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What are you favorite things about living in Buenos Aires as an Expat or living in Argentina if not living in BA?

it sounds like you two have bad blood between you
Avocado wrote that earlyretirement's love for Argentina is unusual for USA Expats; regardless of if i've criticized their other posts, this is objectively xenophobic and incorrect, and harms the forum, so i'm going to call it out. i only have issues with liars and negative people who offer no solutions for the problems they bring-up

Love how everyone gets along here well even though they are from different backgrounds. I notice a lot of South Americans are living here from other countries.
true, very cosmopolitan, peaceful, diverse, and MERCOSUR expat workers are from everywhere from Colombia to Venezuela, happy to be in Buenos Aires.

Very safe for a city of it's size.
this...earlyretirement 'sold' me on BsAs becaus he's repeatedly stressed this point. i totally agree after 6 weeks of walking all over many neighborhoods.

i can't wait to find a way to get my (big) dog out of CABA at some point, because half of my trip's purpose was to see the scenery of the south!!
Avocado wrote that earlyretirement's love for Argentina is unusual for USA Expats; regardless of if i've criticized their other posts, this is objectively xenophobic and incorrect, and harms the forum, so i'm going to call it out. i only have issues with liars and negative people who offer no solutions for the problems they bring-up

true, very cosmopolitan, peaceful, diverse, and MERCOSUR expat workers are from everywhere from Colombia to Venezuela, happy to be in Buenos Aires.

this...earlyretirement 'sold' me on BsAs becaus he's repeatedly stressed this point. i totally agree after 6 weeks of walking all over many neighborhoods.

i can't wait to find a way to get my (big) dog out of CABA at some point, because half of my trip's purpose was to see the scenery of the south!!
Honestly, I didn't take @Avocado's post as that negative. Locals have been making comments like that to me the past 22 years. I don't think they mean it negatively. Quite the contrary and @Avocado also reached out to me and said she meant it in a positive way and I will take her word on that.

I love this country. I honestly believe much more than even locals do. And sometimes this clearly shines through to them so I often hear comments like this from even my own friends. They tell me they are surprised I'm not a Porteño. That is how Avocado meant it.

I believe that in life we all won't agree with one another. I've been silent up to now but I really think that people need to learn to get along on the forum. We won't always agree with one another but I don't think it does any good for you @Avocado and @StatusNomadicus to get under one another's skin so much. I have made it very clear that this forum is not just for ex-pats. In the future, I may rebrand to emphasize this point. This forum is for all things Buenos Aires. I want it to be a place that locals can feel free to contribute or give their opinions as much as expats.

I have loved Argentina and done business here and invested here for 22 years now. I hate to see people fighting on the forum. I will continue with no moderation policy as long as it's not breaking rules but I'd love to see people getting along if possible. I think it disrupts things when people are constantly fighting but I agree that we all won't agree with one another on many points including politically.

Thanks everyone for participating on this forum. Buenos Aires is a very special place. I've been all over the world many times over and no city has affected me as much as BA has.
Honestly, I didn't take @Avocado's post as that negative. Locals have been making comments like that to me the past 22 years. I don't think they mean it negatively. Quite the contrary and @Avocado also reached out to me and said she meant it in a positive way and I will take her word on that.

I love this country. I honestly believe much more than even locals do. And sometimes this clearly shines through to them so I often hear comments like this from even my own friends. They tell me they are surprised I'm not a Porteño. That is how Avocado meant it.

I believe that in life we all won't agree with one another. I've been silent up to now but I really think that people need to learn to get along on the forum. We won't always agree with one another but I don't think it does any good for you @Avocado and @StatusNomadicus to get under one another's skin so much. I have made it very clear that this forum is not just for ex-pats. In the future, I may rebrand to emphasize this point. This forum is for all things Buenos Aires. I want it to be a place that locals can feel free to contribute or give their opinions as much as expats.

I have loved Argentina and done business here and invested here for 22 years now. I hate to see people fighting on the forum. I will continue with no moderation policy as long as it's not breaking rules but I'd love to see people getting along if possible. I think it disrupts things when people are constantly fighting but I agree that we all won't agree with one another on many points including politically.

Thanks everyone for participating on this forum. Buenos Aires is a very special place. I've been all over the world many times over and no city has affected me as much as BA has.
Thanks to you @earlyretirement. As I told you, I meant it positive so thank you for posting this post. I know you love Argentina. I know that's why you start this forum. For sharing information. I like you say this forum is for everyone not just expats. That's why I like to post here. All the people benefit from your forum.