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Newcomer Transporting a digital SLR Camera


New member
Hello!..I'm planning to visit Buenos Aires in the coming weeks, and I'm contemplating bringing my Canon DSLR camera. I typically carry it over my shoulder using the camera strap, and I've added an extra strap under my arm to enhance security and deter theft. Additionally, I have a backpack with an opening that faces away from me, making it more difficult for someone behind me to access its contents. Considering these precautions, I'm wondering whether it's advisable to bring my DSLR camera or rely on my iPhone for photography during my trip. I appreciate your insights.
While walking, you can keep your camera safely stored in the backpack and only retrieve it during the moments when you wish to capture pictures.
Hello, during our initial four-day visit to Recoleta in early March, I'm wondering about the safety of openly carrying a Digital SLR camera while pushing a wheelchair in Recoleta and its nearby areas. Is it advisable to keep the camera secure in the backpack most of the time, or is it generally safe to have it visible?
My approach remains unchanged: on the first day, keep the camera in the bag to gauge the environment. After getting a feel for the place, decide whether you're comfortable wearing the camera. Reflecting on my experience over a decade ago, I initially concealed my camera but eventually wore it around my neck in the nicer areas of the city, always keeping a hand on it. Despite occasional glances from passersby, maintaining eye contact and exuding confidence typically deter any issues. For those more apprehensive, it's advisable to act accordingly and keep the camera hidden.
Currently, Argentina is undergoing a challenging period, marked by considerable desperation. It's not recommended to have your camera openly visible around your neck, especially while pushing a wheelchair, in any neighborhood at this time.

This concern or fear is a widespread topic in travel, not limited to just BA/Argentina. The "wait and see" approach is also an option. Everyone has different fears, what-ifs, and fantasies, and these vary in intensity. Whether it's a DSLR or other gadgets like an iWatch, iPhone, or Go-Pro, similar anxieties exist.

Chances are, when visiting tourist attractions, you'll observe people with their SLR/DSLRs and various devices, capturing moments. The unease about using phones in public or on subways is also a common thread discussed on travel forums.

Yet, adopting a "wait and see" attitude is valid. You'll likely notice that using phones, cameras, and other gadgets in public is prevalent, despite shared concerns.
Good luck with your travels!