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Newcomer Will the locals in Buenos Aires turn on expats or foreigners if the economy gets very bad with hyperinflation

Certain acquaintances who are familiar with you might jest, saying things like "If you've got dollars, you've got no worries," but it's all in good humor, without any intention of making threats. However, your landlord might not show leniency when it comes to raising the rent, and your café waiter may anticipate a larger tip, among other expectations.
I posted about about negative sentiment but I had dinner with my aunt and uncle last night and they told me about them converting the apartment they owned for 20 years to an Airbnb rental. They are very happy! They rented for 2 months and they said they will make the same as 7 months in their old peso rent now they will make USD. They LOVE tourists.

I asked them about this very question and they said they and all their friends are thankful for all the foreigners spending money in Argentina. They realize that we can't pull ourselves out of this mess. We will need help from foreigners, tourists, your governments.
Did you check out the old forum? There is a similar post as this one and members of the old forum are trying to figure out which one of them is posting on this new forum under different names. It's so comical. I just read one guy saying he thinks his post is so important he wants to get a copyright infringement! LOL. That is so hilarious. People think their posts are so vital!

They don't even know that many posters are posting here under different names because of the owner of that websites strange moderation policies and actions. Can you imagine someone named Billy Bob Hotdogs going to a judge and saying, I want my post copyright-protected talking about price of hot dogs! Ha. It's beyond hilarious.

I guess the lesson in all of this is probably if the owner of the old forum wasn't so strange about moderating posts he disagreed with, then there would only be one forum. Will be interesting (and funny) to see how this all plays out.

Pass the popcorn!
Did you check out the old forum? There is a similar post as this one and members of the old forum are trying to figure out which one of them is posting on this new forum under different names. It's so comical. I just read one guy saying he thinks his post is so important he wants to get a copyright infringement! LOL. That is so hilarious. People think their posts are so vital!

They don't even know that many posters are posting here under different names because of the owner of that websites strange moderation policies and actions. Can you imagine someone named Billy Bob Hotdogs going to a judge and saying, I want my post copyright-protected talking about price of hot dogs! Ha. It's beyond hilarious.

I guess the lesson in all of this is probably if the owner of the old forum wasn't so strange about moderating posts he disagreed with, then there would only be one forum. Will be interesting (and funny) to see how this all plays out.

Pass the popcorn!
I saw that post. I actually like that Ronnie Hotdog guy's posts. They are very funny. That post about Seinfelt was classic!

Can someone please post one of Ronnie Hotdogs post so we can see some more drama? I have only been in Buenos Aires 1 month but this is very funny.
Did you check out the old forum? There is a similar post as this one and members of the old forum are trying to figure out which one of them is posting on this new forum under different names. It's so comical. I just read one guy saying he thinks his post is so important he wants to get a copyright infringement! LOL. That is so hilarious. People think their posts are so vital!

They don't even know that many posters are posting here under different names because of the owner of that websites strange moderation policies and actions. Can you imagine someone named Billy Bob Hotdogs going to a judge and saying, I want my post copyright-protected talking about price of hot dogs! Ha. It's beyond hilarious.

I guess the lesson in all of this is probably if the owner of the old forum wasn't so strange about moderating posts he disagreed with, then there would only be one forum. Will be interesting (and funny) to see how this all plays out.

Pass the popcorn!
I saw that and laughed as well. Imagine going to a judge and saying, I post as Ronnie Hotdogs on the old forum. And someone is posting as Bobbie Burgers on the new forum. Please copyright my post that I posted to help people on Buenos Aires. Then the judge says, "but you can't sign your petition as Ronnie Hotdogs". Then the judge says, how do you prove that you're Ronnie Hotdogs?

The entire episode is funny. Yes, please someone post of of the Hotdog guy's posts. I love that guy.
I don't know all the drama of the old forum and the new forum but can we get back on topic of this post? I notice the prices are going up. I buy the same fruits and vegetables every day and I feel prices going up. Not drastically but it's steady to the point I can notice them. I don't blame this on the President as I think inflation was going to happen no matter what. For as much as I love Buenos Aires many things are messed up here.

I am so amazed everyone locally isn't robbing stores or breaking into stores. The relative calm. I lived in San Francisco and it's like the zombie apocalypse downtown. Hotels are all just walking away from leases as they feel it's hopeless. Argentina has 150% inflation and it's fairly calm.

I read a post on Twitter where @earlyretirement posted Milei may regret winning. That may be true. I think I read online that Milei mentioned inflation was running around 1% per DAY. That is scarey.
I don't know all the drama of the old forum and the new forum but can we get back on topic of this post? I notice the prices are going up. I buy the same fruits and vegetables every day and I feel prices going up. Not drastically but it's steady to the point I can notice them. I don't blame this on the President as I think inflation was going to happen no matter what. For as much as I love Buenos Aires many things are messed up here.

I am so amazed everyone locally isn't robbing stores or breaking into stores. The relative calm. I lived in San Francisco and it's like the zombie apocalypse downtown. Hotels are all just walking away from leases as they feel it's hopeless. Argentina has 150% inflation and it's fairly calm.

I read a post on Twitter where @earlyretirement posted Milei may regret winning. That may be true. I think I read online that Milei mentioned inflation was running around 1% per DAY. That is scarey.
I too am amazed how locals just are used to this madness and relatively calm. But also almost everyone goes to shrinks too! So there is that! They need to so they can cope with life which is stressful.

It seems like political suicide to try to right the ship in Argentina. You may be correct about Milei regret winning.
I too am amazed how locals just are used to this madness and relatively calm. But also almost everyone goes to shrinks too! So there is that! They need to so they can cope with life which is stressful.

It seems like political suicide to try to right the ship in Argentina. You may be correct about Milei regret winning.
I think Argentina was in for hard times no matter who won. If Massa won it would be worse and more of the same and Argentina never fixed. Yeah, he might have gotten hung out to dry but probably another Peronista waiting in the wings. If Milei fails then it will probably go back to K's control and doesn't matter. Seems like the K's will do what they do best and hope for the country to fail so they can pilage what they haven't pillaged yet.

But hey, no matter which side won this discount on beef was probably going to be announced for the holidays anyways. - https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economi...acuna-con-rebajas-de-hasta-un-40-nid15122023/
Whatever you think is expensive here. Try finding the same thing in the USA in a major metropolitan city. Especially look on the West Coast and you will have the sticker SHOCK of your life. We went there over Thanksgiving break and it is crazy how expensive things are there.
Whatever you think is expensive here. Try finding the same thing in the USA in a major metropolitan city. Especially look on the West Coast and you will have the sticker SHOCK of your life. We went there over Thanksgiving break and it is crazy how expensive things are there.
You can't complain at all YET. I have a feeling you WILL be complaining soon. But what did you expect? This would be much much worse under the other President. Hyperinflation was going to set in if he won. I don't think Argentina has any easy solutions.

Even this isn't for everyone. As I read it with Google Translate it's only for 4 supermarket chains. ALL the other stores can mark up as much as they want. those 4 chains only have a bit over 28% of the consumption. Ouch.
I buy the same fruits and vegetables every day and I feel prices going up. Not drastically but it's steady to the point I can notice them. I don't blame this on the President as I think inflation was going to happen no matter what.
sure, but how is this different than from March to December all this year? couldn't you write that on any day in 2023? i suppose what i'm asking is, if prices are going up but the Blue Dollar or MEP is going up commensurately, why is this suddenly a new trend in this forum?