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Why have there been so many cases of workplace violence lately?


Recently, there was an incident at a hair salon in Recoleta, which ended with an employee being murdered, and now another has occurred at a gourmet bar in Montserrat. In general, people seem to be highly agitated lately, but nothing justifies this level of violence. The bar owner mentioned that the person who was attacked had been having problems with the employees for some time and that others had suffered harassment from him. The attacker, in this case, was a pastry chef who reacted. This raises the question: why didn't the bar owner fire the person who was harassing the rest of the staff, especially the women? Additionally, the owner claimed that there is a nice work environment there, which I found amusing.

Yes, regarding the murder of the hairdresser, it was recently revealed that the killer harbored hate and resentment towards his coworker. The victim had sent a video to the salon's WhatsApp group, warning about the use of formaldehyde for hair straightening, a practice that is absolutely prohibited by the Ministry of Health. Apparently, this was a practice used by Guzmán, the murderer. This drove him crazy, ultimately leading him to kill his coworker. Crazy!

Crazy crazy. I always joke that the locals all have a bit of crazy in them. All the guys I have dated here have a little crazy in them.
Very tough times now. Stress causings many issues and problems. When you have no money to eat or pay rent you have nothing to lose.
Apparently, they were driving around the streets of Belgrano at 2 am. What's notable is that these were affluent guys. Journalists referred to them as "chetos," a common term here for people of high economic status. Fortunately, they were arrested on Juramento Street. The journalists say these "chetos" are pro-Nazi and despise poor people. This seems to have been happening for a few months.
Yes it is horrible here in California. I read about that incident in SF. Just terrible. We are getting protests and violence at UCLA and other campuses. The amount of hostility and violence going on right now is worrysome.

Remember that woman who got on the bus and told the rest of the people traveling to pay her bus ticket because they voted for Milei, blaming them for the increase in transportation costs? Crazy woman... she kept shouting, "We're free now, right?"

Remember that woman who got on the bus and told the rest of the people traveling to pay her bus ticket because they voted for Milei, blaming them for the increase in transportation costs? Crazy woman... she kept shouting, "We're free now, right?"

Is it just me or do Argentines like conflict? I find overall people here aren't nearly as nice as in Mexico. Maybe it's the poor economy but overall people are much friendlier and warmer in Mexico vs. here.