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Newcomer Trip to Buenos Aires

What areas do you plan to be in? What do you like?

You can visit the Palermo lakes and the Rosedal, as well as all the Palermo neighborhoods like Palermo SoHo or Hollywood.

In Recoleta you can visit the Japanese Garden (there are activities as well as several Koi fish ponds), you can visit the Alcorta shopping mall (I recommend visiting the Casa Paradiso space by Donato DeSantis) the MALBA (Art Museum), as well as the Museum of Fine Arts and Decorative Art (these 2 have free entrance), In the heart of Recoleta you have the Recoleta Cemetery where are the tombs of great personalities and politicians of Buenos Aires, there you can find the pantheon of Carlos Gardel and Eva Duarte de Peron, in the vicinity there is a craft market where you may find some pearl, also this area has great movement of breweries and burger places in addition to the Shopping Recoleta Urban Mall. A few blocks away you also have the National Library Mariano Moreno, a building of curious architecture where besides being a library, it houses cultural activities.
What areas do you plan to be in? What do you like?

You can visit the Palermo lakes and the Rosedal, as well as all the Palermo neighborhoods like Palermo SoHo or Hollywood.

In Recoleta you can visit the Japanese Garden (there are activities as well as several Koi fish ponds), you can visit the Alcorta shopping mall (I recommend visiting the Casa Paradiso space by Donato DeSantis) the MALBA (Art Museum), as well as the Museum of Fine Arts and Decorative Art (these 2 have free entrance), In the heart of Recoleta you have the Recoleta Cemetery where are the tombs of great personalities and politicians of Buenos Aires, there you can find the pantheon of Carlos Gardel and Eva Duarte de Peron, in the vicinity there is a craft market where you may find some pearl, also this area has great movement of breweries and burger places in addition to the Shopping Recoleta Urban Mall. A few blocks away you also have the National Library Mariano Moreno, a building of curious architecture where besides being a library, it houses cultural activities.
I recommend visiting both the Plaza 25 de Mayo, where you will find the Casa Rosada, the government house, and visit the Plaza de los 2 congresos where you will find the congress of the nation, I think they offer guided tours in the congress.

I recommend visiting 3 Cafeterias, one is the Cafe Tortoni, the oldest cafeteria in Buenos Aires, the second is the confiteria El Molino, located next to the congress, is a place of architectural importance opened in 1916, and finally, the confiteria La Ideal, located a block and a half from the obelisk, place where the pastry chef Gustavo Nari works, the things there are excellent. These 3 places are very picturesque and portray a lot of the Buenos Aires coffee shop scene.
What areas do you plan to be in? What do you like?

You can visit the Palermo lakes and the Rosedal, as well as all the Palermo neighborhoods like Palermo SoHo or Hollywood.

In Recoleta you can visit the Japanese Garden (there are activities as well as several Koi fish ponds), you can visit the Alcorta shopping mall (I recommend visiting the Casa Paradiso space by Donato DeSantis) the MALBA (Art Museum), as well as the Museum of Fine Arts and Decorative Art (these 2 have free entrance), In the heart of Recoleta you have the Recoleta Cemetery where are the tombs of great personalities and politicians of Buenos Aires, there you can find the pantheon of Carlos Gardel and Eva Duarte de Peron, in the vicinity there is a craft market where you may find some pearl, also this area has great movement of breweries and burger places in addition to the Shopping Recoleta Urban Mall. A few blocks away you also have the National Library Mariano Moreno, a building of curious architecture where besides being a library, it houses cultural activities.
I also recommend visiting Puerto Madero, there you will find the Puente de la Mujer, the Fragata Sarmiento (which is a museum ship which I recommend visiting), the area of the docks has a lot of bars and restaurants where you will find a good level in general (or at least higher prices in the menus ... is the reality), I recommend walking around Juana Manso a little. On the other hand, you have in Puerto Madero the Ecoparque.

You can go from there to La Boca, where you can go to the Usina del Arte and then to El Caminito, a very well known place... and a very tango place too.

You can also go through San Telmo, the place where many immigrants have lived until they settled in the country, the cobblestone streets and the facades of the houses are very picturesque of the area, there you can also find craft fairs, antique shops and the market of San Telmo (a place where you have the best greengrocer in Buenos Aires in my opinion! There you can find some great cooking rarities).

On the other hand, in Retiro you have some palaces that can be visited, but you would have to find out since the tours are by reservation, I am talking about the Palacio Paz and the Palacio San Martin, the latter is the ceremonial place of Chancellery, where the leaders of the world met, also, it houses a piece of the Berlin Wall, in the Retiro square you will be able to see the Monumental Tower or Torre de los Ingles, a clock tower, a gift from England for the centenary of the May Revolution. A few blocks away you will also find the Mercado de los Carruajes, a place of selection of different gastronomies from selected businesses located in CABA, all of excellent quality.

If from Retiro, you follow Arenales, Juncal or Arrollo streets, you will find a place in CABA where you can breathe in French, it is a place that transports you to a corner of Paris, you will find good cafes in the area, you will also find in Arrollo street the former embassy of Israel, now converted into Plaza Israel, where it was before being destroyed in an attack in 1992, today converted into Plaza Israel, where it was located before being destroyed in an attack in 1992, today the rubble remains and on the walls of the surrounding buildings you can still see the tiles and walls of the rooms of the building, and if you continue you will find the 9 de Julio and the French embassy and on the other side you will find more embassies, boutique places, some hotels and the Patio Bullrich Shopping, a place that usually has good brands, you also have the Duhau Palace, a place where the snacks are excellent, where Damian Betular works and makes one of the best Macarons in Argentina!

If you go back to 9 de Julio, you go to the obelisk and walk along Corrientes Avenue, it is the area of Theaters and Pizza, there you have the most popular theaters in the country, in the great rex if I am not mistaken there is a small museum, and by currents are the best pizzas in CABA in addition to the Cadore ice cream shop, a place that supposedly has the best ice cream in the country, an ice cream shop which the former president Mauricio Macri used to buy ice cream (particularly pistachio) during his administration as president.

Near the obelisk there is also the Teatro Colon, a theater that is considered one of the best in the world, and offers guided tours.

These are some of the places in CABA...