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Newcomer What kind of tourist hates Buenos Aires?


New member
I'm considering a trip to Buenos Aires this year, particularly in August (the weather seems ideal for me). While there's a wealth of fascinating information online about Buenos Aires, I've come across a few individuals who express strong negative sentiments about the city.

Drawing from your expertise, I'd like to inquire: What characteristics define someone who dislikes Buenos Aires? Conversely, what attributes typify someone who enjoys or loves the city?

Individuals who hold unfavorable opinions about Buenos Aires often do so due to concerns about the air quality.

On the flip side, those who perceive the air quality in Buenos Aires positively tend to harbor fondness or love for the city.
Tourists seeking a beach experience or those desiring a skiing destination may find Buenos Aires unsatisfactory. However, we have a deep and enduring love for the city, which has persisted for many years.
There are aspects of Buenos Aires I despise like the supermarket. It is painful how slow everybody is, there can be just a couple of people in front of you with a few items each and it still takes 20 minutes. What makes me more furious is how accepting of it everyone is, like life is so miserable and pointless why not spend half of it in a supermarket? The idea there must be a better way just doesn't occur to them.

They are so SLOW. The cashier slowly scans items taking random breaks. The customer stands there in a coma. Do they get their card / cash ready to pay? Of course not, When the cashier finally finishes scanning and tells the price the customer looks surprised like "oh right, I have to pay."
They SLOWLY fumble around their cards or slowly count each note of cash like a zombie corpse robbing a bank. When they FINALLY pay that is never the end of it, there is always some other crap they have to waste more minutes doing

More than once waiting in line I have just dumped all my items and walked out
a few individuals who express strong negative sentiments about the city.
i got you, bruh! don't listen to Argentines on reddit or on these forums...the locals are very negative sometimes, mostly i think because they have zero perspective, from not being able to travel anywhere they can afford.

that being said, the air quality today was the first time in my 2 months that it was horrible. i couldn't see the Rio from my balcony, so i didn't let my dog outside and i postponed my plans. it shows 78 quality now, but it was around 150 when i woke-up:
that being said, air quality in the Midwest during winter, when people burn wood for heat, is sometimes just as bad. and 150 is common around Northern California or Oregon, or in Canada last year when the whole country was on fire

i don't think there's much good info on air quality in BsAs; it's like there aren't very many sensors for 13 million people, yet in the USA you can find thousands of sensors in any city.

regarding annoying things, there's a separate thread on this forum about that, but many people give complaints that apply to any big city. i would say people in Buenos Aires, locals especially, and the more Italian they look the worse they are at this, will just walk in front of you...cut you off, turn in front of you suddenly, or stop in the middle of the sidewalk, or walk side-by-side so their group won't let anyone pass. it's really annoying and there's a sort of lack of consideration for other people. i just started shoulder-checking people lightly, and sometimes i talk sh*t in English if the affront is especially bad. i was walking up the stairs in my gym and some 40-year-old lady just stopped to talk to a cleaner, blocking the entire upstairs for 30 seconds. i find this happens in BsAs way more than other cities i've been, but i haven't been to Italy yet to know if it's just an italian goofy aspect of their heritage

ask specific questions if you want...i'm from the Midwest USA and i will hook you up. just come here and you'll learn more than anyone can teach you. but 95% of Argentines in these types of sites are commies and will be negative. it's super safe, plenty to do, and you don't have to worry about WorldWar3 or CivilWar2 while you're down here : ) plus things are 25-50% of the cost of the USA depending on how frugal you are.
FYI here is a thread on negatives of Buenos Aires.
