very bad mood.

Good News!

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 😊
Do these things get violent? I see that Aerolineas Argentina said this.

Aerolineas Argentina needs to get privatized ASAP. Saw this on X.
