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This happened to me before. I'm not sure but WU was useless! Just delete your account and start all over. Or make up a new account with a new email address. That worked for me. You will lose your account history but not sure if you need that. It's the only thing that worked for me. Good luck!
Yes the same thing happened to me earlier this year. You delete your profile and then you have to wait 24 hours and it should delete all your information. Worked for me.
Thank you! I did that and did a chat with WU and they said tomorrow it should be reset. I will post back.
Thank you everyone! I'm back in business. $200 US worth of pesos went today. 941.39 pesos to $1 US dollar for those curious. Strange as it said $23.99 for fee and then it's greyed out and said 63% off in green and finally amount is $8.99 to send the $200 which is what I always pay. I'm not sure why it says 63% off. Has WU really gotten that expensive to send in Argentina?

I did my good Christmas deed for the week. I hope to visit Buenos Aires again soon after the New Year.
I have used Western Union many times for many countries including Argentina and especially Brazil where I live now. Always worked like a charm. Now today I see this post about the free transfer so I tried to send to my friend for a Christmas gift and it won't go through. Anyone have any advice? I was using Safari but changed to Chrome and same issue. Cleared my history and emptied the cache. I tried to change the bank from my Chase to my Wells Fargo. Still won't work. I normally don't pay with credit card as it's a cash advance fee when you pay with credit card but I tried that too with no success.

I tried to call WU but I can't get a live person on the phone! My bank said they don't see WU tried to charge it. Anyone have this happen to them?

It seems like I'm in a black hole!
Mine was working fine with WU transfers over the past few weeks. I travel a lot through South America and never had issues with WU in many different countries. But I'm having the same issue. But I'm stuck in this WU hellish black hole of not being able to send myself (or anyone else) money. I tried to get someone on the phone but I can't get a live person on the phone.

I tried to delete my account but I can't seem to. Help!
I just got advice on another thread. I couldn't get my WU account to work again but someone suggested Remitly and I was able to send my airbnb funds with that but it takes a few days. Someone suggested Money Gram and Xoom as well so I will check that out when I get to my apartment. Thanks everyone.
Just an FYI, Western Union is only 960 pesos to $1 US dollar today. I just sent $200 US. MEP rate is 1031 to $1 USD. I sent $200 USD and was $8.99 US fee as usual to send $200 US.

Blue Dollar today was: 955 X 1005

I have a question. It may be silly but I figured you expats would know as it seems like many are permanent-tourists. I got stuck here during COVID and just stayed here. I should have left but I heard that it's better to overstay vs. border runs to Uruguay. I have been here for years and finally have to go back to the UK because my passport and a few other ID's are expiring. Also, to visit mum and dad.

Will my overstay affect Western Union payments at all? They always scan my passport into the computer and today they looked at me funny. A manager came over. I about had a heart attack. Anyone know?
I have a question. It may be silly but I figured you expats would know as it seems like many are permanent-tourists. I got stuck here during COVID and just stayed here. I should have left but I heard that it's better to overstay vs. border runs to Uruguay. I have been here for years and finally have to go back to the UK because my passport and a few other ID's are expiring. Also, to visit mum and dad.

Will my overstay affect Western Union payments at all? They always scan my passport into the computer and today they looked at me funny. A manager came over. I about had a heart attack. Anyone know?
It SHOULD affect things for you but most likely they will not. What did the manager say?

Today I picked up a payment as I am struggling so my sister from Spain sent me some money to tie me over until next month. I got 1,020 pesos to $1 USD. My sister sent me $500 USD worth of pesos.
So, here's the deal: first, they hiked up prices because the blue dollar was playing the inflation game. Now, miraculously, it's all stable, but surprise, surprise, they decide to double the prices because the official peso is taking a nosedive.

I won't outright call them rats, but take a stroll down the hypermarkets or big supermarkets, and you'll see the prices are like a twisted labyrinth – utterly senseless, just like the folks running the show inside.
FYI. I sent my friend a Western Union this morning and I still got the 1,060.85 rate. I would think the rate will go up as the CCL on friday closed at $1,140. Western Union rate isn't the CCL rate but typically I noticed when CCL goes up so does WU. They usually update to be closer to the CCL rate usually late in the day I've found.
FYI. I sent my friend a Western Union this morning and I still got the 1,060.85 rate. I would think the rate will go up as the CCL on friday closed at $1,140. Western Union rate isn't the CCL rate but typically I noticed when CCL goes up so does WU. They usually update to be closer to the CCL rate usually late in the day I've found.

Western Union (WU) usually follows the CCL, but not exactly. That's because there's no fixed CCL - it changes. Here's what they seem to be doing: when the CCL dollar goes down, they update it at 15:00 and 17:00 ART. But if it goes up, they update it once a day, usually after 17:00 when the markets close, and sometimes even days later.

It used to be like clockwork at 15:00, but last week, I noticed I had to wait until after 17:00 for an update, and often, the rate was lower than what the market closed at.