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What Christmas or New Year gift do you give to your doorman/woman (Portero/a) in Buenos Aires?

What I do when I buy a new property is I will ask for their birthday and I will give them a decent gift on their birthday and also Christmas. You do have to be careful wish cash as it can get tricky if they are expediting cash all the time. I have some apartments that I go use when I am in town visiting or for work and sometimes I will give some cash at the end of the visit. But more times than not when I am ordering food or something, I'll ask if they want something or I will just order a few extra for them. The security guards at some of the buildings where I own love this.

My properties that I own, I rent them out on Airbnb so there is extra incentive for me to keep these guys happy as they are always helping guests out. A happy doorman goes a LONG way with short-term rental guests. Typically doing this keeps the doormen/women really happy and they go the extra mile to help my guests out.

I have made good friends with various doormen in Buenos Aires when I first moved there. For example, in one of the first apartments that I purchased in Recoleta in 2002, I really liked the building and I offered all the owners in the building to buy their units. The doorman would help me with owners and see if they were interested. We ended up buying about 8 units in the building that way and it sure beat paying a realtor a commission. I just gave the doorman some cash.

Although it got to the point where it was annoying as he asked for a loan to buy a new car. LOL. So it is probably good not to get TOO close to them as well. Ha. Call me a sucker but I did help him buy the new car. He paid me back over 3 years.
100% Never hurts to treat door men and women well.

Although the last part made me think of this lol
What I do when I buy a new property is I will ask for their birthday and I will give them a decent gift on their birthday and also Christmas. You do have to be careful wish cash as it can get tricky if they are expediting cash all the time. I have some apartments that I go use when I am in town visiting or for work and sometimes I will give some cash at the end of the visit. But more times than not when I am ordering food or something, I'll ask if they want something or I will just order a few extra for them. The security guards at some of the buildings where I own love this.

My properties that I own, I rent them out on Airbnb so there is extra incentive for me to keep these guys happy as they are always helping guests out. A happy doorman goes a LONG way with short-term rental guests. Typically doing this keeps the doormen/women really happy and they go the extra mile to help my guests out.

I have made good friends with various doormen in Buenos Aires when I first moved there. For example, in one of the first apartments that I purchased in Recoleta in 2002, I really liked the building and I offered all the owners in the building to buy their units. The doorman would help me with owners and see if they were interested. We ended up buying about 8 units in the building that way and it sure beat paying a realtor a commission. I just gave the doorman some cash.

Although it got to the point where it was annoying as he asked for a loan to buy a new car. LOL. So it is probably good not to get TOO close to them as well. Ha. Call me a sucker but I did help him buy the new car. He paid me back over 3 years.
Oh wow that is crazy! No, I'm not buying my doorman a car!
100% Never hurts to treat door men and women well.

Although the last part made me think of this lol
Seinfeld! A classic.