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Trump Demolished President Biden tonight on the Debates

This is correct. I have a lot of friends that absolutely hate Trump. Didn't vote for him the first time. But this election they are reluctantly voting for him. They see all the tension around the world and see the high cost of everything. This is a good example of how much things have gone up in price in only a few years.

This is absolutely true. People try to lie and say the inflation in the USA is lower than it is. Most things are much more than what it was just a few years ago. Or they will try to do tricks and things might be a little more but they shrunk the packaging or serving size.

What I want to know are who are the idiots that truly believe that Biden won the debate??

Many other polls only show 22% or so of Americans believing Biden won the debates. This just goes to show you some people can't be honest with themselves and will be in denial until the end. You see the same thing here in Argentina.

I think many people were in denial for a while but many of my Democrat friends after last night are finally admitting that the Democrats MUST make a change. Probably about 25% of Americans will vote against Trump no matter what. Even if Biden was on his deathbed. The thought of Kamala Harris as President scares me. I wonder about Jill Biden. I can't understand why she would allow her husband to face this embarrassment.
This is absolutely true. People try to lie and say the inflation in the USA is lower than it is. Most things are much more than what it was just a few years ago. Or they will try to do tricks and things might be a little more but they shrunk the packaging or serving size.

I think many people were in denial for a while but many of my Democrat friends after last night are finally admitting that the Democrats MUST make a change. Probably about 25% of Americans will vote against Trump no matter what. Even if Biden was on his deathbed. The thought of Kamala Harris as President scares me. I wonder about Jill Biden. I can't understand why she would allow her husband to face this embarrassment.
Jill Biden is some day going to be exposed for elder abuse. It's clear after last night she is very much behind this. The guy is not well. To expose him like this is shocking to me.
A question from a non-American.

How quickly can Biden be thrown off the ticket?

And who would the Democrats replace him with?
I wonder the same thing. We Russians actually hope that Biden run against Trump. We don't want a replacement that can beat Trump. We think he best chance to end conflict in Ukraine. We had no conflicts with him in office. We just want peace. We watch this good video. We think Trump easily beat Biden. Trump promise to end war which is very big positive for us.

Biden doesn't look like he wants to go anywhere. In his eyes he is the best man for the job. Not sure if someone is putting that in his head or he thinks that and won't step down.
This is saying the only person that can beat Trump is Michelle Obama.

So terrible what happened today with the assassination attempt of former President Trump. The Secret Service should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen. He turned his head at the last second which saved his life.
So terrible what happened today with the assassination attempt of former President Trump. The Secret Service should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen. He turned his head at the last second which saved his life.
No way that Biden can beat Trump so this is the left's solution to the issue. Pathetic.
How things can change in just over a month. Figured no way Biden was going to be the nominee for the Democrats. Hard to believe that Kamala Harris has a chance but the mainstream media supports her. Funny the comparisons of her with Evita.
