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Why is Javier Milei spending more on Argentina’s army?


Well-known member
What is the general local consensus there on the government wanting to increase military spending? I can't imagine the appetite is high for that when there are so many other economic issues, recession and vetoing the pension increase. Can't imagine that will be an easy sell!

No one wants this military build up except a very small percentage of people. It is not necessary or needed when so many people are starving. Argentina is the only country in Latin America with a contracting economy and they want to spend 2% of GDP on military!

I haven't spoken to anyone that supports building up the military here. I would have to believe it's a tough sell.
No one wants this military build up except a very small percentage of people. It is not necessary or needed when so many people are starving. Argentina is the only country in Latin America with a contracting economy and they want to spend 2% of GDP on military!

For once I agree with you @Larry. No hay plata for all this $$$$ they wanted to spend on the military.