What is the average price to rent a 1-bedroom apartment in the suburbs and what are the cheapest neighborhoods? - Infobae

October 17, 2024
Rents have accumulated an average increase of 65% so far this year. Although the increase has slowed year-on-year, it is still difficult to find houses or PHs in good locations
By Jose Luis Cieri
An apartment for rent in the southern area of Greater Buenos Aires
Rents in Greater Buenos Aires (GBA) continue to show an upward trend, with increases averaging 65% this year. Although the increase has slowed compared to last year, the impact on tenants remains significant.
Finding a one-bedroom apartment for less than $250,000 a month has become almost impossible, and those looking for houses or PHs in well-located areas face even more difficulties.
According to a private analysis, rental prices rose by an average of 65% so far in 2024 through September, driven by increases of 68.3% in the west and south of the GBA, and 63.3% in the north of the GBA.
According to a report by Zonaprop, the average rental price for a two-room apartment in GBA west-south rose 5.7% in September and stands at $350,157 per month , while a three-room apartment costs $453,848 per month.
In the last quarter, the price increase accelerated, rising by 16.8 percent. It is currently 26% below the price registered in GBA North ($473,179) for two-room apartments and 31% below that of CABA ($507,422 per month).
Canning, Ezeiza and Sáenz Peña are among the most expensive neighborhoods in the west-south area, with average prices of $468,639, $429,0045, and $414,377 per month, respectively. On the other hand, Laferrere is the most affordable, with a price of $251,490; La Tablada ($258,468) and Merlo ($278,979 per month) follow.
On the other hand, the average rental price in North GBA increased by 5.1% in September and a one-bedroom apartment is located at $473,179 per month.
Rincón de Milberg leads the ranking of neighborhoods with the most expensive offer with an average price of $641,069 per month. It is followed by Nordelta and Olivos, with a value of $605,205 and $571,264 per month, respectively. Los Polvorines, on the other hand, continues to be the neighborhood with the cheapest offer, with an average price of $343,581; followed by José León Suárez ($344,723) and San Miguel ($381,854 per month).
Ariel Bechara Aded , from Bechara Inmobiliaria, told Infobae that “after the DNU that modified market conditions, the rental offer grew by 40% since the beginning of the year. This greater offer especially benefited 3 and 4-room properties, which allow access to new tenant contracts, when a year ago there was a shortage of units for families.”
The supply of houses and duplexes remains limited. According to Bechara Aded, those who manage to rent a property with good amenities tend to keep the contract for several years, which reduces the turnover of these properties on the market and limits their availability.
As for contracts, they are currently signed for a period of 2 years, with adjustments for inflation every 3 or 4 months.
"The most commonly used guarantees are surety bonds or property guarantees, and so far there have been no major difficulties in reaching agreements between owners and tenants in this area of the GBA," Bechara Aded explained.
Sebastián Ferry , from Matías Szpira Bienes Raíces Castelar branch, commented that “since the implementation of the DNU, the rental offer has grown by nearly 50%; one-bedroom apartments with garage are the most in demand, since owners find it more viable to sign two-year contracts with adjustments every three or four months.”
Despite the increase in the supply of apartments, houses are still difficult to find for rent. Ferry points out that many owners prefer to sell at this favourable moment, driven by the return of mortgage loans, rather than rent.
The contracts are being signed for two years with quarterly adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Rental Contract Index (ICL). “The most negotiable point between tenants and owners is the deadline for the adjustments, although the value is also key, since expenses have risen significantly and this affects the rental value,” explained Ferry.
Source: Zonaprop
Alejandro J. Altamirano , from Altamirano Properties, explained that “since the implementation of the DNU, the rental offer in the area has grown significantly. At the end of last year we had only 2 or 3 apartments available, but today we have 15 properties on offer on average per month. This increase is due to the fact that the owners, who were previously unwilling to rent under restrictive conditions, decided to offer their properties for rent again.”
Although prices did not keep pace with inflation, Altamirano noted that rents in dollars improved significantly due to the stability of the exchange rate and the drop in sales prices.
Several large houses that were previously rented out due to the drop in sales prices returned to the sales market, driven by mortgage loans and money laundering, which reduced their rental supply.
Altamirano said that the market has returned to 2-year housing contracts, with quarterly or four-monthly adjustments based on CPI. “Tenants now pay special attention to municipal fees and taxes, which have a greater impact on their budgets,” he concluded.


