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Newcomer What would it be like to live in Buenos Aires earning dollars?

How can you be "tight" with $1200 in a country where the minimum wage is $190? 🤣🤣🤣

Even if you're paying rent in an upscale area, driving a brand new car, and eating out every day, you won't be "tight" with $1200 in Argentina.

In this post, it seems like not living in a country club in a four-story house with a barbecue area and owning a SW4 is considered indigence, haha.
It depends if you come to live or to go for a walk, if you come to live, a rent in the capital is quite expensive, but still with that money you manage well, I earn about 900 dollars a month and we live like kings with my girlfriend (I should clarify that we both work and we don't have children). Now, if you come for a trip with that kind of money you can buy the Pampa at the very least 🤣
It's not how much you earn but how much you spend. Much depends on what level of living you live. For sure it's far more than the locals make but most locals live far beneath the means of foreigners/tourists.
My friend is there now for the past few months and she goes out to eat a lot and stays in nice Airbnb's and her budget is about $2,700 USD per month she said. She said if she cut back her spending on restaurants she could get it down to about $2,000 USD per month.
All depends on how nice of a place you have and location. By far the biggest expense is rent. I am spending about $1,900 US a month including rent, dining out and everything else. That includes my US cellphone plan. I checked into maybe getting insurance but it is getting expensive now so I am avoiding it.
My friend is there now for the past few months and she goes out to eat a lot and stays in nice Airbnb's and her budget is about $2,700 USD per month she said. She said if she cut back her spending on restaurants she could get it down to about $2,000 USD per month.
Your friend must dine out a lot. If so, yes it can add up quickly. Also, when my friends come in town they all take an Uber or taxi everywhere they go. Even if it's not far. That is ok if you're here 1 week but if you take multiple Ubers each day it adds up quick even though they are affordable.

Much of your budget depends how nice your rental apartment is. That will make or break you, IMHO.