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Newcomer Why are imported products so expensive here?


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I just bought a Nivea lip balm, and it was 64% more expensive than in the UK. Imported goods seem really pricey here. Does anyone know why they cost so much and who’s benefiting from this? I thought Milei was going to fix these issues, but it seems to be getting worse.😒
During my third visit to Argentina, I found myself pinching pennies on random things. Seriously, how are people affording all those local shops and eating out? It feels like there must be a lot of established wealth around that isn’t bothered by the price hikes. I’m here on an American salary, and home goods stores are so expensive! How are people managing a $17 lunch? It feels like being back in Seattle. Groceries are still reasonable, but I'm puzzled by how so many people are spending money.
I’m genuinely amused by how these so-called "liberals" keep repeating “it will take time” while ignoring that things are only getting worse. It’s as if they're in denial or suffering from some kind of cognitive dissonance. Their constant refrain seems to be more of a coping mechanism than a realistic response to the worsening situation.
During my third visit to Argentina, I found myself pinching pennies on random things. Seriously, how are people affording all those local shops and eating out? It feels like there must be a lot of established wealth around that isn’t bothered by the price hikes. I’m here on an American salary, and home goods stores are so expensive! How are people managing a $17 lunch? It feels like being back in Seattle. Groceries are still reasonable, but I'm puzzled by how so many people are spending money.
My friends there that are American say the same thing all the time. I don't think people buy as much junk like we do in the U.S. I have to admit I buy junk on Amazon almost every day.
I just bought a Nivea lip balm, and it was 64% more expensive than in the UK. Imported goods seem really pricey here. Does anyone know why they cost so much and who’s benefiting from this? I thought Milei was going to fix these issues, but it seems to be getting worse.😒
Argentina has a ton of import taxes and remember that everything has 21% IVA tax on it. Things here are many times 2X or sometimes even 3X the price depending on what it is. You're not going to see the same things the same price as back in the US or Europe. I don't think you will ever see that. Plus, owners of stores mark things up tremendously.
The era of affordable prices in Argentina seems to be over. Even though I appreciate Milei and his government, if they move forward with dollarization, we might see prices rise initially before they eventually drop.
I’m not sure where you went, but yesterday I went to a Farma Plus branch for some products, and it cost me 3,300 ARS. I’ve seen that the same items are much more expensive on Mercado Libre.

The era of affordable prices in Argentina seems to be over. Even though I appreciate Milei and his government, if they move forward with dollarization, we might see prices rise initially before they eventually drop.
I don't know if we will ever see dollarization. It doesn't seem like we are any closer today vs. when he took over. I am thankful that inflation has gone down but dollarization doesn't seem to be in the cards.

As far as Mercado Libre, prices there are often times marked way up. People will buy it and sometimes just resell it for up to double. But many are lazy and don't want to go around to the stores to see.