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Politics What will happen to Mayor Fernando Espinoza, who has been accused and prosecuted for sexual abuse?


What will happen to the mayor of La Matanza? Will he continue in office despite the accusation and prosecution for sexual abuse? The worst part is that he receives support from Kicillof.

The Peronist party is supporting him, it's unbelievable! It's a very sensitive issue; they should support the condemnation and his removal from office.

The Peronist party is supporting him, it's unbelievable! It's a very sensitive issue; they should support the condemnation and his removal from office.

What the hell is wrong with that party.
The Peronist party is supporting him, it's unbelievable! It's a very sensitive issue; they should support the condemnation and his removal from office.

I would expect nothing less from a corrupt group of people.
This guy is getting more and more entangled, although he's trying to downplay everything and seeking allies to defend him... the audio recordings incriminating him.

Despite the sexual abuse allegations against him, the mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza, received strong support from Buenos Aires Peronism to continue as president of the Argentine Federation of Municipalities. It is incredible and outrageous that this man continues to receive support from his political party; not only do they fail to punish him, but they also reward him.
