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Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

I have been watching on X today the horrors of Chavez. Does anyone think that he will finally lose his dictatorship? It sounds like if people were allowed to really vote he would easily lose. I am shocked by his attack squads on people trying to vote in the opposition.

Dictatorous thugs like Maduro will not allow to be voted out of office. Most likely he will need to get murdered to leave office. You know it's bad when Lula is chastizing him. Alberto Fernandez was supposed to go and help oversee elections but wasn't allowed to monitor when he said it needed to be free and fair and people's vote needed to be respected.
Dictatorous thugs like Maduro will not allow to be voted out of office. Most likely he will need to get murdered to leave office. You know it's bad when Lula is chastizing him. Alberto Fernandez was supposed to go and help oversee elections but wasn't allowed to monitor when he said it needed to be free and fair and people's vote needed to be respected.
He said there would be a blood bath and civil war if he loses. Hopefully it won't come to that and he just flees to Cuba. If he is finally pushed out things should turn around in that country. Tons of oil there. In the right hands, that country can be turned around.

María Corina Machado will eventually end up as the leader of Venezuela. Sooner or later. 85% of Venezuelans want change. That is too many people and Maduro will eventually topple. USA backs her and so do the people of Venezuela.
That would be wonderful. Especially for the 8 million or so that fled the country and would love to come home if things improve.
I often wonder if things improve there if the hundreds of thousands living in Buenos Aires would decide to go back home or they would stay here.
Also the President of Chile does not recognize the outcome of election.

The problem with communism is you can vote your way into it but you can never vote your way out of it. The only way out of it is typically violence with the other side does not advocate so probably stuck in this mess for years to come.

The issue is that with Mercosur, Venezuelans can and do just flee to other countries easily. They don't have to stay there and deal with it. You cut off Mercosur or their immigration is restricted and it probably is a much different story.
I hope the people rise up; there have already been some protests... the people must fight! This dictatorship has to end, people want change. What a huge fraud!

The people are exhausted and are loudly demanding that their decision be respected. There are protests happening right now, and I hope they make a difference. No country is backing this fraudulent election; it’s truly shameful what has happened. They even prevented opposition officials from overseeing the voting process. How can the fraud be so blatant?
