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Newcomer Traveling with a baby


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My husband and I would like to go to Argentina this fall. We will be traveling with a baby (8 months old). Any recomendations of things to do? Has anyone traveled with children to Argentina? We would appreciate any advice.
I haven't taken a baby to Argentina since my youngest is 22 years old. However, in my opinion, if you're comfortable bringing a baby to a major city in the United States, such as New York, Washington, Chicago, or Denver, you shouldn't encounter any issues in Buenos Aires. Argentinians are remarkably family-oriented and adore children. One of my cherished memories from Argentina is sitting in a park in any Argentine city and observing the way Argentine parents interact with their kids—it's touching, they are affectionate, playful, and absolutely devoted. While I do see similar dynamics in the U.S., it doesn't quite compare to the extent seen in Argentina. So, the decision ultimately lies with you; if you feel at ease traveling with a baby in a city, then go for it. A few cautions: the air pollution in Buenos Aires is concerning, and the city can be quite noisy. Since you won't be out late at night, the usual precautions may not apply as much—just use common sense. I would also suggest that at some point, you and your partner plan a trip to Argentina without the baby, perhaps with someone trustworthy watching over them. Of course, the country is so beautiful and romantic that you might find yourselves wanting to return and, who knows, maybe even end up with another child. Good luck and have a wonderful time!
For parents planning to travel, having raised three children myself, I'd like to share my perspective on Buenos Aires. In my experience, BA may not be as well-equipped for babies and toddlers compared to some cities in Europe or the United States. The sidewalks can be challenging for strollers, and facilities for babies in museums, like designated areas for baby carriers, are not readily available. While baby changers in shopping centers, restaurants, and public spaces are becoming more common, they may not be as widespread as one would hope. And here's something noteworthy for moms: in some cases, these facilities are exclusively inside the ladies' room, which might pose a challenge for you.

However, echoing Rusell' sentiment, Argentina is incredibly welcoming to babies. Almost every hotel or restaurant you visit will embrace little ones, and you won't need to search for a "Children Welcome" sign because, in Argentina, they are welcome everywhere!
I haven't taken a baby to Argentina since my youngest is 22 years old. However, in my opinion, if you're comfortable bringing a baby to a major city in the United States, such as New York, Washington, Chicago, or Denver, you shouldn't encounter any issues in Buenos Aires. Argentinians are remarkably family-oriented and adore children. One of my cherished memories from Argentina is sitting in a park in any Argentine city and observing the way Argentine parents interact with their kids—it's touching, they are affectionate, playful, and absolutely devoted. While I do see similar dynamics in the U.S., it doesn't quite compare to the extent seen in Argentina. So, the decision ultimately lies with you; if you feel at ease traveling with a baby in a city, then go for it. A few cautions: the air pollution in Buenos Aires is concerning, and the city can be quite noisy. Since you won't be out late at night, the usual precautions may not apply as much—just use common sense. I would also suggest that at some point, you and your partner plan a trip to Argentina without the baby, perhaps with someone trustworthy watching over them. Of course, the country is so beautiful and romantic that you might find yourselves wanting to return and, who knows, maybe even end up with another child. Good luck and have a wonderful time!
Russell! it may sound funny but it's TRUE!!!!! Buenos Aires is SOOOOO ROMANTIC!! I visited the city with my husband on october 2013. My parents took care of our daughter for a week while we took a break from our stressful jobs. And it happened to me!!!...well, the wine, the climate, the beautiful sorroundings... Buenos Aires is magical!!. We came back with our second child!!!.

Definetely, Buenos Aires is a destination better suited for couples!

By the way, we are returning to Buenos Aires in a few weeks, this time we are going to visit Bariloche too. And definetely are going to be more cautious this time!!!;-).