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What place has the best medialunas in Buenos Aires?

We went to Levando this afternoon. The place is tiny and by 3:00 PM there wasn't much bread left but they still had medialunas, which are exquisite. The texture is like a cross between a classic medialuna and a croissant, very delicate texture, really lovely. Luckily, they still had some hotdog buns, which are also exceptional, can't wait to make some hotdogs tomorrow.

Thank you, @Betsy Ross for recommending Levando!

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3 PM is too late for Levando. They sell out very quickly of many of the breads there. The sour dough is especially good here. Those hot dog buns look lovely and fresh. I love the medialunas here but in the morning they are very fresh.
Are you thinking of moving country? Yes, things are definitely much more expensive now and, as the economy continues to get better, if Milei's plan works, this country will be as expensive as first world countries, as it should be, really. But, by then, hopefully, salaries here will make sense.
Hi Sunny. I wanted to do that before when I came last year but I couldn't find any opportunities there for a decent living wage in Buenos Aires. I am fluent in Spanish and could probably get a DNI but even having a DNI there were no jobs that paid a decent salary. I still thought about it. I was going to cash in a 401K and buy a property there which is the only way I could have afforded a property there but my mom talked me out of it.

The plan is to work for another 10 years here in the US and save a lot of my money. My mom let me move back in with her so I have almost no expenses. I plan to buy a property down there hopefully within the next 2 years so I have a place down there. I don't think I would ever move down to Buenos Aires to retire only renting. Goal is to buy something as soon as I can and just rent it out to cover bills and come down and use it on vacations.

I make six figure salary here doing what I love. I need to focus on it here and just go down and visit until then.
Hi Sunny. I wanted to do that before when I came last year but I couldn't find any opportunities there for a decent living wage in Buenos Aires. I am fluent in Spanish and could probably get a DNI but even having a DNI there were no jobs that paid a decent salary. I still thought about it. I was going to cash in a 401K and buy a property there which is the only way I could have afforded a property there but my mom talked me out of it.

The plan is to work for another 10 years here in the US and save a lot of my money. My mom let me move back in with her so I have almost no expenses. I plan to buy a property down there hopefully within the next 2 years so I have a place down there. I don't think I would ever move down to Buenos Aires to retire only renting. Goal is to buy something as soon as I can and just rent it out to cover bills and come down and use it on vacations.

I make six figure salary here doing what I love. I need to focus on it here and just go down and visit until then.
BA is NOT a country you go to make money. It's a place you possibly go to retire. I wouldn't recommend it for people that are in the prime of their working careers unless you can work remotely and make the same salary.
Hi Sunny. I wanted to do that before when I came last year but I couldn't find any opportunities there for a decent living wage in Buenos Aires. I am fluent in Spanish and could probably get a DNI but even having a DNI there were no jobs that paid a decent salary. I still thought about it. I was going to cash in a 401K and buy a property there which is the only way I could have afforded a property there but my mom talked me out of it.

The plan is to work for another 10 years here in the US and save a lot of my money. My mom let me move back in with her so I have almost no expenses. I plan to buy a property down there hopefully within the next 2 years so I have a place down there. I don't think I would ever move down to Buenos Aires to retire only renting. Goal is to buy something as soon as I can and just rent it out to cover bills and come down and use it on vacations.

I make six figure salary here doing what I love. I need to focus on it here and just go down and visit until then.
Yeah extremely tough to make a decent salary here. Some are really underpaid. I was shocked to read many journalists are making poverty line wages. I guess that's why they were all subsidized by the government!

Thank you everyone! I made my way to Levando this week and very good sour dough. I also got some medialunas and very good. I also found my new favorite coffee store walking around that area - Evaristo. The expresses there are insanely good! They have trained baristas there that know about coffee.

For bakeries, I really like Sam Canillas for bread and Lievito Madre for pastries. My first apartment in BA was between those two bakeries and I was incredibly happy.
Thanks @Darksider415 I am going to try them out but is Sam Canillas still in business? On Google Maps it says "temporarily closed". Usually when I see that it means the company went out of business.

Thanks @Darksider415 I am going to try them out but is Sam Canillas still in business? On Google Maps it says "temporarily closed". Usually when I see that it means the company went out of business.

Their Instagram is still active and they're apparently taking appointments for bread, since they're remodeling.

If you haven't been to Domani yet, you should definitely go. I tried the best medialunas there; they served them fresh out of the oven. I highly recommend them. Besides having breakfast there, I also took half a dozen to enjoy in the afternoon, haha.

It's on the corner of Salquero and Castex.

Will check it out. Nice area. But only has a Google review of 4 stars which isn't that great.