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Newcomer What fresh insanity is this?


New member
So, I read the Buenos Aires Herald online this morning and see a comment in the first headline about a singer critising the mayor over the set up of an 0800 number to nark on political activities in schools?

Is this for real? An 0800 number?

I really hope something has been lost in translation.
So, I read the Buenos Aires Herald online this morning and see a comment in the first headline about a singer critising the mayor over the set up of an 0800 number to nark on political activities in schools?

Is this for real? An 0800 number?

I really hope something has been lost in translation.
Yup all real.

Party of the National government sends in operatives to public schools to indoctrinate kids at the same time they start to garner support for a bill to lower the voting age to 16. City Government (opposition party) sets up a hotline to denounce it.

This is not insanity.....this is ARGENTINA!
Save your political views for another thread. Brainwashing kids in school ANYWHERE is ridiculous , and glad to see someone , be it politicians or parents trying to do something about it. That is what this thread is about. Not he US , Bill of Rights , or the US Constitution. Please vote in the US election. Then your voice will be heard where you voice you rants.
Save your political views for another thread. Brainwashing kids in school ANYWHERE is ridiculous , and glad to see someone , be it politicians or parents trying to do something about it. That is what this thread is about. Not he US , Bill of Rights , or the US Constitution. Please vote in the US election. Then your voice will be heard where you voice you rants.
Oh, I see. Bashing Argentina is fair game. Bashing the US is...well, save any criticism for the elections. Got it, Just added you to my ignore list.
Oh, I see. Bashing Argentina is fair game. Bashing the US is...well, save any criticism for the elections. Got it, Just added you to my ignore list.
Dude this is Buenos Aires expats forum. Its not about who you can bash and who you can't. In fact if you want to write about the US, there is a "World Politics" section.

Surely you understand that.

I don't get this need people feel to criticize "X" country just because Argentina is criticized. I mean, this is afterall a forum mostly populated by people living in Argentina, is it not? That is the reason we talk about Argentina.
Dude this is Buenos Aires expats forum. Its not about who you can bash and who you can't. In fact if you want to write about the US, there is a "World Politics" section.

Surely you understand that.

I don't get this need people feel to criticize "X" country just because Argentina is criticized. I mean, this is afterall a forum mostly populated by people living in Argentina, is it not? That is the reason we talk about Argentina.
Yes man, I understand that. However, what was the context of my initial comment? People were horrified by the news of the indoctrination in the schools and wondering how Argentina tolerate such madness, as if this was the horrors of the horrors? I just pointed out that, despite the fact that the news was indeed outrageous, Argentina does not have the monopoly on madness. Yes, Argentina has a lot of weird sh*t going on. But people make it sound like everywhere else was normal and dandy while people here are batshit crazy.
However, once I point out some the idiosyncrasies of American society, people start climbing on their horses and getting offended.

I am as guilty as anyone of sometimes coming down really hard on Argentina. And I think I am wrong when I do that too. It is understandable. Hell, sometimes I get frustrated with the way things are here and just want to vent too. But I think it is important to keep things in perspective. Yes, indoctrination in schools suck. So does having a Soviet sounding Dept. Of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act. An Argentinian might be as horrified about those things as we are of political indoctrination on their schools. You and your political views might have no issue with the Patriot Act or the Dept. Of Homeland Security. Many Argentinians also see nothing wrong with the "La Campora". Who is right?
I just find it weird sometimes that we can judge them so harshly while forgetting that a lot of the things we do in the US might seem weird or outright tyrannical to them. As an example, most Argentinians have a real hard time understanding how Americans can deal so naturally and calmly with institutionalized torture by the US government. For them, who dealt with years of military dictatorships and brutal state sponsored torture, it is very hard to comprehend how Americans in general can so easily tolerate and approve such practices by our government.
This is just one example, there are many others. I think we should just relax a bit and at least try to be a little less judgmental towards them. After all, our society is less than perfect too.
Yes man, I understand that. However, what was the context of my initial comment? People were horrified by the news of the indoctrination in the schools and wondering how Argentina tolerate such madness, as if this was the horrors of the horrors? I just pointed out that, despite the fact that the news was indeed outrageous, Argentina does not have the monopoly on madness. Yes, Argentina has a lot of weird sh*t going on. But people make it sound like everywhere else was normal and dandy while people here are batshit crazy.
However, once I point out some the idiosyncrasies of American society, people start climbing on their horses and getting offended.

I am as guilty as anyone of sometimes coming down really hard on Argentina. And I think I am wrong when I do that too. It is understandable. Hell, sometimes I get frustrated with the way things are here and just want to vent too. But I think it is important to keep things in perspective. Yes, indoctrination in schools suck. So does having a Soviet sounding Dept. Of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act. An Argentinian might be as horrified about those things as we are of political indoctrination on their schools. You and your political views might have no issue with the Patriot Act or the Dept. Of Homeland Security. Many Argentinians also see nothing wrong with the "La Campora". Who is right?
I just find it weird sometimes that we can judge them so harshly while forgetting that a lot of the things we do in the US might seem weird or outright tyrannical to them. As an example, most Argentinians have a real hard time understanding how Americans can deal so naturally and calmly with institutionalized torture by the US government. For them, who dealt with years of military dictatorships and brutal state sponsored torture, it is very hard to comprehend how Americans in general can so easily tolerate and approve such practices by our government.
This is just one example, there are many others. I think we should just relax a bit and at least try to be a little less judgmental towards them. After all, our society is less than perfect too.
I don't even think people are saying that "people" in Argentina are batsh*t crazy. Mostly that CFK is batsh*t crazy!

I remember a few years ago some of the posters on this board used to post how great CFK was. Ironically, I don't see those people posting anymore...