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What place has the best medialunas in Buenos Aires?

Thanks, Betsy, for sharing that link. I looked at their photos on Google maps. Wow, the skill of that baker! I'll drag hubby that way this coming week. Can't wait.
I can confirm this place is GREAT. I didn't know the name of it but it's the place where my girlfriend's family buys their bread. @Sunny they have these pesto and cheese rolls that are insanely good! I had them one day at lunch that my novia's mom prepared. I think most of the bread is terrible here but this place is where they buy their bread. My girlfriend said they are on delivery service and there is a WhatsApp that they will give you if you ask and you can have them set aside things once they get to know you.
You're welcome! If you like sour dough bread try it out. It is the best in Buenos Aires. All of their breads are very good. They don't do mass volume and they can run out quickly so go in the morning. But let me know what you think. There are a lot of bakeries in this city but many aren't that great or don't take pride in what they offer. This is the rare exception.
Shhhh! @Betsy Ross some of us don't want all the expats and tourists to know about this place. It's already tough getting things there as they sell out quickly. It's a local favorite.
I will! And I'll take photos of what we buy. 😀

That's another thing that has changed for the worse. Most bakeries back in the 70s and 80s were excellent. Same about the casas de pastas. La Juvenil used to be outstanding. I am disappointed in what the sell now, that high quality that set them apart is gone.
Yes! Not only bakeries but also steakhouses now. The beef I think used to be much better. Grass fed and higher quality beef. I think many restaurants cut corners and getting cheaper beef with the exception of some very high end restaurants that charge a higher $. Bakeries even going back as little as a decade ago were using higher quality products. But many now seem to be using cheap products and ingredients and you can taste the difference. I totally agree about La Juvenil! Quality has gone downhill.
I tried a few and some places were just too sweet. My favorite was Atelier Fuerza in Palermo.

Their Instagram page is here

Wow great thread as I love medialunas! I haven't tried many on this thread. But I agree with RN in BA. Atelier Fuerza my friends there told me they have the best croissants in the city and I go there each time I'm in town. But I see Levando that you're talking about has higher reviews and only a few blocks away. I just looked at some of those photos of the bread and they look out of this world good! I will check it out. Thanks all for posting your favorites!
We are SO lucky. During the summer, we lived a block from the Alvear Plaza Hotel and discovered Dos Escudos, a couple of blocks away. Now we have a Dos Escudos just one block from us. There should be a Dos Escudos in every single neighborhood in every single city around the world. That good it is.
Yes that is local favorite. Good quality and not too expensive. Always very good.
We are going to have to make a private group for local expats only! No tourists allowed! (Sorry Jenn). JK!
Hey!! By the way forgive my ignorance. Are medialunas just croissants? Are they the same thing? I read someone that said something about sugar in them? They have sugar in their croissants there? That seems strange. I do understand about not wanting places to get too popular. My friend said that a lot of expats don't share information on public forums for fear of them becoming like "Don Julio" where prices just go up and long lines or impossible to get in. She said the same thing about information on getting residency there. She said no one wants to share info because they actually don't want more people moving here which seems selfish!
You’d be just as “selfish” if it was your town the one that is affected by tourism.

Medialunas and croissants are not the same.
Ok thanks. I just googled it and read this.

There are so many great places in BA. My favorite is La Mantaqueria. I go to the one in Recoleta but I think they have a few locations now. Amazing!

IG: https://www.instagram.com/lamantequeria_recoleta/

In Recoleta on Las Heras / Ayacucho

OMG I loved these! Especially the sweeter ones. We went here 3 times during my 10 days in Buenos Aires last year
Great info, thank you! Pesto and cheese rolls, yum! I saw the photos of their focaccia which looks oh sooooo good!
I also came to this place and it was delicious! Honestly I didn't have any bad meals at all. The food was so affordable it almost felt free. I understand prices doubled since then but I can't wait to get back to BA this year.
Thanks, Betsy, for sharing that link. I looked at their photos on Google maps. Wow, the skill of that baker! I'll drag hubby that way this coming week. Can't wait.
Darn I always gatekeep this bakery as it's one of the best. Mostly locals go there but they do have amazing bread! Let us know how you like it @Sunny. I hit it each time I'm in town. I just bought a new apartment on that block. My wife jokes with me that I bought it just so I can go to that bakery more often!
OMG I loved these! Especially the sweeter ones. We went here 3 times during my 10 days in Buenos Aires last year

I also came to this place and it was delicious! Honestly I didn't have any bad meals at all. The food was so affordable it almost felt free. I understand prices doubled since then but I can't wait to get back to BA this year.
You have a great memory @Johnny! Yes, La Mantequeria and Levando were two of the places you kept wanting to go back to. Your new apartment is just 6 blocks from this bakery. I just bought a new apartment a few weeks ago on the same block as that bakery.
We are SO lucky. During the summer, we lived a block from the Alvear Plaza Hotel and discovered Dos Escudos, a couple of blocks away. Now we have a Dos Escudos just one block from us. There should be a Dos Escudos in every single neighborhood in every single city around the world. That good it is.
Totally agree about Dos Escudos! That place is fabulous! I didn't realize they had more than one location. I went to the one in Recoleta by the Four Seasons.
I want to share my experience with you because I tried the best "medialunas" in Buenos Aires so far. They were delicious, fluffy, sweet, and large. I had the butter ones, but they also offer "medialunas de grasa" and a variety of pastries that looked equally delicious. The place is called Domani, and it's located at the corner of Salguero and Castex in Palermo. I went there by chance because I had a medical appointment nearby, and since I arrived early, I decided to have breakfast there. I was pleasantly surprised.

A coffee with milk and three medialunas cost me $5000.


I want to share my experience with you because I tried the best "medialunas" in Buenos Aires so far. They were delicious, fluffy, sweet, and large. I had the butter ones, but they also offer "medialunas de grasa" and a variety of pastries that looked equally delicious. The place is called Domani, and it's located at the corner of Salguero and Castex in Palermo. I went there by chance because I had a medical appointment nearby, and since I arrived early, I decided to have breakfast there. I was pleasantly surprised.

A coffee with milk and three medialunas cost me $5000.


I have been to this place. Very good. I will have to check out some of these cafes. BA has no shortages of good medialunas!