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What's the world coming to? Can't a guy kiss his girlfriend on live TV? Why do they hate me?

You heard it here first 8 years of Javier Milei as President and then 8 years of Karina Milei.

And why not ? If they dont rob us like CFK and her cronies , I am fine with it. In any case they will only get reelected if they are doing something right...
I totally agree. As long as they aren't robbing us blind like CFK and her crew all is good. I'm willing to be patient and we will know in a few months if this is working. But to me it doesn't matter because I KNOW in my heart that things are already going better than if Massa got elected.
Fatima get tired of Milei. Soon Argentine people will also want to break up with Milei.

Apparently the reasons for the separation are already known, Fatima could not stand to be limited so much in terms of her private life, her social networks, what to upload, what to post, what to do and what not to do, all of that overwhelmed her...etc.

"Fátima arrived in Miami on April 8. A transfer is going to pick her up and they take her to Hollywood Beach, to a private apartment. She didn't like that apartment and a conflict begins," Matías Vázquez began narrating.

"On Tuesday he goes shopping at a mall and receives a call from Milei's leadership. They tell him not to make posts, not to make publications or stories about his movements in Miami . They are limiting his life ," he continued

Finally, an attitude from Fátima caused discomfort in the economist's environment. "On Wednesday she meets with the president. They had the tribute for the Holocaust. That's where the conflict begins. A story that Fátima Florez uploaded, where you can see the Chief, Karina Milei, Milei and her. She intercedes with a kiss and a hug to the president . That was not liked because that act was protocol. That was a breaking point. On Thursday, they agreed to the announcement he made on Friday," he concluded.
