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Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

This may finally be their "1776" moment. Unfortunately, it will probably take bloodshed to get him out of power.
Unfortunately this is probably true. At least it sounds like some police are joining the protestors. We need the military to join in too and he is done. Some of the military national guard are refusing to stop the protestors. If the rest of the military join the protestors it's game over.

Unfortunate but not surprising outcome. Hopefully other leaders come out and challenge Maduro. I no like Macri but he very presidential with this message to Lula. Unfortunately Milei doesn't act like a President with Lula so others have to step in and act like President.

Now it turns out that it's Milei's fault! you take every chance to talk bad about him even when he is clearly on the correct side of history. You're hilarious XD.
I would like to see Cristina Kirchner and all their followers supporting Maduro. :D
They actually do support Maduro. But they too know their days are numbered. Look what they are finally doing to statues of Chavez. There will come a day when they do the same thing to other communists in other Latin American countries. Colombia should take this as a lesson with Petro. All of these leftist leaders are scared after watching this. We need Venezuela to finally break free from their dictators.

Now it turns out that it's Milei's fault! you take every chance to talk bad about him even when he is clearly on the correct side of history. You're hilarious XD.
I saw this letter from the Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Can they really be this stupid? Is this real? Just goes to show you how ignorant some people are if this is real. President Milei just invited every Venezuelan to move to Argentina. He said it's open to every single person from Venezuela.

I saw this letter from the Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Can they really be this stupid? Is this real? Just goes to show you how ignorant some people are if this is real. President Milei just invited every Venezuelan to move to Argentina. He said it's open to every single person from Venezuela.

Wow. I read some articles about this group and had sympathy for them but now reading that letter I am having second thoughts. Now reading tons of posts about them. My mind is blown.

I saw this letter from the Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Can they really be this stupid? Is this real? Just goes to show you how ignorant some people are if this is real. President Milei just invited every Venezuelan to move to Argentina. He said it's open to every single person from Venezuela.

They are crazy and stupid, but at least they are 'honest' with their ideology. Now I would like to see Cristina Kirchner do the same thing, since she always supported Maduro's dictatorship. Or is it that she used the left-wind populist speech to win the elections?
They are crazy and stupid, but at least they are 'honest' with their ideology. Now I would like to see Cristina Kirchner do the same thing, since she always supported Maduro's dictatorship. Or is it that she used the left-wind populist speech to win the elections?
Cristina must be watching what is going on in Venezuela on X and just nervous as hell. Any communist leader in any country must be watching things unfold live and be nervous. I thought Elon Musk was a fool for paying so much for Twitter but it's turning into THE place to watch things unfold in real time.

While I was in Buenos Aires a few weeks ago I was surprised at how many Venezuelans are in Argentina. I read only it says less than 200,000 but it seems like there would be more than that. Almost every person I met was a supporter of Javier Milei. Now I understand more why. It didn't hit me as hard as watching all of this live. With all the problems Argentina has to see Milei invite all of them to come to Argentina was something else.

I had no idea about the ideology of that group. Argentina is a fascinating place. So maybe what the Vice President of Argentina was saying was true after all and they were the villains. I totally lost support for that Mothers group after seeing them support Maduro.
Wow I find that such a moving scene, to see the police defying orders and removing their uniforms in a stance of solidarity with the people. As terrible as things are I did not expect this. What happens next they'll have to act swiftly.
Totally agree with you @FuturoBA. I was also touched by what I'm watching. The key to this will be the military and if they will join the protestors. It won't be easy I'm sure. Those are probably some of the best jobs and there are NO work opportunities there. I'm sure many people only make about $25 a month there. If they can even find jobs. Pensions there are about $5 a month.
I saw this letter from the Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Can they really be this stupid? Is this real? Just goes to show you how ignorant some people are if this is real. President Milei just invited every Venezuelan to move to Argentina. He said it's open to every single person from Venezuela.

What democracy are the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo talking about? My God, it's a dictatorship. Just look at how Maduro's intelligence agents have just kidnapped opposition leader Freddy Superlano today. The Venezuelan people feel powerless and betrayed.

Maybe I’m being naive, but can’t any organization intervene? The disaster this dictator is causing seems endless. Now he’s cut the electricity supply to the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela, where six opposition members are sheltering. How can he act with such impunity?

Maybe I’m being naive, but can’t any organization intervene? The disaster this dictator is causing seems endless. Now he’s cut the electricity supply to the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela, where six opposition members are sheltering. How can he act with such impunity?

No, there aren't any organizations that can interfere. The CIA has been trying to get Chavez out of power for decades and even with him dying of cancer the torch was passed on. That's the problem with communism. Once you vote for it, it's impossible to get rid of it short of an overthrow of the government which isn't easy.
Venezuelans are calling for maximum exposure! Nicolás Maduro’s government arrested the CNE operator who posted a selfie of the vote tallying room, showing screens from each state with Edmundo Gutierrez winning by a landslide. And this is just the beginning.

I don't think it's the same kid that took it. I wondered if the guy was just ignorant and didn't see the screen or he did it on purpose to show the world the actual results.