Cuál es el precio promedio para alquilar un departamento de 2 ambientes en el conurbano y cuáles son los barrios más baratos
Los alquileres acumulan un aumento promedio del 65% en lo que va del año. Aunque la suba se desaceleró en términos interanuales, sigue siendo difícil encontrar casas o PH bien ubicados

October 17, 2024
Rents have accumulated an average increase of 65% so far this year. Although the increase has slowed year-on-year, it is still difficult to find houses or PHs in good locations
By Jose Luis Cieri

An apartment for rent in the southern area of Greater Buenos Aires
Rents in Greater Buenos Aires (GBA) continue to show an upward trend, with increases averaging 65% this year. Although the increase has slowed compared to last year, the impact on tenants remains significant.
Finding a one-bedroom apartment for less than $250,000 a month has become almost impossible, and those looking for houses or PHs in well-located areas face even more difficulties.
According to a private analysis, rental prices rose by an average of 65% so far in 2024 through September, driven by increases of 68.3% in the west and south of the GBA, and 63.3% in the north of the GBA.
According to a report by Zonaprop, the average rental price for a two-room apartment in GBA west-south rose 5.7% in September and stands at $350,157 per month , while a three-room apartment costs $453,848 per month.

In the last quarter, the price increase accelerated, rising by 16.8 percent. It is currently 26% below the price registered in GBA North ($473,179) for two-room apartments and 31% below that of CABA ($507,422 per month).
Canning, Ezeiza and Sáenz Peña are among the most expensive neighborhoods in the west-south area, with average prices of $468,639, $429,0045, and $414,377 per month, respectively. On the other hand, Laferrere is the most affordable, with a price of $251,490; La Tablada ($258,468) and Merlo ($278,979 per month) follow.

On the other hand, the average rental price in North GBA increased by 5.1% in September and a one-bedroom apartment is located at $473,179 per month.
Rincón de Milberg leads the ranking of neighborhoods with the most expensive offer with an average price of $641,069 per month. It is followed by Nordelta and Olivos, with a value of $605,205 and $571,264 per month, respectively. Los Polvorines, on the other hand, continues to be the neighborhood with the cheapest offer, with an average price of $343,581; followed by José León Suárez ($344,723) and San Miguel ($381,854 per month).
Southern Territory
In the rental market in the southern area of GBA , especially in Avellaneda (Centro and Piñeyro) and Lanús Oeste, a 1-bedroom apartment costs $300,000 per month, while a 2-bedroom apartment costs 400,000 pesos. As for houses, prices start at $500,000, and if they have a garage, they go up to $550,000 per month.
Ariel Bechara Aded , from Bechara Inmobiliaria, told Infobae that “after the DNU that modified market conditions, the rental offer grew by 40% since the beginning of the year. This greater offer especially benefited 3 and 4-room properties, which allow access to new tenant contracts, when a year ago there was a shortage of units for families.”
The supply of houses and duplexes remains limited. According to Bechara Aded, those who manage to rent a property with good amenities tend to keep the contract for several years, which reduces the turnover of these properties on the market and limits their availability.
As for contracts, they are currently signed for a period of 2 years, with adjustments for inflation every 3 or 4 months.
"The most commonly used guarantees are surety bonds or property guarantees, and so far there have been no major difficulties in reaching agreements between owners and tenants in this area of the GBA," Bechara Aded explained.
West Pulse
In the Castelar area, renting a one-bedroom apartment costs approximately $400,000 per month, while a two-bedroom apartment costs 650,000 pesos. Renting a three-room house with a garage costs around $900,000, a real challenge for the pocketbook.Sebastián Ferry , from Matías Szpira Bienes Raíces Castelar branch, commented that “since the implementation of the DNU, the rental offer has grown by nearly 50%; one-bedroom apartments with garage are the most in demand, since owners find it more viable to sign two-year contracts with adjustments every three or four months.”

Despite the increase in the supply of apartments, houses are still difficult to find for rent. Ferry points out that many owners prefer to sell at this favourable moment, driven by the return of mortgage loans, rather than rent.
The contracts are being signed for two years with quarterly adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Rental Contract Index (ICL). “The most negotiable point between tenants and owners is the deadline for the adjustments, although the value is also key, since expenses have risen significantly and this affects the rental value,” explained Ferry.
In the San Martin match
In Villa Ballester, in the northern suburbs, the price of a 1-bedroom apartment currently starts at $400,000, while 3-room apartments are rented from $550,000 per month. The housing market, however, is very varied, with prices ranging from $400,000 in less attractive areas, to $2,000,000 in more exclusive areas.
Source: Zonaprop
Alejandro J. Altamirano , from Altamirano Properties, explained that “since the implementation of the DNU, the rental offer in the area has grown significantly. At the end of last year we had only 2 or 3 apartments available, but today we have 15 properties on offer on average per month. This increase is due to the fact that the owners, who were previously unwilling to rent under restrictive conditions, decided to offer their properties for rent again.”
Although prices did not keep pace with inflation, Altamirano noted that rents in dollars improved significantly due to the stability of the exchange rate and the drop in sales prices.

Several large houses that were previously rented out due to the drop in sales prices returned to the sales market, driven by mortgage loans and money laundering, which reduced their rental supply.
Altamirano said that the market has returned to 2-year housing contracts, with quarterly or four-monthly adjustments based on CPI. “Tenants now pay special attention to municipal fees and taxes, which have a greater impact on their budgets,” he concluded.