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What is everyone's favorite ice cream store in Buenos Aires?


Well-known member
I read @Sunny's post on an ice cream parlor owned by an Argentine family in the United States. That made me wonder what is everyone's favorite ice cream in Buenos Aires?

We eat a lot of ice cream here in Argentina. On average 7 kg per year per person. This list has some of the best in the city but I wanted to hear what is everyone's
favorite? I love Via Maggiore in Recoleta.

I read @Sunny's post on an ice cream parlor owned by an Argentine family in the United States. That made me wonder what is everyone's favorite ice cream in Buenos Aires?

We eat a lot of ice cream here in Argentina. On average 7 kg per year per person. This list has some of the best in the city but I wanted to hear what is everyone's
favorite? I love Via Maggiore in Recoleta.

My favorite is at El Preferido in Palermo. They have great ice cream!
New to me. Thanks for recommending it, will pay them a visit soon.
Also our favorite! Be careful Sunny it is addictive! Here is the National Geographic article that Sunny mentioned.

When I was down there one thing I pigged out on was the helado. There wasn't a bad place that I recall. Of those I remember I agree w @Sunny Lucciano's and Rapanui. And seeing @Avocado and @Vince mention Cadore I gotta get my ass back down there soon :)
Yes no bad ice cream here! But some are better than other. Lucciano is not bad but more commercialized ice cream. Rapanui was originally from Bariloche. It also very good. But I think Cadore in other league.
From the article that you linked:

Heladeria Cadore, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Argentina's capital has no shortage of ice cream shops. Heladeria Cadore, in the busy theater district, is a favorite. The Olivotti family brought their generations-old process from the village of Cadore, Italy, to Buenos Aires in 1957 and have occupied the same storefront ever since. Try the chocolate with Cointreau, dulce de leche granizado, or lemon mousse. The best part? Heladeria Cadore delivers.Planning: Heladeria Cadore is at Avenida Corrientes 1696.

I can't believe I never noticed that ice cream shop! I definitely have to fix that pronto!
Yes Sunny it is amazing. I didn't know they deliver! That is the only reason I haven't been in a while. But it is delicious. Also try Obrador Florida.
This is easy question. The BEST in the city is Cadore! Not even close. National Geographic named it one of the Top 10 ice cream in the world!

I agree @Avocado they have really great ice cream. It's been a while since I've been there.

I actually like the frozen Cannoli's at Helados Italia the most. Really delicious!

From the article that you linked:

Heladeria Cadore, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Argentina's capital has no shortage of ice cream shops. Heladeria Cadore, in the busy theater district, is a favorite. The Olivotti family brought their generations-old process from the village of Cadore, Italy, to Buenos Aires in 1957 and have occupied the same storefront ever since. Try the chocolate with Cointreau, dulce de leche granizado, or lemon mousse. The best part? Heladeria Cadore delivers.Planning: Heladeria Cadore is at Avenida Corrientes 1696.

I can't believe I never noticed that ice cream shop! I definitely have to fix that pronto!
Been going to Cadore for a while. Great stuff. I also like Tufic in Soho as it's around the corner from my flat.
From the article that you linked:

Heladeria Cadore, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Argentina's capital has no shortage of ice cream shops. Heladeria Cadore, in the busy theater district, is a favorite. The Olivotti family brought their generations-old process from the village of Cadore, Italy, to Buenos Aires in 1957 and have occupied the same storefront ever since. Try the chocolate with Cointreau, dulce de leche granizado, or lemon mousse. The best part? Heladeria Cadore delivers.Planning: Heladeria Cadore is at Avenida Corrientes 1696.

I can't believe I never noticed that ice cream shop! I definitely have to fix that pronto!
I am adding this to my must visit places!
We have only been here a few weeks but tried out several of these. We didn't know about Cadore but will try it this weekend. So far we like Tufic the most in Palermo Soho.